Sorry but Gadgets has to be fixed!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Oct 3, 2021.

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  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Define "broken"? "Broken" to me means that the turret is NOT as useful as it should be, it's underpowered, and it needs to be adjusted UP. If your definition of "broken" is that it's OVERpowered, LEAVE IT ALONE! And then, use it to your ADVANTAGE! ;)
  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    If they nerf gadgets to be unplayable as all these people want, all the sweaty try-hards will just switch to elec or mental and beat the pants off of everybody on the scoreboards with the new FotM power. Then the pitchforks will come out for that power and the cycle will continue.

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  3. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Its broken because of the turret jump clipping. Everyone who is gadgets doesn't use turret to actually do damage even though thats why its their, they use to to clip a power then they jump clip other stuff. Other people want the damage of taser nerfed and stuff like that, I just want the turret clipping fixed.
  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Plenty of gadgets players use it in AOE loadouts. There isn't as much of a need to use it for clipping with AOE loadouts plus the AOE damage from suppressor turret is pretty high when the PIs are applied. In single target suppressor turret and robot sidekick are about equal in damage but the robots sidekick is easier to -re-summon if it goes down so most opt for RSK.
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  5. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Every time I've seen it everyone is using it to clip, thats why I said " Everyone who is gadgets doesn't use turret to actually do damage"
    But I'll take your word for it. Regardless though, they need to fix its clipping.
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  6. appocolyps Committed Player

    Yes there are 2 main issues with gadgets, Turret clipping and being able to put multiple supercharges into stealth for EoG spam!

    The stealth delay multi clip bug isnt game breaking in all honesty just a slight advantage.
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  7. zNot Loyal Player

    This is true but thats why regular balancing needs to happen so new metas can be avoided it certainly will close the gap everytime they balance some powers and we also should consider that average low cr players probably have no idea about this so a „nerf“ or „balance“ will only effect the tryhards at endgame that abuse meta builds and this is where the gap between players is.
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  8. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    My point was that there will always be one or two powers better than the others even if only slightly. Or hell, even if they actually aren't better there will be a common perception that they are. The sweaty try-hard DPS's will always flock to those powers and make them seem way over powered when it's actually the players, not the power, producing those results.
  9. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    Ok then, let's ask everyone to be a gimmick, because only this power has the right to play....

    And maybe from there, the devs will realize that this power must be nerfed and not put nerfs on other powers that have already suffered a lot!!!
  10. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Ok then, let's ask everyone to be a drone, so lack of skills are hidden. Let's make it so every power is equal on the scoreboard?! Just because one's skills are not up to par on a game with 10 buttons, devs should come down to one's level?
  11. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    Why not test your power and come up with suggestions on making it better? Showing devs a .005 increase in damge to some abilities is more constructive than nerf "insert power". Did you go on test server and test anything?
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  12. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There isn't room for multiple supercharges on the stealth bar. The stealth clip is four powers. Then you have RSK so you don't have to continually respawn it and that leaves space for one supercharge.
  13. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    We've already asked that too, but it's easier to play the "deaf ear"...
  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I'm curious why there were no calls for gadgets to be nerfed at the same time that everybody was calling for nature to be nerfed. If there were TWO powers that were overpowered, why not address them both at once? Wouldn't that be more efficient than this "one-power-at-a-time nerf campaign" approach?
  15. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Your suggestion is not #Break(ing)theCycle, its #Ignor(ing)theProblem. Thats not solving anything, it's leaving a broken mechanic broken and will, as this game has historically proven over and over and over, create an environment where certain players feel pressured to have to switch powers to the FotM ones or risk not getting into groups.

    Remember when groups only needed to know your CR to invite you? Now its CR + SP + Experience + Artifact Levels + EoG or no EoG + Power. Not always, i'm not going to overdramatize it, but its usually a mixture of 3+ of those. Especially the first few weeks of any new Episode release.

    When the Powers Revamp happened, it was supposed to even the playing-field. Powers that cost 100 for Earth should equal powers that cost 100 for Fire. Powers that cost 200 for Ice should equal powers that cost 200 for Nature. Etc etc. It failed. Powers having "Individual Abilities" like Gadgets Stealth or Ice's/Natures/Sorcery's Transformation are great, but if they become Exploitable then its time to reassess them. Im not suggesting getting rid of them altogether, but if there isnt going to be a Major re-haul of how Powers work, which would be the True #BreaktheCycle, then it means there needs to be FAR more restrictions on them.

