So what aspect of DCUO do you enjoy the most?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Catastroflare, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. Catastroflare Well-Known Player

    For me, it's always the beginning.

    I love creating a brand-new character, choosing the power, personality, style, colors, and especially the name. Nothing beats that and rolling with the mentor storylines.

    How about you? What do you enjoy about DCUO the most?
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  2. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Seeing rares in my loot.
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  3. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Finding a better build than my last one.
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  4. Eve YouTuber

    Probably creating a story for my character and decorating my bases are my favorite things to do.
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Raids/alerts (elite) and the cooperation/communication needed.
    quantum dps. Just too much fun for me. Love the power set.
    Friends long gone and new.
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  6. DAnomalous Level 30

    The theory of interacting with DC comics characters who dont get as much spotlight as the same ones who get their own games and movies all the time and then get reboots and do it all over again.

    I will say that usually in my time playing the game has been releasing content that is to do with the main justice league characters. Way back we had a Lantern fixation, in recent years Wonder Woman several times and now Metal with DCUO's version not including some of the characters I would have liked to have seen

    But there was a Justice League Dark episode I did get my fix from...

    In practice my favourite part would be the idea (not the grindy p2w application) of artifacts and now allies. I would want them to be far more accessible (their gameplay changing elements should start from the original purchase) and more plentiful. The world of DC comics is full to the brim of magical items and superheros and villains, its a bit lame when your character who has now been a superhero or villain for years barely has any friends or magical items.
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  7. Grim931 Committed Player

    I have to agree with you on this, hands down this has always been the most enjoyable part of this game for me.

    I also like making iconic characters, or as close to iconic as possible, and trying to get a somewhat close loadout that is usable. I've never been one to try and top the scorecard, I just want to have fun with this game.
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  8. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Creating and playing with my own characters, finding a perfect style for them and developing their story.

    Also making them strong enough (not min-max but getting them to minimal sufficient level) to participate in the content because I like raiding. :oops:
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  9. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    Q U A N T U M
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  10. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    At first I hated the clamp and omnibus, but I’ve started to really come around, especially for the weekly rewards.

    I dunno if it’s my favourite thing but it’s definitely one I’m enjoying most a lot.

    Still can get bad runs every now and again in terms of roles etc but mostly fun.
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  11. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    for me is watching how some people who think they are special strugle with elite content i mean like standard elite 200 min + raid :) all pro's i tell you that hahahaha.
  12. iQueen Celestia New Player

    Running into a random competent PUG group. THOSE are even better then finding rares, as they help the rares come in faster anyway!
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’d have to say its multi-faceted. I love being able to create & customize my character. It gives me sense of freedom.

    I love the sense of community I have with my friends I have made on DCUO through the years (playing since 2014). I really grew up on this game. I’ve met people who are like family to me now. I love the social aspect of DCUO. I love hanging out with my girlfriends and dressing up to twin with them or see who can make the best outfit combos with mats & auras, or just talking about who we are crushing on lol.

    I love the way we can fight baddies on DCUO. To me, it has the best combat system. Of course, DCUO is the first MMO I have ever played so my preference maybe biased lol.
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Other MMOs have far superior graphics, but absolutely nothing tops the wow factor of flying. I can still remember creating my first toon and flying up, seeing Metropolis in the distance and thinking it's just a background, and realizing how high I can fly and down into every alleyway and perch on rooftops. Standing on the science spire, even now, still gives me goosebumps.
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  15. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I really like the idea of ​​being a superhero. I like the powers available. I love playing in the open world and the solo game. But as it's an MMO I really enjoy playing duo/alert/raid and chatting to complete feats.

    And because I can fly.
  16. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    This is my favorite game of all time by a mile. I met a lot of great people who I would consider friends, met my wife and had a kid as a direct result of this game (which is nuts to me considering I started playing when I was in High School). Most of my favorite gaming memories come from this game. So truthfully, my favorite thing is the nostalgia. I’ll never play as much as I used to and I’ll never dedicate the time I could before, but I love logging in for a few days or months at a time, going to metropolis and the watchtower to listen to the music, running the batcaves and FOS raids and getting my nostalgia fix.

    Also the combat
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  17. Emoney Dedicated Player

    5v5 channel!

    Lol Jk..

    I love my character, and the fire powerset, my main has been fire since 2011. I think the biggest thing though, is the merge between tray powers and button combos. It's always made this MMO unique, and it's one of the only things that work smoothly in this game. As others mentioned, nostalgia is a huge factor, as well as investment. I dont ever see myself totally quitting this game, unless its shutdown.
  18. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i love to do cosplay builds
  19. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I like the limitless grind, the loot boxes and the multiple methods of monetization created to ease pain points baked into the game. They make the cockles of my heart tingle in naughty ways.
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  20. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Hanging w friends. W/out them id be playing other games again
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