Resurgence Returns with Powerset Materials!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    Hi** DEV TEAMS you all** .. I Really like the Enhanced Future Crusader Gear set.

    I am eternally grateful for this** & I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts.. Thank you
  2. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Why are some emblems account bound that you receive from the resurgence Mega Capsule? Is it intended?
  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You're right. Got my wires crossed.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    They are all intended to be and will be tradeable.
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  5. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Ok I actually could not even place in shared bank or mail to alt.
  6. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    Seals gone from broker?:confused:
  7. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Yes. They are no longer tradeable. This feature was removed, per Mepps yesterday, to prevent some abuse that has been happening.
  8. tinoman Dedicated Player

    i don't know what the difference is between buying those and selling for in-game money. Or selling resets for in-game money. Practically the same.
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  9. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    abuse ? Is there a in-game way to obtain them or is it real cash only? cause seriously they are very necessary and on multi characters will add up. :confused:o_O
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  10. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    I can't offer much more info on the alleged abuse that Mepps talked about, other than what he said.
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  11. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    TY but sadly there is no reason or info that could be useful
  12. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    He's not going to talk about it other than saying why the change was made. They can't say how the abuse took place, which might lead to others doing it. And they can't say what all they're doing to combat it, for it would give those that are doing it, a way to get around it.
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  13. Krossssss Well-Known Player

    Not what I meant , I just want to know if they plan to make it avaible in-game some how cause buying them for every alt is a bit much, I went through 8 once with no success at 2mil each so imagine if i had to pay rl money omgo_O
  14. Lynzyb New Player

    But how come you can't preview the materials in the broker????
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  15. Gonadicles New Player

    And, now the game is broken again for Xbox players, just like it went down for us for 9+ hours a few days ago. No status update or anything; just down. Taking bets on how long this one will be!
  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Because it's not a typical style item like an aura or equipment piece.
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  17. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    Material are fun but I never bothered with them before but I finally caved and bought 1 to check'em out, and I should have liked into how it worked first :( It would be nice if we had control over where they go instead of it covering a whole piece of gear, like on your gear that's say red you can cover it with that sweet Watchful material and the other say black with Sinister material etc. If they made materials like that I can see them being worth getting but other then looking great they're not for me.
  18. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    the devs have already explained why that would be impossible, it's simply not how the channels work on the gear.
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  19. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    So can I assume that these new caps will NOT be able to be sold on the broker?
  20. Dark Shade New Player

    I bought the Pheonix Material from second-hand vendor, but the feat did not complete. Now I just completed the collection but I can not collect the material that came in the mail because it says "already collected"; now I'm stuck unable to get the 50 point feat.