/tell You have been kicked

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by zen, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. zen New Player

    Hey, bit of a n00b question.. (I did have a look around but couldn't find an answer)
    Is there a shortcut key for /tell's? (E.G. /r = /reply)

    I hurriedly replied to someone while in battle using F4 and accidentally disbanded them from our League... GaH!

    It seems odd and a little dangerous to have these things so close in the menu.

  2. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    /r is the way to respond to tells, yes. Hope you told that guy "sorry" a bunch.
  3. Zozame New Player

    I keep leaving my league after I want to leave my group that a level 5 has invited me to. I do not think there are any shortcut keys.
  4. Rush New Player

    You guys what ?