Stem's Guide To Celestial Healing

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Black Stem, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'll have to pay closer attention, next time I use it. As I said above, it definitely works, but you need AcB and burst heals in there, for sure. Personally, I find it more fun, as well. ;)
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    if McB only effects four people that's four people who you don't have to waste a burst heal on. Not everything needs to be a full group heal, stop thinking like nature. Four person heals from McB, AcB, divine and a four person shield is enough group healing for even the worst groups.
  3. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Not necessarily. The heals are slow and unpredictable, plus if you get stunned, you wont even give a single heal out for that round of damage. The high end is all about burst healing, and this is pretty much the opposite in my opinion. Far too slow of a tick, and a simple admonish - blight combo would hit those same exact players for more more healing. I could be wrong, I am speculating. Something I would have to try when/if I switch back to celestial.
  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Then don't use it. You post every other week saying you switched powers. In the last two months you've been nature, celestial, nature again, electric, quantum, and celestial again. That's only what I remember. You continue to force celestial to be more like nature. It doesn't need it.
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  5. Cadens Dedicated Player

    You mad? You are not more qualified to weigh in with an opinion, than I am. Think about that for a second.

    You follow me around this forum, wherever I go. Thats the only reason you would know what powers I was. Therefore, you are also weighing in on THOSE threads. Hypocrisy is the best isn't it?
  6. Remander Steadfast Player

    Let's try and keep this a productive thread, folks. Differing opinions are fine. People like to play their roles differently.
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  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    You can dislike it, you can point out the flaws, but calling it's not practical is just wrong. I've posted many times, it's not a setup that's for everyone. Some people are going to just dislike it, others won't be able to get a hang of it, but for me and many others it's working excellently.
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  8. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    No I don't follow you around. But every time someone makes a thread about celestial, you make a point to explain how its not as good as nature and follow up your posts with. "I switched to X power now, because I didn't like celestial." I'm not a fan of HL, but I don't post in every HL thread saying how its not as good as gadgets.
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  9. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Does it matter? I mean really, my opinion is less than say "yours", because I have used nearly every power thoroughly?

    "This a forum, not my Ph.D dissertation paper."
  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    It matters when new players are trying to learn the game and you are progressively lowering the skill average by telling people "X powers suck. Y power is better."

    As for my signature, that's to address people who have a need to correct someone's typos. Right this is a forum, but you shouldn't try to pigeon hole the community and force your ideals on to them.

    P.S. You aren't the only person who has played almost every power a lot. Let me introduce you to half the forum.
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  11. Cadens Dedicated Player

    And yet, here you are, ridiculing someone who has a vast knowledge of this game, and an opinion to share. The only issue is, when someone has a differing opinion than yourself, you feel it necessary to belittle them.

    You sir just need to move on. My points are valid.
  12. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Wouldn't that be the same as pointing out its flaws? Whats the point of a forum if you are unreceptive to differing opinions? I clearly said "I could be wrong", and therefore, the player is left to make the decision for themselves. This style of healing is less efficient, and less effective than straight up healing without the need to combo. That was my point, and that was all I was getting across.

    If you didn't want someone to have an opposing view, you shouldn't have put it on a message board.

    My argument - it is not practical due to it healing only 3 people other than yourself. You implied in this thread that it healed the entire group, which it does not.
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    You point may be valid in regard to it not matching your play style. But you better believe if you or anyone else says a power sucks or a certain way of doing something is wrong I'm going to jump all over it so new people know that it can be just as effective.
  14. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Show me where I said it "sucked".

    Ill wait.
  15. Cadens Dedicated Player

    This I can agree with. Using combos on the healing side is 100% more fun. I just wish this method was a group heal, given its risk/reward.
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm all for making my job easier. ;)
  17. Cadens Dedicated Player

    I hear ya. I wish it was more in line with consume soul, hitting all allies. Every 6 or so seconds you could apply consume soul, and heal with this power as a double heal.
  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    No it's not the same as pointing out it's flaws. There are flaws, there are weak points. But saying it's not practical is making a full on judgement that is just wrong. Saying it is not practical is saying it doens't work, which it does, very well. We've had folks drop to hybrid gear setups and going as low as 3200 resto and still solo healing Epic Odyssey while pumping out 1/3 the top DPS.

    So where you say "i could be wrong" that's me saying yes, you are wrong.

    That's the only way I heal. I've done EO multiple times. WHen I do it you can't get more effective healing because the only time people die is one shots. You literally can't get better. You can have more potential but if everyone is constantly full health that's potential means nothing and the effective healing is the same.

    Sure I use more power doing this healing than the other style over the course of the raid. BUT I basically never run out of power... so it's a non issue.

    So again, my only issue is that you say it's not practical, which implies that it does not work. Which from the fact that I've healed everything this way i can tell you is factually wrong.
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  19. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Not practical does not mean "doesn't work".


    I am going to my friend's house a mile down the road. I can drive straight there, or I can take the long way which will add another 15 minutes to my ride.

    Saying the latter is impractical, does not mean you will not eventually get there. So implying that I was saying "it doesn't work" is disingenuous and quite the contrary. It works as intended, however, it does not heal nearly as well as straight up healing in my opinion. More fun? Sure. Functional? Sure. Optimal? Not in my opinion.

    That is my opinion, and this is a message board where people come to get information to better help their understanding of this game. If that is now "frowned upon in this establishment", I must have missed the memo.
  20. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Well then it's still factually wrong in that I'm keeping everyone healed just as well but able to pump in more damage which makes the raid quicker.

    This isn't a subjective issue. Fact is all healing can be covered using these battle healer setups. There are flaws, It won't work for everyone. Some people will like it, some won't. But it's a fact that it can get the job done very very well.

    I'm not jogging an extra mile to get to my destination. If anything i'm taking a short cut.