RIP Precision

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gulrick TheWanderer, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    So they’ve nerfed the hologram device and bot clipping. Why stop there? Let’s nerf dervish too my heads hurting with all the spinning. Also phasedodge is op. Super speed also shouldn’t be able to dash forward in combat leaving acro and flight in the dust. Needs to be nerfed. Well guess I’ll be switching to might and putting all my extra sp into health
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  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not clippping needed to go lol. You were able to clip your weapon with a bot or trinket for no power cost and minimal animation. I personally asked for this and am happy they took it out. And this coming from a prec dps lol.

    Additionally, it’s better for balancing since you can see where it needs to be buffed (which weapons) without needing to balance around trinket usage.
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I guess I wasn't misusing bot clipping as a DPS, so I suppose I'm not gonna miss it.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Are those unintended clipping abilities? If so, id say they’ll be gone shortly. If not, then should be fine. Super speed being faster kinda makes sense cuz it’s super speed. Flight has its own advantages and they’ve been more abundant in content lately so I’m fine with it. My tank will always be ss. My healers will always be flight. My troll doesn’t care. My dps will always be skimming.
  5. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Precision DW-Bow/Brawl-MA was already in a good spot before that hologram trinket even existed.
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  6. Earworm New Player

    Why not buff other things instead of nerf?
  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Because things are starting to overperform. And because things were never intended so they can’t balance things properly. There’s actually a lot of reasons. It is what it is, everyone can figure out what’s best within the week.
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  8. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Those bot Clips were not parsing better than decent tray abilities, it just gave you the leisure you needed for two 25% supers (which is the real problem). Now, I do hate this because it’s just an attack on a playstyle that’s already purged from the game.
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    because clipping abuse is not intended as a function - this isn't something doing too much or too little damage, this is people using a bot consumable or an appearance altering trinket to circumvent the way the game's combo system actually works.
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  10. Trexlight Devoted Player

    *yawns* sounds like bad Precision players doom posting. Yall will be fine.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    Bot clipping and hologram trinket use was probably always on a ticking clock - surprised both have lasted as long as they have.

    I know you're making an attempt at sarcasm, but phase dodge is actually a shield and is behaving as intended and last I checked we were able to clip offensive moves with a defensive move and that's what's happening with phase dodge.

    I know there's a few people in this community that seem to have a vindictive 'bee in their bonnet' about precision and want to see it nerfed so far in to the ground it's un-usable, which is a real feral attitude.

    It's one thing for people to advocate for balance it's another to want to entirely decimate a play style in general so they can feel better about what they're doing themselves - but, there's definitely a few people that have some pretty disingenuous intentions when it comes to balance :)

    If the devs want to spend some real time on precision, they'd go through and buff a bunch of the weapons, because the state they're in, especially when they got a pass a year or two back is a real shame.
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  12. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It wasn't a nerf, it was a fix. Using a toy trinket in a way that wasn't intended is actually an exploit. I'm sure prec is still good without it, as always was.
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  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  14. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Lollll these threads are always hilarious to me.

    Exploits being fixed are attacks on play styles somehow…

    I do hope the devs take a look at weapons in general and do a balance pass to bring the underperforming ones up to par, it’s really unfortunate most weapons aren’t viable in a competitive setting/endgame as a Precision DPS.
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  15. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    1 of 42 other methods was taken away... [IMG]

    yeah, how about making other powers and weapons do nearly as much damage as the other.

    I have this thought and then see in game characters
    • unable to move from an enemy orbital strike (dodge, or lunge to en enemy, gosh)
    • never counter a not boss/npc attack
    • 3 tanks tonight, go to one npc mob and gather 3 npcs... I got the other nearby 4 or 12 npcs and brought them to the tank
    • many many characters never using a henchmen, orbital strike, supply drop, or base mods in gear (likely not using soders or in a league for very very slightly better potential stats)
    So, i hear when seeing complaints about not being able to clip in one way.... : I'm trying to complete the instance asap. /wary. ok. why are you focused on completion asap? and why can't you pick up the downed healer or controller?
  16. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Clipping abuse? Lol please define. Is Mordru sending a complaint to the devs because he got melted? I was under the impression that clipping was never intended but it remained because it was cool and unique. Now we have less unique ways to play. All good though we still got boring 1234 might.
  17. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    It's either dps is too busy trinket or artifact swapping to pick up team mates (try hards) or oblivious to surroundings (newbs). One thing is certain, loosing a support role, is more often the end of a raid, than less damage done per second.
  18. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Clipping was never intended, but remained because devs thought it was cool. Bot clipping has been in the game for nearly a decade. I’m acro prec I needed those to compete against dervish and phase dodge. Now I’ll have to go speed or go might. As to address your point about making sense. How come speed has the only ability to dash ahead? Superman is one of the fastest in DC yet when I get hit I fly slower than normal running speed. Also nearly every fight you’re grounded so flight is useless. Ever try tanking as flight? It’s miserable.
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  19. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Semantics. Clipping was never intended, so all clips are exploits. Why are people so hot and cold on the subject? I sense alot of goal post moving going forward. There’s tons of things that weren’t intended but add more variety.
  20. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Yes drawing attention that a viable play style getting removed from the game makes me a bad dps? Nice rebuttal smooth brain