Style request: weapons as back style

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kuno, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    While I understand the concern there, we now have a decent number of Back Styles based on carrying a sword on our character's back, and I've only noticed unacceptable clipping with the Themysciran Battlesuit Back Style, which is one of the older ones. But I haven't noticed any unexpected clipping with the other ones I've used. The Primeval Back, for instance, works very well and I haven't noticed any unwanted clipping when paired up with the Chest Styles I've paired it with!



    Now, I haven't really used the version that they did without the scabbard, and I also haven't really used the War Metal Back Style yet, but the point is that we now have several styles showing swords on backs that they can use for reference to design ones with little-to-no clipping! ;)
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  2. Grim931 Committed Player

    I still miss the time we had weapon animations when we used certain powers. Like if you used fireball and had a bow, you shot it from the bow you had equipped.
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I remember the first time I saw the crossed dual sword style (from one of the themysciran styles) I was stoked as my main character’s theme is a cybernetic ninja so it’d be perfect. I only briefly saw it though and the person was in motion so I didn’t get a good look. When I finally got a chance to check them out I was so disappointed that they were a style of sword VERY different from a ninja sword. Point being, I would LOVE if we could get a back style with crossed ninja-ish swords. But at the same time, there are so many types of weapons that don’t have back styles at all so I highly doubt something similar to what is already in the game would be near the top of the list. C’est la vie.

    If they did them the size/length of the katanas (bone hilt, regular or tech) I would say you’re correct. But the ninja seord style is a lot shorter and could potentially avoid those issues. And they could always shrink it a bit to fit. Having them with slightly odd looking scale would be much better than not at all.
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