Downtime Server Downtime - March 2, 2016 - Episode 22 and Game Update 57!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 1, 2016.

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  1. EvilMissD New Player

    I'm on eu server and I'm stuck on connecting screen, I'm gonna wait until I'm home later hopefully it will connect with no issues :)
  2. MaatAset Well-Known Player

    If they finally end the Brainiac storyline would that end the game?
  3. Morr El New Player

    Just to let someone know ever since update i am getting weird camera angels once i use swoop every time it shows a nearby area and the camera snaps back to me
  4. Grim Fel New Player

    Everything is working wonderfully for me. Thank you.
  5. EvilMissD New Player

    Anyone else on eu server stuck on connecting screen? I'm on PS4
  6. DCdragon0085 New Player

    hi all i have problems with downloading the update... its loading 20% and it stops saying : game accessories/attachments could not be found... help i have 7 characters over cr140 with 155 sp, membership, eups
  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Completed the solo and alert. It was great to come back to the FOS and even go to the Phantom Zone. Great job devs! I really enjoyed them!
  8. Libzko New Player

    Everytime i open the marketplace im stuck in it. I restartet the game 3 times now and im always Stück. I want To loose my money mepps! :D
  9. SSeid Committed Player

    It was expected and as always respected. The additional however is by definition not scheduled. Anyway too little too late.
  10. Suzith New Player

    Y is it that when I go to my character it shows You must wait for the full game to finish downloading before you can play with this character im on ps4 :/ so lost
  11. Balu New Player

  12. Suzith New Player

    Your problem better than mine I get there but can't use my character tis torture I say:mad:
  13. Controller Devoted Player

    Once you first click on the DCUO icon to begin playing the game, there should be an option to download some file for some players that could experience problems loading the game. Click on that option (should be top choice) and see if that works.

    Maybe someone else can assist?

    Hope this helps you. New content is cool, GJ Mepps / Devs
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    I don't get it I left for a couple of mouths and when I come back all my toons are gone toons I worked hard on and then just gone all my dlc packs all the gear and stuff I bought from the mall who do I talk to to fix this
  15. DCdragon0085 New Player

    Thanks my friend, it worked :) i´m in game now thx for your help !!!
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  16. Controller Devoted Player

    Exit game, reboot computer, and try to start game again. If that doesn't work I'd submit a trouble ticket.

    Have seen a few examples today of players not seeing their toons, then once they've logged out and relogged back in it worked.

    Hope this helps.
  17. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    so excited..
  18. Wonderment Woman New Player

    PS3 game not working at all. I cant get to he 'choose character' screen. I tried restarting the ps3. I tried loading a different game, then quiting, then starting dcuo. Nothing is working... Help!!
  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    i'm connected on ps3 now.
  20. NotHappy Active Player

    March 3, 2015 5:00 AM EST.

    Still can't download the patch. Trying again. Unusual but not unexpected.

    Maybe it will finally download tonight

    Expecting more of the same however.
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