Server Hotfix - February 26, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm on PS4.
  2. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Well me cancelling my account will be my very own cure for the Devs if they don't get their act together. Im sick and tired of this. I can only take so much before I give up altogether. I don't always like reminding them whats up and what their job is. if they cant do that then they should be looking for another job. Im a paying customer and expect results.
  3. Nocout New Player

    i'm on USPC
  4. DarthDiggler New Player


    Any chance they will remove the requirement for replay badges for "Feat Sharing" for Legendary Members?

    Or is this yet another wasted opportunity to give us Legendary suckers more benefits beyond not holding our money hostage?
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  5. GodofSorcery New Player

    Yall actining like its been a month that yall haven't logged in haven't seen so many impatient baby's

    You don't think they know everyone is having login issues go play another game in the meantime or get some exercise or something.

    They not just gone leave it as is people. Dang yall are mean. :confused::confused::confused:
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  6. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    Put the shoe on your foot - USPS player who probably has access. It has been 24 hour since the server came back up. I feel with the responses back from DCUO that people are being entirely civil.
  7. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Im on PS4...I haven't had any log in issues...
  8. ReddRosey Well-Known Player

    A new healing move now im really bout to have hard times with dual specing my pp as being a dps and a healer
  9. Circe New Player

    Been saying this. The latest features are all not a benefit to Legendary subscribers. It's pretty sad Legendary only got 1 armory like everyone else, have to spend just as much as everyone else to unlock feats, and I doubt Legendary will get anything with the upcoming Total Recovery Kits and Amenities in Marketplace.

    It's all just a blatant money grab, to not give any additional benefits to Legendary when new features are implemented and forcing them to have to pay on top of their Legendary sub just to get certain features.
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  10. Lightning Lasher New Player

    I agree seeing this reminds me of the Nintendo crash this Christmas or the large hacking of the PSN a few years back. It has not even been more than a week and you are freaking out on how the devs are lazy and doing nothing. Do you even know what it takes to fix a entire network to resolve its issues. It isn't like replace the battery's or Googling how to fix your blender. Things like this take time, if you can't wait more than a couple days you got to get your priorities checked. There is more to life than games, and Hero Recuter if you are spending your money on the game than complaining at the drop of a hat DONT SPEND YOUR MONEY it is a game it won't get you anywhere in life.

    Keep up the good work Devs and thanks for getting things done to balence electricity. :)
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  11. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Clearly this little grasshopper forgot to save up some loyalty points/ station cash to get anything from the marketplace without having to spend a dime on top of the sub. Too bad the little busy ants can't share their heaps of free LP/SC... at least winter is almost over :p
  12. thefirstwml New Player

    I logged in and the description for Offering still appears to be to "heal yourself and 3 others".
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  13. Circe New Player

    With everything in the Loyalty Vendor, I couldn't resist spending my Loyalty Points. There's just so much for us to get with them, that you're forced to use them. All of these extra things just add fuel to the fire, and makes the problem worse.

    Oh and I have saved before. I was prepared when Circe and Wonder Woman were released. I had lots saved up for numerous different Marketplace Legends.

    I also did save up lots of Replays for Feat Unlocking. And I bought lots of Replays during the last Marketplace sale to prepare for this. So I really wasn't unprepared for that.

    If a new feature comes along, you'd expect Legendary members to get something more to account for the addition. I think Legendary should be upped in Replays to account for Feat Unlocks. With Replays being increased in value from the addition and all.
  14. Lightning Lasher New Player

    Why do you as legendary want so much more? It is already pretty much pay to win, you get all dlc for free, free replay badges, loyalty points (alternative to spending station cash) unlimited escrow, extended inventory and bank space, (if PC you get in on testing the new dlc) why do you say they don't give enough? To me you get more than enough (true I got a 3 month legendary pack and what is given is more than enough)
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  15. GodofSorcery New Player

    ·Offering no longer has a healing component.

    I just tried offering out and it does not heal you or your group members they just need to change the description
  16. DCUOPoe Level 30

    This. Exactly this.
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  17. Satisfaction717 New Player

    When deleteing a Chat tab in the settings, it will end up deleteing all your voice chats and chat tabs. Please fix this.
  18. Mistress Magic Active Player

    what i don't understand is that this new healing power is basically the same as what offering used to do.
  19. stl4now Well-Known Player

    Goodbye.....Justin Timberlake had a hit some years back that fits your predicament. Check it out sometime. It rhymes with 'schmy schme a schmiver'.
  20. joxx2040 New Player

    I love the new pets. BUT There are issues im having with the armories. I had to reinprint after the update, because my armories say "Invalid" build. OK i could imprint in the stance i was in , and then had to repec in WT to get healer back and imprint. Today i log in and AGAIN i could not change build and little "XX" over the change mode. AGAIN i had to respec the build i was not in and imprint. Also in last part of Strike alert i freez in doorway of JSA(Not uncommon) when i log back in i see that 64 sp hav reset themselves. I was able to change stance and back again to correct the situation but what gives? I heard from a few other sorcery that there is armory related problems since update
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