T3 armor is too expensive

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rafael Reese, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I agree with the OP, but only because of the MoT costs associated with keeping up a few base upgrades - add in the belts and you do pretty much have to regularly farm alerts and duos. The weekly raids and monthly boxes won't get you there alone.

    It's not that it isn't doable, it's just a recipie for burnout and bad for the community imho. Of course the alternative would be to lower the reqs on utility belt and base upgrades.
  2. Darkness New Player

    Nah, I think you need to grind and work your way to the top, even if you work towards rental stuff. The rewards should be for those who play and grind and farm the most, not those who just casually plays and expects to be on top.

    It's like SP farming, sure you can do by having ~90 SPs but those who work and grinded to get to 130+ SP gets an advantage, unnecessary content-wise but still adds to the stats and makes things a bit easier.
  3. Stamen Dedicated Player

    But I think we're all kind of forgetting, when we did the grind for T3 armor using MoK, we didn't have any rental marks we had to earn too. Imagine going back to the FoS grinds knowing that every MoK you earned or piece of armor you bought had to share time with your base upgrades and utility belt slots. Not to mention the consumables one might want to make.

    Imagine running the FoS raids and only being able to put 1/2 that number to your actual armor upgrades. That's about where we're at imho.
  4. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Well, except for the part where if I get my kill 5000 reapers feat, I don't then have to go out again next month and do it again :)

    As far as the marks of triumph cost for T3 is concerned, I don't see a problem. With Central City and Shady Nightclub gear (plus modifications) they've given us the opportunity to completely skip T3 gear if we want. I think its a fair compromise.
  5. DrewCheech New Player

    I have to disagree, it's not like sp farming really. Getting T3 armor is not an advantage, it's necessary to access more of the game. You can do this with 50sp, or 100sp, doesn't matter.
    And I don't think the OP, or anyone else on the boat are "casual players looking to be on top". I'm sure there are those out there, but I don't think that's the case here.
    The case here, are the people who are lucky if they get to turn there ps3's on twice in a given week. But bear in mind, those two times are totally dedicated to DCUO. I speak for myself when I say the little time I get to play doesn't just go to bettering my own toon. Anyone in my league in low levels who needs a hand up will always get my help, cause it was always there when I needed it.
    So yes, the T3 prices are hard to swallow.
    There are those who have the time and invest it, and there are those who don't have the time, but still invest what little they can.
  6. Darkness New Player

    But once you get a full T3 armor, you don't have to go get them again either. Again if you want the extra feat, come back later when MoTs becomes chump change.
  7. Darkness New Player

    I am talking accomplishment-wise but a full T3 really isn't necessary either if think about it, you can skip a few of those pieces and move to T4. I did and got full T4 before going back to get a full T4 for the feat and getting close to getting the second set for my off role for again just feats. I could have gotten it already if I really grinded and worked for but I am not, I am just playing casually here and there and getting up there in both MoW and MoTs.

    It really is just not fair for those who worked and grinded to get those gears for months and months and just to lower it to make it cheaper for those who doesn't have time to play, the game isn't and shouldn't be designed that way. Players with more time progress faster and get some advantage for the work while those who doesn't shouldn't, really simple as that.
  8. DrewCheech New Player

    Your last sentence sums it up really well. I think I'm just mad I don't have more time to play. I've been playing since the game went F2P. I'm premium myself, and I finally got to run FOS1 for the first time the other night, and it was like being a kid and seing disney world for the first time it was amazing. And seeing how epic the T3 suits look, then seeing the price, was a downer :(
    Not gonna stop me from working toward it, just a downer
  9. Deviant New Player

    I have a job, and children and only play a couple of hours a night. I patently ran the weekly FOS Raids when it used to cost Marks Of Krypton and there was no luxury of Replays. It took a while, but I eventually got to full T3.

    Seems nowadays with everything costing MoT, you have way more options to gain Marks for T3 gear. You can't use real life as excuse as I and many other's have proven it's possible.
  10. Darkness New Player

    To be honest, consider yourself lucky to feel that way about FOS, most just shrugged it off now like they 1-man it. Trust me, those who get to the top first (via replay badges to get the best gears on the first day/week) will get bored quick. You still have something to look forward to and I think that is good, most full T4 players doesn't and are just hanging to the devs/GMs words and posts for possible hints on the next DLC and that is where their excitement is at, not actually jumping in the game and playing for hours on out.
  11. CrashTest Dummy New Player

