The 3 Worst Things That Have Ever Come To DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. Owl Devoted Player

    1. Toyman missions that transform you into a Toy robot
    2. Original Valentine event that transformed you into either a Cherub or an Imp
    3. Home Turf missions that transform you into a Robot or Hazmat worker with a fixed loadout
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  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    1. WM: Added more limitations for our characters concept, more unbalance and more FOTM weapons. Basicly everybody is using DW and HB. I hate it with passion.
    2. Trilogy DLCs: I got this way devs have excuses to rehash content and scenarios but I dont think we should have 3 recurrent open trilogy DLCs going on. Maybe 1 and then mix it with standalone DLC every now and then. We in the middle and I'm already sick of lanterns and Circe. Give me Atlantis, LOA, Green Arrow & Black Canary, Titans DLCs...
    3. Not having new hairstyles yet. This is beyond me. Never got updated. I hate it. I want some new!
  3. Vyse New Player

    And here I was half expecting the first post to be 'Circe' :p

    But seriously I agree with your post except for the first one. When all the pvp maps were available sometimes I would wait for an hour plus for a queue to pop on the map I wanted to play.

    It sucks when the map you want isn't in the current rotation but it beats the alternative imo. I remember some days when queues would be so long that I would probably play two matches and call it a night =/
  4. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    It was fine when it acted as a cherry on top kinda thing. It's now a problem, due to it becoming a necessity.

    Expert Mods:
    The most needless thing ever. I STILL don't understand the logic behind making regular mods completely and utterly redundant.

    The Treatment of Fire:
    Disgustingly bad

    The conception of the current Business Model:
    Disgustingly bad

    *Mods and Expert mods are connected so I still have basically 3 worst things
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  5. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    OC (& elitism)
    resetting instances (ppl spamming new stuff so fast they'll be crying bored again in a month)
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  6. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    agree on HT with alts..& ppl overly rely on em.
  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I really don't like the negative thread idea, but if I had to pick three, I'd say the ability to replay content for rewards in pve, new dlcs extending gear stats, open-world portions of operations (versus like the oolong portion of Intergang ... laggy, spread your group to do their own thing, open for cross-faction griefing, strong npcs that have to be kept away from people levelling in open world anyhow).
  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    1. Replay badges( allowed players to level up quick and ruined the MMO grind)
    2. Role less buffs ( created an imbalance in roles and encouraged more dps play)
    3. Synthetic mods( created a rift in the balance of players and helped new players get to endgame content, thus rising the kick rate)
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  9. Giggles Loyal Player

    1. The gear ladder that t5 introduced.

    2. The gear ladder that t5 introduced.

    3. The gear ladder that t5 introduced.

    Personally, progression was way better in the t1-t3 era of this game. I hate luck based progression, its just a cheap way to sell replays. It also makes all of our effort to earn each of the gear sets in t5-current era useless when the set is replaced 3 months later with something better in the following DLC. Don't even get me started on how polluted the loot tables are now with things that are completely useless to us. :)
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  10. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    1. Whinng
    2. whining
    3. WHINING
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  11. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    Origin Crisis - Created a divide that still exists

    Weapon Mastery - Too powerful, too soon

    Questionable/foolish alterations - Everyone has their own opinions on this........
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  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Really guys, what's your problem? No matter if it's mods or the mainframe: both are just another grind besides the equipment grind most of you seem to enjoy soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Does it really matter where to spend your marks? If you really want to get rid of this, remove the repetitive gameplay approach (which is kinda generic in all MMOs). Just cap at T7 or T7 expert (depending on how far in advance the devs have planned for the upcoming DLCs already) and have further DLCs use stat-clamping and scaling rewards, flesh out all existing tiers with more and more content so the "grind" goes away from the game -> done.

