Downtime Server Downtime - August 24, 2017 - Game Update 74!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. wpnace New Player

    Adjusted and tuned content in the following content:
    • Tier 1 – 4 Player
      • Area 51
      • Ace Chemicals
    • Tier 5 – 4 Player
      • Family Reunion
      • Brothers in Arms
      • Mist Recovery
      • Strike Team
    • Tier 5 - 8 Player
      • Assault & Battery
      • Paradox Wave
    • Tier 6 – 4 Player
      • Themyscira Divided
      • League Hall: Security Breach
      • Intergang Crime Wave
      • Zamaron Conversion Chamber
      • Avarice Impurity
      • Return to the Nexus
      • Act of Defiance
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  2. Cruiser New Player

    I was hoping they incorporated further fixes to US elite raid in this update. Although the strafing run's effective kill time had been extended, it is currently still very difficult to safely dodge away from it. That mercy extension on the mechanic was essentially useless this previous update and the raid definitely needs a serious revision. I think the added shield mechanic on Utm. Sold. is a downgrade because it dictates the Dps to focus the boss despite many pre-existing adds already in play which is very demanding.
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  3. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    U must want the strafing run to be absolutely no threat at all.
  4. Cruiser New Player

    You obviously have no clue what I am talking about. The visual animation is already so quick but that is manageable. What isn't is the fact that when the S.R starts at your current location, you do not have enough time to even press the keys to move out even if you see it happening. Only ways to dodge it is if you are 100% anticipating that this second the SR will go off on you which isn't realistic given 5 other mechanics in that fight. It is definitely a threat to every single player in the game right now and is evident from the fact that not a single video on Youtube has been posted of the US Elite Victory feat. If you aren't attempting the feat then please don't downplay its seriousness.
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  5. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I wish they would just say, "Estimated Downtime: All The Live-long Day"
  6. Linkau New Player

    Hi !
    What I ask you is this:
    how much longer the update are things to go on like this?
  7. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Hi !
    What I say you is this:
    Update things started to go on at 05:30 AM PT. Now time almost is 09:30 AM PT. So almost that is 4 hour. Downtime expected is 8 hour. So game up anytime between now and 4 hour.
    Your welcome
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  8. inferno Loyal Player

    I agree. The fact that they listed certain instances as being adjusted pretty much shows that they do not want the old pattern of dominating an instance by a high CR. I liked the difficulty of Nexus as a solo and had hoped that it would be slightly made easier and apply that level of challenge to the T6 content, which should be the last tier content possible with extreme challenge to solo ( even if it takes an hour or two to complete) at our current level of T8. I hope the adjustment of NPC stats will address that.

    I see that the DEVS are critically examining our viewpoints but not necessarily bowing under completely.
  9. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Nice that they're giving us bonus marks this weekend starting today but it looks like today is going to be a wash.
  10. Brew New Player

    I'm so excited
  11. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    And if you say 'OP forgot one thing' - that OP means Original Poster. :D
  12. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Every update, people whine about how long....geez, go read a book or experience real world situations. It's up when it is done....
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  13. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Why not take the servers for half the day on the busiest day of the week...................
  14. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    And if you say that style it OP it means on point
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  15. ligthhawk New Player

    saludo cordial a los desarrolladores: es claro el esfuerzo y el trabajo realizado por uds y es de reconocer .mas seria importante y mas llevadero este revamp si adicional a los cambios de mecanica reestablecemos la caida de colecciones de los 2 ultimos contenidos que permiten adquirir las piezas de omnipotencia.y adicional lo que premian las capsulas de tiempo de todos los tipos time-torn.qwardian amazonic etc. ya que invertir en el juego es divertido cuando ves que lo que compras tiene valor mas a muchos les esta pasando que apesar de la compra ilimitada de estabilizadores pareciera que la existencia de ciertas colecciones hubiera llegado a su fin . espero puedan considerar esto y contribuir al mujoramiento tambien de este evento .gracias
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  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    LOL Yeah but for THAT estimate don't we all need to be ................. "Workin on the Railroad"?

    Now .. the "scary part" cause I just checked AGAIN. By my estimate, if they got started on time, the game has been off line about 4 hours. Now at some point usually when they have uploaded but are still tweaking and checking stuff you can at least start the log in process and download the new content.. just can't get in game. Its been 4 hours and the log in is still not letting me do anything. it just goes straight to a message saying Down for Maintenance.

    Sung to the tune of "I've Been workin on the railroad"

    We've been waitin on the update

    All the live long day

    We've been waitin on the update

    Cause we want to go and play

    Can't you see the thread is grownin

    Wonderin when we'll ever get in game

    Can't we get a better update

    We want to know who to BLAME.....

    I'd go on but I think i just proved I am REALLY old LOL
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  17. Not Mad New Player

    If a Strafing run spawns on you (the beginning of the strafing run) in elite you have absolutly no time to react, making the fight luck based and nothing to do with skills. Given that the fight with any side boss out is extremly long is practically unbeatable since your group members will die 1 by 1 from unavoidable Strafing runs.
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  18. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Exactly. It's surprising but reassuring to see someone else mention this. My friend has been in contact with the devs, and I've even provided video proof of why the strafing runs are ridiculous for Elite Victory, because we've been waiting to attempt this feat since early July.

    One thing I'll say, it is never 100% you'll avoid the strafing run. If you're any power that has an animation that takes even 1 second to get out of, you will be stuck in the strafing run. Even if you're not in an animation, if you are towards the beginning of the strafing run's path when it appears on the stage, you are most definitely dead. Again, I've provided video proof of this to the devs.

    The issue with Elite Victory and the strafing runs is that if the strafing run starts on you, it's a guaranteed death. This makes beating the final boss basically luck based. You have to hope that they don't start on you, because you either will be in animation and dead, or you will roll out and be dead outside the strafing run (since the splash damage is so large). This means that as you add more bosses and lengthen the time of the fight by a large amount, you are hoping to be lucky for 5 more minutes, 10 more minutes etc. per boss added as indicated in the feat. Obviously, people will die over time as strafing runs inevitably appear over their heads, so finishing the feat currently is basically impossible.

    The fact that it's still not possible to get this feat is truly sad. We've been wanting to attempt it since before revamp when we got the first part done, back in early July. We got GG done after revamp. Then came the Strafing Run and bomb adjustment that made it pretty much impossible. I believe the Strafing Runs were perfectly fine as they were pre adjustment, as they provided a great challenge, but if you were skilled at rolling, you would get out. The bomb adjustment was good, because they weren't killing anyone before the adjustment.

    Please fix it. Attempting this feat was already difficult, but it was a fun challenge.

    Edit: The adjustment was in the August 2nd hotfix.
  19. Duzzit Active Player

  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The US PS/PC server is now online. Other servers will follow.
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