So, Doom Spin Non-Mastery will get fixed?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Xibo, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Xibo Loyal Player

    Yes...Chain Gun doing double damage, Rage Berserk does double damage as a 5000 Supercharges, Earth Unstoppable clip, Light doesn't have a detaunt....

    And the list continues....
  2. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    How is doom spin overpowered, please explain. Y’all always want something nerfed, if it isn’t game breaking, let it be. Everything that is considered overpowered at this moment can be easily competed with. These cries of nerf are going to swipe the individuality out of every power set and weapon in the game. Everything will eventually end up being exactly the same if you keep asking for it
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When exactly did I say it was over performing? You read what you want and that was it. If you actually read with the reading comprehension of even a 5th grader you would have seen that I said that instead of nerfing that one combo, the other combos should be increased. But no, you just saw something you thought agreed with your point and cut out everything else. You and people like you are what’s wrong with this game
  4. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    Im sure you already done the weapon comparison testing yourself so you would see how much of an outlier doom spin is and its not even CLOSE to 2nd place. Brawling Haymaker puts up similar numbers on sparring targets but is completely impractical to use in content. 1h flurry still doesn't produce the same numbers and in regards to "actual" WM combos they still fall below. Also in regards to the Horus artifact Doom spin has amazing synergy with it making it even more desirable as a weapon more so than the majority of all combos because you can easily go between setting up bleed and having the 13+ hit.

    The weapon mastery update on test was incomplete because they had level 200 artifacts and an entire DLC to test all at once in a < 2week window and this is what we have left.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Look, I agree the the weapons aren’t balanced at all. After the top 2 melee weapons there is a gab after all other weapons. There are even some weapons whose range does more damage than their melee. For range aoe, after the top 3 weapons there’s a gap between the rest of the weapons. Some weapons are just plain terrible at range melee and single target.

    For single target there is dual wield flurry shot. After that there is a small gap where you will find 6 weapons. After top 7 you will see a large gap between the rest of the weapons. The is probably the closest that single target has been.

    And here’s the problem, and this goes for both prec weapons and might abilities, people have to stop asking for stuff to get nerfed. Some powers and weapons are doing great damage as they should be because they found a synergy that works. Instead of nerfing them why not try to get the underperforming powers/weapons buffed.

    If you compare bow into smokebomb during the time it was top tier to the 2h now than you’d find that bow was better (again compared to its time) because of how easy it was to maintain the damage. Doom spin does less damage comparatively speaking because the window for interrupt was larger with a slower wind up time.
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  6. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Haymaker is not how you use Brawling, at least from my experience with Brawling vs Two-Handed in LPVE. My best characters in that are Wonder Girl and Harley Quinn. I get very similar numbers with them. And I'm referencing LPVE, because it's the only time I try to damage race (against the clock, or my personal best, not against other players) just so I can get it done ASAP and move on.

    The way Brawling works is, you do the Backfist combo, but clip the Backfist animation with the Lasso Whip Flurry thing or the quick Stomp when the Whip Flurry is on cooldown. Haymaker takes too long and requires two light attacks. I'm sure in normal play, it's possible clip Backfist with something fast to get fast repeatable heavy damage.

    While I find Brawling easier and get better results with it, I do prefer Two-Handed, because the animations are so much more entertaining. The whole Mega Smash chain, and Doom Spin, are so fun to watch... and the baseball bat weapon style is cute.

    Another trade-off for Doom Spin's good damage (on stationary targets that don't counter or hit back...), is that in actual content, you're stuck in that long animation. Have to block or roll away from a one-shot? Nope! Pressing block/roll/jump doesn't get you out of the animation.
  7. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    There's no reason to make daily "balance" threads. The devs are gonna do what they're gonna do and that's all there is to it. Just set up some armories for how you want to play in general and reserve one for scoreboard chasing. I suggest naming it, "Validations".
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    *cough* *cough* 92k 3 targets *cough* *cough*
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    so the most broke power is broke because of doom spin. right.
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I still don’t understand why people use 10 second parsers. Especially on precision. 10 seconds should only be used on might dps who can’t maintain a 30 second parser even with a cola. As precision you should be using 30 seconds as a baseline and even better 60 seconds if you can maintain it without colas. 10 second parsers give way to I consistent numbers. The 60 second is more accurate since it smooths out any crit rates and lucky shots. By lucky shots I mean getting a crit explosive shot at start of parser and a crit explosive shot before the parser timer ends.

    Even in melee, staffing a parser with doomspin and ending with doomspin.

