Superman Day Celebration Now Live!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. VariableFire Loyal Player

    At least the pieces of content aren't so hard they can't be pugged, despite what some tryhards were fuming about during one of my runs (had a dps complain about a troll and having no healer during fos1...coasted through it anyway). The funniest bit has to be all the people leaving before the Superman Cache drops.

    And we're getting Omnibus credit for these too...or is that a bug?
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  2. metro2k Well-Known Player

    I've completed the three missions, but I haven't received anything new. It seems like there might be an issue with the rewards system.
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    To the devs this event is on the right path of what some of us have been asking for, a reason to go back to old content .. the 2x source marks are nice and the extra reward box is nice too, but it still needs something more ..there’s not enough excitement to run it … the first two or so hours after the world came back up it was easy to get into the raid. With a blind queue, but after that ithe wait time got a lot longer.
    Good job I like the idea but just needs more
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  4. killercomic Dedicated Player

    I got Superman Garland from the cashe, and, I for one, could not be happier.
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  5. Dwein76 New Player

    Veo que para muchos es repetitivo el contenido o loa premios. Como jugador nuevo estoy agradecido. No tenia nada de esto.
  6. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    On behalf of those players that would like to emulate their favorite DC character, could someone please direct us to the SOLO content in this event; like, I dunno, 95% of the characters in the comics that this game is supposed to be based upon?
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey...I figured out what's in the box. It's brown Kryptonite...but it smells pretty bad.

    Wait...what? There's no brown Kryptonite? So what is this thing I picked up in the box?

    Ewwwww. Gross.:mad:
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  8. Brit Lantern Active Player

    What's in the Superman caches and do they cost real/mc funds to open?
  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    They do not cost money, they drop from the featured content for Superman Day (Solo\Duo, Alert, Raid). Open your On Duty and you will see Superman related playlist. You have 3 dailies that drop 1 Cache each. They drop Styles\Base Items\Collections\Cosmetic Pets.
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  10. metro2k Well-Known Player

    For now, I only collected items that I already had, damn.
    couldn't you have included some unseen gifts during the three missions, at least one but new one?

  11. metro2k Well-Known Player

    For now, I only collected items that I already had, damn.
    couldn't you have included some unseen gifts during the three missions, at least one but new one?

  12. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    I wonder if it is possible to add some rewards to Doctor Fate? The randomness of Pets dropping out is incredibly annoying, I got 2 pets on a character on which I absolutely don’t need them... while on a character for whom, according to his personal history, these pets would be very useful... of course they don’t drop out.. .
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  13. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Does the combat pets drop from the Superman caches or from the bosses them self?
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  14. iLazy Well-Known Player

    Anyone I got are from the reward box. So probably only from chests.
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  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    There is ALREADY a Pet Vendor in the Hall of Legends. You know that alien that just looks like a giant, ugly head? Yeah, he sells purchasable versions of the Pets that drop in-game. So if anything, they'll end up there at some point, if we're lucky.
  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Would it be possible to get the new pets to work with the bootility belts?
  17. Ultimus Primus Well-Known Player

    My thoughts on this Superman day event. Mixed. As far as the caches go being that Ive been here forever they are useless to "me" but for new players its like a candy store of goodies. I LOVE the 2x SM on a NEW (different) Raid daily (NOT WEEKLY). makes the spam more enjoyable for "ME". So 50/50 for me, and in "MY" book it is a win. Something new to do daily is great. Hope things like this continue.
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  18. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Well, if you think that I’m talking about these pets, it means you still haven’t received one of the pets added last week (and no, these are not battle pets, these are versions(not exactly, but new versions )of pets that you could once get in SM
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  19. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It sucks these Fortress of Solitude trinket pets aren’t combat ones. I’ve gotten about six of them on one toon and they’re not Account bound so you can’t give them to alts. Unless they’re an accessory I wouldn’t take the time to activate them beside me because they have no use other than cosmetic styles.
  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    "Just for fun" is a thing, I hear. Maybe not at your house, though.