    As for your examples of "The Endless Nerf" with Electric and Nature? That example was a false-start from the get-go. Be honest. I've played with a few Electric dps and fewer Nature dps. Sometimes I outdamaged them, sometimes they outdamaged me. Sometimes by a little, others by a lot. The difference is there were Rational Explanations. Whoever was outdamaging the others, sometimes they had better positioning, sometimes 1 had to go afk for a moment, sometimes they got to rooms before the others did. Rational is situations like that happening and me trailing behind them by 100,000 to 600,000.

    Rational Explanations take a long vacation when it comes to Gadgets currently. The difference is always in Multiple Millions, even without any of the examples above happening. No afk, same positioning, same Artifacts and Levels, began at the same time, still Multiple Millions.

    To put it simply: Its like you're in a job with someone, you both perform well, get the same or similar stats, started the same year, have the exact same Experience to bring to the job, yet their wages are more than yours. If your solution to that is to ignore it then I dont know what else to tell you except, Congratulations, you just played yourself.
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  16. AV Loyal Player

    That's not remotely rational or objective. You're assuming you're of an equal skill level and/or that you're successfully maxing out your power's performance without even considering whether or not your opponent is (having 200 artis doesn't intrinsically make a player good or mean that their rotation is anywhere near max effectiveness). That's just ego-protecting gobbledygook.

    No one consistently losing by millions to any power has maxed out what their power can actually do, regardless of what powers are at play in the group.
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    So when Nature was the power in everyone's crosshairs and there were several "nerf nature!!!" threads (prior to when they actually did in 09/20) why wasn't gadgets included in the nerf demands? If at that time there were two powers significantly overpowered, why was only nature singled out? There haven't been any changes to gadgets since then so it would have been as overpowered then as it is now, right? If imbalance was the issue and balance was the goal, you'd think both powers that were supposedly imbalanced and overpowered would have both been focused on. Yet it was only nature. How peculiar...
  18. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    I think you might really enjoy the irony of your argument. Personally I do believe i'm maxing out the potential of my powers on my toons, you probably should too. See a long while ago I found a Thread on Powers from someone named "AV" called "Might DPS Master Thread", followed the Steam link and started trying out the Loadouts and practicing them to perfection. Made a few different armoury swap options due to the members suggestions about AoE builds and ST Focus builds and 150% Range builds etc etc. Those "Master" builds perfectly performed and yet there's still multiples of Millions of difference, weird...

    Your argument against any Rationale or Objectivity is based on an assumption, which makes it the only real "Gobbledygook" here. Never mind the fact that clear examples of comparisons with other powers were included in my reply, yet strangely missing from yours. And now you've accidentally dragged your own "Expertise" on powers into this, except its actually working against you now.

    You have no idea how good at this game anyone is and to assume anything is probably the biggest example of a non-starter argument you could have made. If your own, personally built, rotations and advice are failing against Gadgets when utilized by a very capable player, then it leaves 2 options. Either there IS an issue here, or your "Expertise" on powers should be brought into question. I'll let you decide.
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  19. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Listen I get it. The Forums at times can be full of kids and sweaty teens. I'm afraid i'm neither. "Deflection", or the act of attempting to change a subject to avoid the current one, won't fly here. Please excuse any forthcoming profanity but its necessary to make things abundantly clear.

    I dont give a cr*p about Nature.
    I dont give a cr*p about previous Nerfs.

    They're done. Fixed. Its over. The argument there is strange anyway as certain methods being used by Gadgets players now, weren't back then. And the great thing is I dont even need to take time to give examples because you just did my job for me. If the methods, or lets call it what it is, Exploits, were being utilized back then by Gadgets users, it 100% would have been nerfed too.

    The problem a lot of Gadgets users seem to have right now, and please understand that this is not aimed at you, is a lot of them are playing the victim because they have this really, REALLY weird idea in their head that everyone else wants Gadgets to be "Nerfed to Oblivion". Thats just not true, at least for the majority of players. Lets put this simply. Stealth should only be able to pop one power, its literally in its description. Turret shouldn't be clippable or jump-cancel-able. Other Gadgets powers ABSOLUTELY should be clippable or jump-cancel-able. Gadgets dmg shouldnt take a skydive, but see we're not even talking about Gadgets powers properly here. Players are Exploiting Gadgets powers to circumvent Precision-based attack animation delays. And the problem is that most of them are too busy patting themselves on the back for figuring it out to realize its completely unintended and wrong. Theres a limit to what clipping should do or allow.

    Right now, Gadgets is just another "Clownbox in the Paradox Raid".
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  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Is it "what their power can actually do" or is it "what their arts, iconics and movement mode powers can do?"

    Personally, I believe all of this hullaballoo about gadgets is a smokescreen to distract people from the real balance problem with damage in DCUO - Ice must be nerfed.
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