Server Downtime - June 30, 2014 - Game Update 38!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 29, 2014.

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  1. DA3DRIC New Player

    what should i do if my loading screen is out and won't load?
  2. B3nJy New Player

    also every time I want to turn my comp off it restarts the whole download to update
    and I want to let my computer rest and I don't want to be on the comp for 18hr or less playing games and waiting for it to load and also I can finally get one of the member donation thing.
  3. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    Hey, what server are you on? I'm on USPC so I don't know if i'm able to help you.
  4. Brondulfr New Player

    Isn't that a bit extreme? I totally agree that a lot of players didn't know what they were getting into when choosing the PVP server, but a simple pop-up box with a warming about the added difficulty would have been sufficient. The problem all along was that there was absolutely no description explaining the differences between the 2 choices. Perhaps it was a more simple solution to just remove the option all together, but this may hurt the PVP server in the long run. I'm sure many people will just stick to the PVE server because of the familiarity, or for friends they've made. The population of the PVP server is already pathetic, especially in Gotham, and now it will be even worse. That alone will prevent people from switching to it.

    I'll admit that ganking is a huge issue, but we handle that ourselves by helping lowbies who ask for it. Instead of removing the option and creating a new problem, just add an explanation to the 2 choices, and perhaps some tooltips that encourage lowbies to call out for help, and other players to help them.
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