Downtime Server Downtime - April 12, 2016 - Status Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 12, 2016.

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  1. KamikazeNL New Player

    Additionally, we will implement a slightly lower than usual population cap, so you may temporarily see the login queue more frequently than you are used to. (Remember, members have login priority over paying non-members, who have priority over free players.)

    Holy f*cking sh*t. You basterds are really f*cked up... I PAID FOR MY EPISODES, and now you say people with premium status are non paying members? **** YOU.. **** YOU !!! You limit the premium members already too much, and now you going to cut them off completly? yeah, we have priority over free players, but if all slots are taken by the all access players, even us premium players are being cut off completly.. You guys play dirty games, very dirty games.
  2. KamikazeNL New Player

    And P.S I tried many times in the last year to buy a membership, but the limited view of these so called 'game masters', is preventing a lot people of buying membership. They need to learn to have faith in their players, by dropping the recurring bit of the membership, so that they can add more payments and make it more available to everyone.. These guys should be ashamed of them selves..
  3. Zakarius420 Active Player

    again offline !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF???????? this is really getting annoying especially when i pay 15$ a month for what??????? this month only ive lost at least 4-5 days of game play (and still 2 weeks left in the month) because of all sorts of annoying problems. I understand that problems do occur but when YOU PAY you EXPECT to at least be able to play the game. With all the problems occuring, daybreak should consider compensating players for all downtimes we had to endure. as the updates keep coming, its more and more problems everytime but we dont get our lost game time back.........
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  4. Damo New Player


  5. VierraVoltage Well-Known Player

    First off, is it that hard to understand that if you pay more you get more privileges? That is not only for daybreak, that is pretty much the way every business is run....Second Every Single Day, the servers shutdown around 6AM central time, and is usually off from 30 mins to an hour, unless of course they need to fix extra bugs, or activate Events and new episodes, in which case, us long term players are very happy to receive. Sure there are issues, and most are already known, that being said educational player feed back should always be welcome. Ranting, Raving, and Whining is not useful feedback, and will never help the Developers.
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  6. Zakarius420 Active Player

    whatever man, this is b.s
  7. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Which part? The daily restarts that have occurred for years, or your lack of knowledge about them occurring for years?
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  8. silikyan Well-Known Player

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  9. Bystander New Player

    Hmm.. so is there any confirmation on how long the PS support site will be down?
    I had to make an account on the forums just to find out it's closed,
    I'm bounced down to premium after extending my membership an hr ago and now I can't even do half the content
    I'm at cr 122 so no membership is a no-go for me
  10. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    do u guys (devs) still put a population limit on the server? im premium and i got qued in 400+ position, with 15 minutes average time. even free player have shorter q time. it was normal last night ( and the night before) when i played (0 sec for member, 0.07 for premium).i get it its peak hours now, but still.. 400+ que? 15 minutes waiting time?
    oh and not to mention the game still crashed a lot, after i wait 15 minutes to get in, my game crashed like 5 minutes into the game, in which i have to q for 15 minutes again just to get in again (coz apparently there are no linkdead status anymore).

    can we get an estimated time when will the server be normal again? its almost a week now the problem exist.. its becoming unplayable for me
  11. CTCFirebird Active Player

    Sorry to break it to you, but a friend on my League had went through something similar. He had bought a gear that he wasn't suppose to buy. He was previewing it. He did everything he could to try to get his Marks and Game Cash back. He EMailed Daybreak. He even had Membership. Even if you could've dropped your control by accident, they wouldn't help you with that. You have to live with it. My friend was so pissed off that he had canceled his Membership with Daybreak because of that. You won't get nothing back... It would be great though, but I don't think its in the policy of Daybreak. Daybreak has GOT to LISTEN to their players!
  12. Zakarius420 Active Player

    at this point, i just down think dc cares about anyone as long as they get money in the bank. yesterday servers were down , this morning also...... this is REALLY GETTING AGGRAVATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not only do i pay to play, im stuck waiting to log in, cant play when i can because servers are always having issues, and dc doesnt do anything to repay their customers for all the loss of time we had, you would think after the thousands of players issuing a complaint on forums over time that dc would AT LEAST open an eye and do something, but the fact they dont is just plain insulting to many. YOU GUYS NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND REALISE THAT WE MAKE YOU HAVE THE MONEY YOU HAVE TODAY!!!!!!!!! HOW ABOUT RETURNING THE FAVOR TOWARDS THE ONES THAT ACTUALLY GIVE A CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. TeflontheIcon Well-Known Player

    Soooo._ when can we talk COMPENSATION? And please don't hide behind the T.O.S. (Terms of Service ) or blame the Psn, like last time. Btw what ever happened to G.M. Rugged Monk? He was the MAN!
  14. FrostTitan New Player

    Anyone else having issues purchasing Daybreak Cash? I've tried restarting my computer, my info is up-to-date, and I checked the little guide they had for if your credit card wasn't working and none of those were an issue with mine. Is this on their end?
  15. Alexis Mystic Level 30

    It has been how many days?? Why is there still a population cap?
  16. The Game Well-Known Player

    uh duh?

    This is nothing new so I don't see why you would be pissed off about it.
  17. Jacob Adjani Active Player

    As we are approaching a full week since the re-introduction of the Ep 23 code, and the addition of tracking tools for devs to suss out the cause of the server instability witnessed in recent days...

    Mepps, do you have any update for the community? Have the tools installed been able to pinpoint the cause of the problems? Are the load limits/population cap measures that you implemented being removed, and if so, when?

    Any information you could provide would be most appreciated.
  18. GreenFlameGod New Player

    I only get to play about once or twice a week because of work and still pay for a member ship but every time I get on the world's always going down. Its kind of ridiculous I mean I know you gotta fix stuff but still I feel like I'm just wasting my money
  19. cosmicdedman New Player

    game is broken again . got kicked off server at the end of lpve and now cant get back on ....smh.....are you guys ever going to fix this
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  20. GreenFlameGod New Player

    Lol probably not kind of ridiculous the second time today it's been a week since I've played nd since I got on this morning it's went down twice
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