Seal of Preservation should be a drop somewhere...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Critical Massacre, Sep 28, 2019.

  1. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Lost 84 marks trying to get an artifact to 80 without a seal, 80% success rate. I couldn’t imagine doing this for a 160 or 200 artifact, it probably would cost you thousands of marks. Look I don’t mind paying for content or styles but I refuse to pay for stuff just to level up. I actually like the grind and if you don’t and prefer to pay to level that’s cool, I got no issues with it, but if leveling becomes nearly impossible without purchases then we got an issue. I’m not saying hand out seals of completions or seals of preservations but it’d be nice to be able to grind for them too, at least the seal of preservation. Maybe put it in different operations for lower content weekly so people will have a reason to play it again. Agree? Better suggestions? Let’s hear it.
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  2. AquiloFury Committed Player

    Maybe give us something similar to the stabilizer fragment duo..but a solo? Maybe re-running a portion of the Oblivion bar instance with Constantine where you get your first artifact? It could be different like the duo..the portal takes you to hell, oa, a government facility or the necropolis with steppenwolf...(I think that's where you go lol). You could earn so many fragments a day until you make a complete seal of preservation..retain seals of completion for the mp...
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  3. MrWon Committed Player

    It should be available on Constantine for like 30 marks
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  4. AquiloFury Committed Player

    Also not a bad idea :)
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  5. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    Yes both ideas would be better than what we re dealing with now.
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  6. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Great idea. One of the things many people complain about is lack of content / repetition. Adding a solo mission (and they can be different ones for variety) for the Seals of Preservation gives players at least one more thing to do if they wish. Satisfies people who enjoy the grind, and Seals of Completion are still available on the MP for those who are willing to buy them.

    What about making the Seal of Pres and Stabilizer Fragment missions solo, duo, an alert and even a raid (each giving more rewards) for even more variety? Just a thought.
  7. Raven Roth Committed Player

    Make it an epic drop in the duo
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  8. AquiloFury Committed Player

    I really like the idea of getting more rewards for running larger content..kudos :). As far as people wanting more to do..and people who enjoy the grind only concern is that they will not be happy with reusing the Oblivion bar instance. Have any locations in mind for the duo, alert and raid?
  9. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    I think the locations can be anywhere. They don't have to be current expansion-specific. Raids, for example, could be against Brainiac in the bottled buildings, against General Zod, against some hideous plot by the Joker (for Heroes) or to help Lex Luthor pull off some caper against Superman (for Villains), or foil the latest attempt by Corum Rath to start a war between Atlantis and the surface, whatever scenario you can think of. Some can be faction specific, others cooperative. Same thing with the solo's, duo's and alerts, so players get a little variety in the missions, as they currently do in the Stabilizer duo. As time goes on they could always add an extra mission here and there to increase the variety. I realize its easier said than done. Just an idea.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    A rare drop off a boss would be really cool
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Skip Starbucks for a day and buy a pack.
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  12. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I agree preserves should drop, but also since dcuo likes their rare drops, completions should drop too.
  13. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    It could be a rare option in the "you must own the dlc" loot box (account bound).
  14. Minie Well-Known Player

    How would that fix the problem at all?
    Most of us have no problem buying seals just like we don't have a problem buying TCs or BBs. The problem is that the core of ranking up artifacts in DCUO is primarily based on a cash grab, and it's unnecessary might I add. They should fix this asap, and its very ironic because a few years back I remember mepps said basically TCs are the most successful game feature they ever implemented profit wise, but if TCs were/are such a hit then why do they even need seals and catalysts being monetized? One could argue...they Don't.
    Just let us earn these ranking contents through gameplay even if it requires a bit of grind, instead of unnecessarily charging us.
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  15. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    While i agree about seals. No one can legitimately claim there a lack of content in this game. 8 years. 9 tiers. Countless open worlds. Seasonals. Events. Thousands of feats. To new players, intermediate or even end game there's tons to do. Unless you're the .001 percent whos done it all. Some current gen gamers are insatiable. Whether or not the content is worth your time is a different story. But its there.
  16. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I think buying leveling content becomes a slippery slope. I get not wanting to put in a ton of time doing something you don’t like so you make a purchase that can seem like money well spent. But you can start with that then next thing your buying marks and dark metal coins getting all the best gear. Then your entire game just becomes about doing feats and elite content, which I see a lot players relegated to now. One time purchases are ok but if you have to constantly pay for something in order to get you character equal to others then there’s a problem. That’s what I mean by liking the grind, I like slowly building my character and having to focus on multiple aspects of the game in order to do that. To me that’s the game and the challenge of it, if I just pay to skip to the end then I feel like I haven’t really done anything other than play with action figures.
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  17. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Aside from your response, do you agree with having to buy Seals from the Marketplace to advance your artifacts? (Multiple at that, especially if you play multiple toons at end game level?)
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because its not the Dev team themselves creating these systems, its Daybreaks influence
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  19. Minie Well-Known Player

    Yep 100%. They're influenced by profit, and as long as people buy content for artifacts it won't change.
    Either way you look at it, we're screwed.
    -If more people stop supporting these things then the whales still will and BOOM, back to square one, or worst case scenario, Daybreak doesn't earn enough profit to keep the game running (<This is less likely).
    -If people do continue to support these corrupt systems then nothing changes, or worse case scenario it gets even worse with a brand new system to unnecessarily or unfair way to charge players $ (next they might sell CR itself as a limited time prom....wait a second im giving them ideas,I gotta go!).
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  20. AquiloFury Committed Player

    When artifacts were first introduced, we were told that we could earn everything we needed in monetization aspect to them. I think they should honor that. I mean, I get it's a f2p game..microtransations are how it stays running. With time capsules, there is a way to obtain stabilizers in game and you can buy on the mp. Why not have seals of preservation be the same? It's something you are given when you obtain your first artifact. As I've said before, you can keep both types of seals on the mp...but at the very least we should have a way to earn seals of preservation in game. I also like the idea of seals of completion being a rare drop as well..but I understand if they don't go that route.
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