Stats Revamp 1.3 - Electricity Feedback!

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Avair, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Only Forever Level 30

    is Electrocute bugged with PI's or did it on purpose?
    Electrocute (Eletrified and Polarized Enemies take additional damage)
    Example: Adding Static Push and ArcLighting before electrocute ( both PI's together not working)
    Only One PI per time.
  2. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Looks good ty. Will test some more later tonight.
  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Its only one PI, it doesnt benefit from both at the same time.
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  4. Ringz Dedicated Player

    The rule for electrocute is the dot damage from the power itself and the dot from one of the Pi's.

    Its like that on live too......
  5. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    Then ELECTROCUTE needs to be fixed clearly states both PIs.....your misleading people....if you using both PIs then you should get dam good numbers under ELECTROCUTE devs...
  6. spord Developer

    I'll change the wording on the tooltip to say "...Electrified or Polarized enemies take additional damage." I hope that helps.
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  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I thought it was pretty self explanatory that it was one or the other... Not both. Guess not o_O
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  8. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    Awesome fast response.....yep you guys are truly reading the this game and peeps I play with....keep up the good work DEVS! HOOYAH!
  9. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    lol I understood it but noobs need to learn...most people don't know you can polarize and electrify in hybrid loadout......ELECTROCUTE is the key
  10. supalova20 Well-Known Player

    all we see live is ELECTRIC side cause no one uses broken polarized since pre paradox nexus days....on Test it's sweet....
  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    im all for the healers to be slightly more hybridized simply becasue the closer you can bring the damage gap the less a need for a extra DPS and more useful to have a backup of a role..

    granted i know the community sucks and will still try to stack DPS but those of us that dont think that way wouldn't do that
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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    good changes two thumbs up
  13. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I was wondering if it was possible if Circuit Breaker can have a 12 second cooldown without changing its current damage output of 65 damage buff?

    The reason I am suggesting this is because I see some people popping Circuit Breaker twice in a row (sometimes by mistake). I don't believe Circut Breaker stacks with itself (all it does is resets the 12 second duration). Having a cooldown on the CB will also let you know how long you have until the 65% buff from the SC ends.

    Just my suggestion on that.

    Was there a reason why Super Charge buffs don't have cooldown timers? I think Rage has a SC Buff that also doesn't have a cooldown on it either, but Rage isn't being tested.
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  14. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    So if someone is trying to use both power interactions, it doesn't work? Interesting, but I do think builds should pick only one PI for their current loadout instead of trying to use both of them. It doesn't make sense to have Arc Lighting and Static Push on the same loadout. I don't see people running them both though, but I could be wrong as I can't test anything out.

    This won't have an affect on more than two electric damages in a raid right? Like on running only Polarized and another only running Electrified? The extra damage from PI will still be there from your own PI as long you're using your own PI.
  15. spord Developer

    Electrocute doesn't care which of the two PI's are there. It looks for either one and then increases damage. Literally checking Electrified OR Polarized then do more damage. It also means it doesn't care how many people are in a raid using either PI.
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  16. spord Developer

    I can add more cooldown to this if it will help and the buff will be the same.
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  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Hey Spord.
    Could you buff the healing on overcharge's explosion?
    Doesn't reach above 1200 right now and I think that's kinda low even for a low cost heal. If it could heal around 1700 it'd feel much better.
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