    But sure believe that melee is a 92k consistent dps *cough*damage per second*cough*

    And as stated above you are using the most broken power to make your argument that precision needs to be nerfed. Cause that makes perfect sense...
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  12. ALB Dedicated Player

    Yea, that gadgets is op. We finally agree
  13. GoDeacs Well-Known Player

    Regular combos can be clipped early but no matter what you clip nothing comes close to the damage you get with doomspin. People say stuff along the lines, “oh, yeah right... you can get countered out of doomspin blah blah blah.” Even if you do, you go right into it by lunging into a set of adds to get your 900k damage...” Any idiot can either put a group breakout or use dash attack/perfect poise to get countered less. Anticipating a counter is easy too so you break out and back at it... If doomspin is balanced, why does everyone use it? The answer is simple, it outperforms everything there is and it’s not even a mastery combo. Now, I’m not asking for a nerf but it’s pretty game breaking to have 1 particular combo that outperforms the rest by 25-60%. Also, you can easily avoid one shots with doomspin if you know the mechanics and know what to look for. You can easily avoid one shots with doomspin because you can tap out of it and block/roll whatever. Alternatively, you can clip lunge out of it into deflection, phase dodge or personal shield.
  14. MaryMagdalene_DCUO Well-Known Player

    Y'all wasting y'all time pursuing a balance that will never exist lol
    It's like you're all going to achieve the goal when the failure of the weapon balance pass did nothing but temporarily give some variety in weapon usage with shield and staff until the crybabies complained about that.
  15. ALB Dedicated Player

    Why do you all use the weapon combos instead of the top powers? Not one person complaining has compared doomspin to any top power? Not one person complaining has asked for a buff to any weapon which tell me the complainers just hate the style of play. No matter if they play it or not.
    Fyi, it's not 25% to 60% stronger.
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  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    If you compare with, for example, Atomic, the difference is over 15k DPS.

    You will never get 92k DPS with Atomic with the 3 Artifacts level 200 unless you use Neo-Venom Boost with Orbital Strike.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    So what happens when you get blocked, breakout, get blocked, Grandeur, get blocked, shield, get blocked - oh you're out of recoveries and literally everything in the game can and frequently does block. You keep falling on your *** and the combo keeps getting interrupted.

    You ain't getting 90K a second if you can't stand.

    Also - 92K on a ten second parse isn't what you're actually ending up with as a sustainable amount either, that's a fluke - and I know it's a fluke because I've seen Galea do an 88K 10 second parse, and she's not doing that in actual content either, without the help of NVB, a bunch of 160+ Arts, full-course Mods, and a small dollop of Blink-and-you'll-miss-it Luck.

    88K Doom Spin spikes on a Sparring Target translates to a 69-71K long term (60-120 second) average, and a 40-50K DPS actual output in a live play setting, just to let you know, and you have to be doing something Right to maintain that level of output.

    Might is a lot more honest as a Sparring Target test when compared to the live result because Might Abilities, by and large, can't be countered - everything that's not Channeled isn't even capable of being interrupted, you do the Ability and pow, results. Plus there's a mod that makes it impossible to interrupt Channeled Abilities. People aren't losing 50% of their sparring target output with a Might rotation.

    But sure, Doom Spin WILL melt one little dude to crap in seconds.

    So will Jackhammer, DW - > Flurry, Munitions, decent Ice (tested this one yesterday), and "any Gadgets might loadout".
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Back when bow smokebomb was the best melee combo, the target damage translated a lot better from sparring targets to adds compared to doom spin. This is because smokebomb is a burst and a short time to execute. Doom spin has a longer time to get into the doom spin and it’s also not a burst. This means that at any point you can end up loosing a lot of damage because you have to redo your combo to get into doom spin.

    Not saying it’s useless because it’s not. But this combo doesn’t translate that accurately into actual gameplay. It has a higher potential. But that potential will rarely be met.
  19. GoDeacs Well-Known Player

    Lol. If a tank juggles and chronos the adds and hold them in place which they often do, what other “top” power set or power will put out the numbers the doomspin does? Yes you can get countered, we get it... That’s why you don’t run doomspin if you know you will be countered or have to chase the adds around with a fire tank kiting them all over the place. People already know what they can or what the can’t melee. You know exactly what tank holds adds in one place piled up for you and what you can doomspin and you have your armory swap ready for range. What other combo, mastery, power will put out as much damage as doomspin? Qwa bombs on fresh set of adds? Might rage doing berserk? An orbital? Earth using entomb on each set of adds just to keep up with doomspin? Last I checked, even earth and rage melee might don’t come close to putting the same numbers on adds. That is not to mention the fact that you can also use berserk or entomb as prec based earth or rage. This is just sickening people playing stupid and saying stuff like you can get countered out of it- no you can’t because otherwise you wouldn’t doomspin. I don’t have a problem with it but other weapons have to also be adjusted.
    Oh really? So what is it? Have you tested them? Please inform me of other combos and weapons that can pull off similar numbers
  20. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    If you think there aren’t might powers that can keep up or beat doomspin than you don’t run with good dps.
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