    There is IMO just one really bad idea the devs had: open world operations. Those put lag and extra system stress in areas where it is completely unnecessary, even up to the point where new players get bothered/hindered while leveling up. They could be turned into instanced alerts or raids instead and it would be win/win for both the players running it and the players being in the open world area that would be affected by it if not instanced (the way it is now).

    Another bad idea was the art update for the PS3 - we still habe bugs from that around and it was over a year ago. But that's a general quality problem, not part of the conception. So really: go stat-clamp to remove the "grind" feeling, move open world operations to instances and it's a big step towards the right direction. Well, SOE Daybreak would sell less replay badges, but....
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  13. iSmashly New Player

    I couldn't have been drunk, my drink was all over the floor. I didn't get the chance to drink it.
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  14. HazeTA New Player

    Replay badges were the worst thing to ever happen to this game.
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  15. Oriole New Player

    lol the funny thing is Ive beaten ppl at CR 100 with a lvl 12 and they fought hard granted Ive played for years but still I win around 60-65% of the time I'm not that good I wish they made PvP CR matter or whats the point of having it there
  16. Lantern Azure Black Committed Player

    You're totally entitled to your opinion, but so am I. (^_^)

    Seems like you hate that MMOs are games that require grinding and time spent to really get anywhere. From someone that enjoys games that let you see progress in the amount of time and effort you put into it...Mods and Home Turf/Mainframe are some of the best additions to DCUO.

    Can't wait for similar additions.

    Oh, and as far as PvP goes...I do it just for the style feats. LOL! PvP's a headache.
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  17. Circe New Player

    I don't hate it per say, but between gear, mods, and Mainframe that all get replaced/go away so easily it is discouraging.

    Not everyone has the time to go after all of that, and not everyone wants to.

    Right now I am grinding - grinding for the new Circe style in the rare style vendor. I am doing all the T6 solos, duos, and alerts I have access to at CR 100. Styles you get to keep forever, and that Circe style is beautiful.
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  18. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    With regards to modding I could not disagree mor. IMO modding has added diversity to the game. For instance trolls may focus on Dom in their mods or health. Same with tanks. DPS may go precision or might based, or balanced. Modding has allowed us to CRAFT our abilities more to our liking. My observation is that most people who are against modding simply dislike farming exobits. Synthetics are the answer to that.
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  19. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    This is very true. Grinding is a core element of any MMO. People already complain that they are bored and that there is nothing to do. Imagine if there was nothing to grind for! In an MMO the crafting of your character is SUPPOSED to be time consuming and ongoing. MMOS are for the patient player.
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  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    I agree that the versatility of stats is positive and the farming is one of the negatives. It's not only a dislike of farming exobits. It's the structure of it all. The mods keep costing more exobits but your capacity to earn exobits doesn't scale too. So then there's recovery kits to help but those are at a loss and will still lead you back to farming unless you pull money out of pocket for total recovery kits.

    And all that isn't so bad if it wasn't for one thing: the gear structure in DLCs. If you're in 97 gear, it's a bummer to start getting 98 gear and have a tough choice between modding it or just not wearing it at all because unmodded 98 < modded 97. Of course there is synthetics, but if you're planning on using your marks for actually buying 99 gear then synthetics set you back on that. Of course then there's the 99 gear with that same modding challenge. Then there're the 100 gear. Then there's the 101 gear.

    Even if you are modding those sets because you can, there's the hassle of plans. If you don't have all the best plans, you're either going around asking people to make mods for you or you're modding with second-rate plans. Even that's not so bad to do once but over and over between 98, 99, 100 and 101 sounds like a drag.

    For me, it's all just a minor blemish against the excitement of a new DLC and getting new gear. I get past it. I buy a load of total recovery kits every 3 month. That does make it better for me. But then the annoyance of the plans (as I mentioned) bums me back out. I hate asking "Can anyone craft XZY?" Nobody's online that can. Or they're in an instance. I feel like a pester. Then there's mailing all the materials. Nowadays the mail can't even accept all the materials in one email. It's just a hassle.
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