Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Mepps, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Ascended Well-Known Player

    The interactive League Hall sized table of course, and I agree with more base NPC's and storm clouds. More environmental effects in general, really, but storm clouds, maybe with a little lightning now and then, would be great. And I dont even need the NPC's to be iconic characters (though it'd be nice). They can be nameless doctors, soldiers, random people, whatever.

    More vehicles, of any and all kinds. No matter what kind of vehicle you make, odds are I'll find a use for a dozen of them.

    And this might not be the discussion for it, but would it be possible to remove a base item from your list and get the item back? I've bought a bunch of things that ended up being bigger/smaller than I thought and didn't work in my base but would look great in a League Hall. And there's been a few items I wish I had given to a different alt. It'd be nice if I could go onto the marketplace and fix the mistake. I've got a time sphere I'm not even displaying in a base that I wish I had donated to the Hall instead. :)
  2. Shattered_Past Well-Known Player

    While definitely not the proper spot to question (and probably already in the works.) Will we be obtaining the additional room layout for past past Base Themes (Dive, Tech, Gothic, Bunker, etc.), much like the new Atlantean and Brainiac Base Themes? In other words, that extra hallway leading to a high-roofed area?
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  3. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    Sunstone theme
  4. AncientSpirit Active Player

    I like to see more base items designed to work well with each lair theme. What do you expect to find when someone lives in a sewer? What about a penthouse? Or any of the other lair themes we have.
  5. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    some things i would be absolutely giddy to see with episode 34 being a mystical magic themed episode of some kind: the purple brazier flames from the leaked boss room image/circe content, trigon's large bone and antler door (preferably if it swings open too), regular sized openable interactive doors from trigon/sons content, EVERYTHING from mannheim's chinese theater from the dragon pillars to the wall art and blue glass chandelier at the end to the plants, the cosmic space splotches caused by avatar of magic/faceless one when they apparate/teleport as floor/ceiling skin patches.
  6. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    Can we get something like the Henry Cavill armory in Man of steel 2013 my solution for it right now is to use the Anti matter Portal and Skull and Hide the Tech Armory Behind it rotated to the right so in order to completely conceal it i had to use sunstone modules and crystals
  7. Brit Loyal Player

    In Trigon's battle room from Unholy Matrimony, he has some of the "Large Cage" base items that are suspended from the ceiling on chains, instead of placed on the floor. Could we get these as ceiling slot items?

    Also, I would like to see a Detective style stringboard.
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  8. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    now that i've realized that we have the thorn portal from silent school...............i feel it was a missed opportunity not to have red thorn burst base items as plants. just a stationary version of the thorn bursts as they appear from the golem/floor in silent school.
  9. Eve YouTuber

    This as base item for Halloween next year;
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  10. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    i was hoping they'd get around to trigon stuff last year for halloween XD. imagine the eyeballs from the tunnel duo or a whole fancy dining room table with skeletons sitting at the chairs? that and some doors that can be opened or even just open by themselves. and maybe a version of circe's throne that can be sat in.
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  11. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    Made a thread on this, but decided to also post it here too, I would love to see more league hall size base items, and more size variations (like regular base size, medium, large/league hall) sizes

    I think we should see more league size versions of majority of base items
    - Larger full oak trees (the ones in WT Agricultural room) includes other trees
    - League Hall size statues (big like AF3, E3 ones etc) statues from classic game, other small episode statues
    - Larger Tech screens (we have some big ones)
    - Larger walls/dividers, arches/gates
    - If possible, larger floor masses (grass, water, sand & other floor covers)

    For currency on them, I think MoV or designated episode currency/seasonal currency would be ideal, 10-15 currency for individual. Vendor could be near league hall teleporter

    From my thread, majosea also mentioned to do a league hall base item box, 25 base items for 100 specified currency too.
    Other add ons from myandria,
    -More League Hall sized portraits, landscapes, loading screen pictures and comic posters.
    -Floating stairs and tiles/floor panels that link so we can make a second floor in the larger, more open areas.
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  12. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    Also more placement space in the league halls ;) As well a broker that could be placed in League hall:cool:
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  13. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I would die for the base item cap to be raised, it’s needed now that ps3 is gone (if ps3 was holding it back I don’t remember)
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  14. recoil2 Dedicated Player

  15. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    the skull and candle shrine would be especially festive for halloween.
  16. ExobyteBurt Dedicated Player


    Otherworldly / surreal base items that make you think of the supernatural, phantoms, and Alice in Wonderland.
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  17. omegahawk74 Committed Player

    First off I would love to have really bigger bases. Secondly one of the reasons for this as for the simple fact it would be awesome to start having some statues of the superheroes like poison ivy Harley Quinn Wonder Woman Corey and so forth.
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  18. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this, we need some more bizarre/other dimensional stuff like: patches of starry space, chairs and stuff that stick to walls and ceilings, more unexplainably floating things like the antimatter rocks, ghosts like gentleman ghost (in a chair reading a christmas carol preferably) and the spectre shades from open world/lair of the spectre, hedge mazes etc.
  19. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    speaking of the odd and bizarre and other about more book items like the atlantean table/desk and arcane podium where the books are readable and have forbidden/necronomicon type stuff in them? like the pictures of deep sea fish skeletons/skulls and writing in atlantean. there'd be something interesting.
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  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    With animated glyphs and "magic" floating off the pages.
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