    Now i understand it's the whole idea to waste time playing this game forever by grinding alerts/raids to get marks for better gear upgrades, this game does nothing for accounts that have multiple alts/toons. i like variety. created a bunch of different power/weapon/morality spec'd toons (over 50 on 2 Legend accounts). Many players often boast they ONLY play 1 toon now, due to the whole progression factor...working for nothing and getting nowhere. This game use to be fun prior to 30lv, the sense of progression is like a pat on the back...golden! Grinding feels like a hustle. At any rate, how about developing a Market item, that allows toons on account to receive any Marks obtained. ie: 1 toon gets 25 MoTs, then all toons on accounts get 25 MoTs. The only players that want to keep the price of gear as is, are the uber elite who like being Gods amongst mortals. Imagine it this way - if more players can progress with gear upgrades faster, developers will have a better audience for future 'high level content'. Players too will be able to que into missions better, because there will be more powerful players. that might just kick ol' boredom out the window.
  12. EzioNight New Player

    Each set of t3 is worth 20,000 marks.
  13. FlipsTips New Player

    God no, I feel like this whole argument is just an excuse for people to avoid putting effort into their characters. For pete sakes, all these arguments are from people who want to everything handed to them, with contributing no effort on their part. Can I ask you something? What would be the point in this game if everything was handed to you? Sure you'd be able to progress faster if you could get the gear you needed easily, but what's the point when you'd just want everything from high level content to be handed to you? Oh, something that requires effort! OH NO, RUN, ITS HARD! ITS TIME CONSUMING! JUST GIVE ME IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO PUT EFFORT INTO IT!
  14. Alpha Well-Known Player

    Hell no. Do you have any idea how long it took us older players to get one piece of t3 when all we had was fos1? Earn your way to it you have many ways to get triumphs everyday. We had to wait a full week to play one raid to get marks for that gear.
  15. CiaraDevnet New Player

    wow... 3K marks isn't that exspensive. the gear is suppose to take a while to get. Thats the nature of mmo. try playing an mmo where u didn't earn tokens to buy gear, you hard ti farm it and hope u get lucky. A full set of artifact armor rank 2 in ff11 before the cap increase took about 6 mnths to get if ur lucky and the only one who is rolling on it (which was rare). i chalk this up to ppl not getting that mmo are about time sinks. it keepins u playing if u got all ur gear in a week. You run out of stuff to do. Dcuo don;t have much content itslvl to 30, get feats, get gear to get gear to get gear. thats really it and most of that takes a mnth.

    if ur a casual gamer it shouldn't be a shock that it will take u longer to do stuff. I really am tired of ppl who play less trying to dicate the game content :/. ur just making it so us (those who can play longer) get it much faster causing us to run outa stuff to do faster.

    mmo NEED loong term goals.
  16. Capeo75 New Player

    Just skip T3. It's easy enough. Modded CC armor or the armor that drops from T3 stuff gets you to 70.
  17. Binary Zero Active Player

    I wouldn't mind a discount of the T3 pieces when the next DLC with Tier 5 pieces comes out. I wouldn't like to hit a progress wall after T2 and just bash for days and maybe even weeks to get over the CR 70 sweet spot, just to do it again for T4 and above.

    Long term goals all good and fine, but not at the cost of keeping the old requirements for newer players, discouraging them.
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Either that, or the community needs to take a long hard look at what's actually needed in terms of those upgrades. :D

    I've unlocked a few of the mainframe basics on characters, depending on what would help them best (some get the supply drop, others the death beam, and so on) and shore up any weaknesses I see. But even with as helpful as those unlocks have been at times, I've never really felt the need to go into boost territory. It would most likely make the content I'm running easier, but if I can do the content with those unlocks at the basic level (or even without using them) then the actual need for the boost level stuff is questionable to me. The same goes for the utility belt stuff; it would be handy to have but I haven't felt the need for it.

    And this is all with characters that are slightly undergeared for the content I'm running and definitely under what most would consider an acceptable number of skill points. There are times that I struggle with the content and get knocked out a couple times, but I can still complete the content.

    I've got nothing against someone wanting to max out a character and have their character be at the top of their game, I completely understand that mind set. But if you can run the top content without the top of the line stuff and the costs seem prohibitive, then maybe it's time to examine what is actually needed.
  19. Miggly Committed Player

    I remember grinding for tier 1-3 and it was what it was. I just don't understand why people are so against it now. Especially, when 1-3 are all MoT and those are so easy to get now. It took a month to get 40 MoK when FOS1 first hit and after all that you could get a back piece or hold out 2 more weeks and get a chest piece.
  20. El Presidente Well-Known Player

    I can see where the OP is coming from. I've done the T3 grind the old way (MoK) and now I'm doing it on an alt with MoT. I fall more into the casual crowd and so I don't really have a ton of time to play every week. When I am on I try to make the most of my time. What I've found is that my progression on my alt has slowed way down compared to what it was for pre-T3 because it takes a while for me to get enough marks for a single piece of armor. It would be nice if they'd lower the price a bit for T3 but it is an MMO and long grinds are in its nature.