Server Hotfix - February 19, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    A hotfix will be applied to all servers tonight during regular restarts. No additional downtime will be required. Players may notice the following changes:

    Strike Team
    · Fixed an issue where occasionally hero players were instructed to return to Ranx or villain players were instructed to return to Mogo to continue their missions if the players left before the iconic NPC finished speaking.

    Nexus of Reality
    · The shifted boss(es) in the final boss fight now also enrage when the timer runs out on the artifact.

    Beat the Heat
    · GCPD Squad Cars are more heavily patrolling the Jewelry Stores in Burnley.
    · GCPD police officers who went off duty after they took too much of a beating have been replaced by more diligent police officers.

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  2. evilmufasa Well-Known Player

    Gu 34? Soon?
  3. AJPro Committed Player

    Was hoping for this week..but really no new content, just want to spend my badges on my alts and see what's left:). No real rush though
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  4. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Aw man, im checking these forums every hour for the GU34 launch announcement. Stupid sorcery 2.0 slowing down the arrival of green auras :(
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  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I blame Presidents' Day for the lack of GU34.

    Washington and Lincoln: always keeping us down! ;)
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  6. BLK Well-Known Player

  7. Fightingbudha New Player

    This hot fix is so we can have GU34 on the 20th right? ;)
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  8. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    No Im pretty sure the hotfix is for the fixes stated at the top of this thread by Mepps lol. We can dream though, we can dream......
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  9. Doctors Son Level 30

    Finally. The Beat the Heat was kinda getting ridiculous with the cops taking forever to reappear and then to only having two cars. *thumbs up*
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  10. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Why was that an issue? The battle was over right? So…. lets go.
    Ohhhh… WANT us to sit and wait for them to finish speaking.
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  11. tukuan Devoted Player

    You're half right...
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  12. Hiram Hdz New Player

    hola que es esto? xD}
  13. FlyingArrow New Player

    Haven't been on during a restart for a long time but I'm pretty sure it doesn't take 49 mins unless that's changed.... guess the whole "no additional downtime" kinda isn't true....
  14. Chill Snowman New Player

    You guys are like broken records, when is gu34? When is gu33? Like chill out, it'll be out when it's out, bugging the gms will not make it come out any sooner so please just shut up about it dang. it's pathetic and ridiculous
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  15. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    i dont know if u a legendery or not ( and the true i dont care srry ) but as a legendery who pay almost 3 years YES they need to give us faster update and dlc...
    why?! - cuz we wait 4 month for new dlc and almost 2 month for normal GU
    ho ye and dlc 9 contact is a Large dlc like they say ( lol !!! 1 raid 2 alert ) 4 month for this ?
    now as a player put your ego Aside and tell me if its normal ??
  16. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    You should be blaming Obama or Obamacare instead.
  17. Daniel New Player

    And... don't u want fix quality emblem in green lanterns style? because rage power have a very good emblem in his chest and with good quality, but the quality of green emblem is very low, remember ppl is paying yours dlc, I'm very sad for this, one more think... power shield of green lanterns now is very ugly since u change that, i don't know why, but power shield in rage are now the best... thanks for green aura :(... and you continue doing ugly stuff for green lanterns like green weapons... maybe a child do that weapons styles, of course, not red because are pretty good style.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is fixed internally and will move live once through testing.
  19. iLLusion New Player

    You don't have to worry, the new and improved Green Lantern emblem is already on test as part of GU34! I'm sure you'll be more than happy with the way it turned out! You can check posts #70 and #72 for couple of screenshots here:

    I'm really excited about the green aura and our new awesome emblem! GU34 can't go live soon enough.
  20. Nemisor Committed Player

    is the fix for tank taunts ready for live yet? i know you said you had it internally but that was a while back.
  21. Erza Scarnet New Player

    I'm getting an error when i open the game TODAY, it wont update and it wont start either