Skill points are way too tedious to get as a new player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DivineRhyme, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Hexxen Level 30

    Just wanted to let people know, CR skipping a new alt and then collecting feats with replay badges for my main worked like a charm. I got around 14 SP for my main and got rid of all the bugged, unavailable and tedious old feats I had done with my lost main (RIP) back in the day like the gazillion Toyman dailies, Outer Cavern and bugged speed feats. Hallelujah!
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  2. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    After playing eso and final fantasy 14 it blow my mind that the player base is so ok with the pay to play aspect of this game. Take this jump skip. It's a joke congratulations your 330 but you have 78 sp and 1 art at 120 or two at 80 so you useless to any end game raid. Final fantasy 14 pay 25$ get to lv 80. max lv is 90 but guess what you don't need sp or arts and they dropped you the best 80 gear you can get. Its so good that you don't even need to change gear till lv 88 oh and they start you off with a 7 level guide to learn your roll so you know more then the basics. Again no sp or arts . So why would a new player be ok with old a battles system that expects you to spend 1000s of hours grinding sp and 2 years working on arts.unless you pay for them.
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  3. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    CR skip should come with 300 SP. If people are spending that kind of money on a skip token. Heres a new players experience in dcuo.

    Cool I can skip to end game. Oh man this is different. Why am I always out of power? Why is this other guy only doing the same weapon attack over and over? I'm gonna buy some time capsules for this cool style. Oh look this one thing I got is worth 20 million. Cool what can I get for 20 million. Holy ****! Everything cool is like a billion. Back to content. Man I am still out of power. Maybe I should try healing. Why can't I keep these other players full of health. Oh it's these artifacts. Ok how do I level these up. Omg! 200 bucks for one. Peace!
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  4. PrimaryMercenary New Player

    THIS is so true! Dcuo P2W methods are so outdated in comparison to other mmo's, they REALLY need to rework this system if they intend to make it more mainstream. Like I said in another thread I'll gladly throw my money towards this game if they stop beating around the bush and allow character boosting that isn't cowering behind a gamble esc system. the amount money they would make is astronomical in comparison to what they're making now. but hey it's up to them at the end of the day
  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Come on buddy, astronomical you say? Based on what? Please elaborate on all these details and forward it over to EG7’s management…I’m sure they’d love to hear about your data driven revenue projections. …and don’t hold back on the glitter!

    (Yes this is snark, please don’t take it personal)
  6. PrimaryMercenary New Player

    lol c'mon half of Dcuo community is waiting for double xp to come around in order to boost their artifacts and that to me it isn't healthy at all, I'm all on board for easy progression to be tied to marketplace but the devs are beating around the bush and it's making people realize just how hard it is to enjoy this game, my alts are catching dust and my main is waiting every four months to upgrade or try something new. from a logical standpoint if they introduced something that is a straight up upgrade with no integrated loopholes like every other successful mmos has been doing I doubt they would profit less from that since the mmos in question are still generating both great playtime and great marginal income but hey maybe that's just me.
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I’m with you on the rubberbanding…feels like new DLC launches and we sprint to the end…only to be left waiting bored for the next one.

    Same with bounty spam (get done fast as possible), same with artifact grind (stock and save for double XP…upgrade…do all over)

    ESO and FFXIV have pay walls that DC doesn’t…so I understand the need to drive microtransactions…and yeah, it does feel a little dirty, but it does encourage more bodies to join the parade.
  8. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's always been more of a player choice thing, from what I've seen. Nothing with how the game is set up forces a player to do the "gogogorushrushrushgottadoitallNAOW" style of play, it's all what the player chooses to do.
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Skill points in dc are basically champion points in eso, I’ve been saying this for a long time. Dc should do like eso does when it comes to sp… get rid of the feat system giving you sp… the more you play the more xp you get .. once that xp meter is full you get a skill point. Just like champion points. So those putting in the time will have the most skill points. They already sell xp boosters so that can be their pay to win hook.

    Don’t know why there is such pushback against this it puts everyone on an even playing field whether you’re really good at the game or whether you’re trash. As long as you put in the time and work you will use the the skill points (change it to stat points if it bothers anyone)

    People still will live feats so keep them in the game just have them give you rewards like cosmetics, titles, marks etc

    They don’t even have to make a new system the system already exists pre level 30 and they don’t have to adjust anyone’s sp if they went with this system everyone would just have the sp that that currently have

    But you watch people will disagree with me about this
  10. Plowed In Loyal Player

    I don’t think it’s as simple to implement (going from X —> Q). I think that’s the challenge.

    I’m assuming you’d have XP be account based then, so your alts would always have the same SP as your main. They’d be losing a revenue source here as well (unlocking SP for alts) and the backlash from those who’ve already done so…many times over :)

    I do see the merits of that system.