Suggestions that would make DCUO a top MMO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rebornthunder, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Black Wren New Player

    One of the staples of DC is a massive battle against universe altering entity. Like Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis or World War III. In these arcs the are more than 8 heroes fighting a universe altering entity. Unfortunately, because of PS 3 capacity.
  2. Caligulus Committed Player

    Better everything.
  3. Ancient nemesis New Player

    Add a uninstall hot key
  4. Seth Grey New Player

  5. DraOps New Player

    there's so many things i want to see but like others have said the ps3 might hold it back, the ps4 might even hold it back.

    my ideas
    better customization i've suggested this before we should be able to build characters in the mold of villains or heroes like superman you could be exactly like him but you'll have to actually earn all his abilities like heat vision flying and others. better face options better clothing less spandex for me but others like it.

    a new story i think they should ditch the current way we get powers why can't we come from distant planets, have an accident and ended up with powers, or be powerless trying to follow in the footsteps of batman or green arrow.
    instead of mentors let us choose a family of heroes or villians like the bat family or kryptonians superman for heros zod for villians
    missions that actually cater to our family and styles say i'm in the batman family and there's a need to go back up nightwing or batwoman much like your first mission if you mentor is batman

    more places to teleport to and from to further help with our back stories

    better movement styles espically for acrobat what we have now is not the same make what we have now bounding. also if we have a grapple hook let us aim by clicking R3 and aiming it or some other button to make it quick and responsive. more flying animations like others have said for instance one hand out, two hands, or no hands

    a lot more duos, alerts and raids

    better styles iconic and original

    better combat put emphasis on trying to counter someone

    different weapon trees for instance instead of having one handed two handed and dual just let those branch like quick, heavy dual. sword and shield or sword and pistol, same for ranging bow. dual. or crossbow or rifles. having trick arrows would be a bonus

    better color options

    ill post more when i think of more
  6. rival exe New Player

    hehe but I want to be Batman, not Robin. :)
    Now that I think about it I would totally play a Lego MMO.
  7. BigAl Devoted Player

    More beer and wings.
  8. Kharhaz Committed Player

    I would like to see an honour system in place.

    For every 5 scumbags we come across there is one brilliant person who is a joy to play with. Currently the game has one system, Kick, and that's it. However, that doesn't do justice for the one who is kicked. The one who is kicked may well deserve it, but a majority of the time, they don't.

    I would like to see an honour system in place where I could give a thumbs up kind of vote to say "yeah, it was a pleasure playing with you". This would also give an idea for people going into whatever mission as to what kind of people they are dealing with. A person with a lot of votes are going to be more positive for the community in general than a person who is constantly negative.
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  9. Chuccles New Player

    At least 2 new open world areas like metro and gotham. A list of random unused villains/heroes that appear in open world moving around the map defeating the other sides npcs or players until a group stops them. basically like a bounty but this we can see the heroes/villains doing something in game that would actually do. rob or stop a bank robbery or something like this. could be a daily thing that after you finish 5 times an iconic shows up to fight. To sum it up more open world missions and events thatll keep us on our toes.
  10. yungmunk New Player

    Stop trying to prevent everyone from playing smarter instead of harder (e.g. clipping). We don't want red-tape updates... we want creative content. I do think they're on the right path though, so more of the same. But cut out the "this DLC is for our expert level players, the next one is for casual players." You can make the content entertaining for both. Instead of making the level of difficulty the focus, make it rewarding regardless of outcome. The user experience isn't all about winning or losing, it's about being entertained (or, to put it better, not getting annoyed or bored with the material). I'd rather enjoy dyin...getting knocked out in game than walking through boring content, but at the same time I don't want to have to make this game my second job to get through it either. Stop worrying about the elitists and purists and just make the game entertaining.

    And fire Jens.
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  11. Seth Grey New Player

    Unfortunately elitists will once again abuse this system and kick those who haven't got 'enough' honours. And what is 'enough' is always left to interpretation to the elitists.
  12. Threesunsight Active Player

    Open world battle between a hero and villain npc, with the loser being emprisoned in either the Watchtower or Hall of Doom. (Would love to see them break free and reek havok in the HQs ramdomly) Of course heroes and villains can participate, but with a life counter of 2 for heroes and 3 for villains. Which when said lives are used up participation is barred. I vote for the Bat and Joker fer round 1.
  13. The Klepto New Player

    A 12 person RAID!!! It's been my preach!! Who cares about ps3 not being able to play. But a 12 man raid would change this game!
  14. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    More content. More DC characters added to the mix.

    I know there are finite resources to work with but I think we should get "interim" content between dlcs...whether its new or rehashed, an epilogue to old content or a prelude to the next dlc there should be something that drops at that six week mark.

    *Do something with the Toyman missions. Turn it and those feats into an entry level open world operation.

    *Same with the mentor missions. Turn the three of them into level 30 open world ops.

    *Fix Central City. Move everything around again and include the area to contain ALL of the bounties. Make it so you can fight more than one at a time. Make it so you can get credit for more than 9 a day.

    *Bludhaven, Gorilla City and Khandaq are begging for buffs.

    Fill thee things with "half tier" gear set to styles we've been hunting for and you'll have happy campers with something to do at that moment they begin to get burned grinding through new content.
  15. ermike Committed Player

    Honestly, this game is as good as it is/was going to get. I like the game but it has limitations that cannot be overcome. 1st and foremost is the PS community. Most have never played an mmo before and do not like the grinding, patience aspect of it. Hence replay badges which destroyed "raid day" as well as ur gear meaning crap. U could be cr108 and never step foot in one of the raids.. thats a shame. The crafting system in this game is very generic and the way that we get the legendary items is so stupid. Random drops from bosses? The omnipotent set should be gained thru massive grinding and questing/grinding. Instances should also have hallways or rooms with optional harder bosses that drop better loot. Problem for the devs is the PS community would call for nerfs or threads like "im solo player so how do I get best gear in game." When DCUO first came out, I think the devs invisioned a solid mmo game. However, after the rough start and the transition to F2P, I think they realized only way to make profit was to dumb the game down a bit. Im sure u all so the outcry from people during the OC raids and people feeling left behind. I do like this DLC but it just reminds me of what this game could have been. This game was at its best right when FOS2 dropped. The additions of gates and prime were also great but they were immediately followed by replays which kinda tarnished the gearing up progress.
  16. Pew New Player