quit tryna ruin my groove yo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Peach4saints, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Sometimes ingame have you ever just wanna be left alone but the time you dont want to be bothered is when everyone on your friend list wants to run with you.
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  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    That's what alts are for.
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  3. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I'd like to have a status setting like in messaging programs. The capability is at least partially there because there's the auto-AWAY and DISCONNECTED states.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you mean like nearly all the time? im sorta hostile to any random person veering into my "annoyance space" ill wave a hello if you wave me one but anything short of a introduction, light conversation, or question i prefer to be left alone
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  5. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Those are the days I just say im feat farming.
    And I usually run alone anyway.
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  6. Enat Active Player

    One of the things I miss from EverQuest is the /afk command

    /afk The answer is still NO, so stop asking.
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  7. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Seriously yo.
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  8. ChuckLess New Player

    Yeah, SWG had this as well. If someone tried to message you it just auto sent back a "so and so is AFK". Lol. Sometime I would forget to turn it off ;)
  9. toast Well-Known Player

    this is why there is an "ignore invites" in the social menu
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  10. iSmashly New Player

    Why you ruining this guys groove!? Like wtf?! Ruining ones groove isn't cool peeps!
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  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    It's easy for me:

    1st: Have an extra tab without any chat channels on it.
    2nd: Enable chat fading.
    3rd: Turn Off Invitations of any kind.

    There ya go. You won't see anyone. You won't hear anyone. You won't get invited to any stuff.
    Have fun with your free time - everyone needs it once in a while ;)
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  12. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I just started being really mean to people...They leave me alone now...
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  13. Octantis New Player

    Psh, my groove is never ruined! It helps to not have any friends :D
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  14. Enickma Dedicated Player

    And yet some people say that our alts should be known by everyone...
  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Since I dps and tank I'm always being hit up to run something.. Mostly for tanking generally I run with the same group of friends every night but when I'm not running with them I'm usually running with others who have asked ... Idont mind helping but if in busy doing somethig I just shoot them a tell ad tell them that in either farming or I'm respeccing or modding or running my solos for slavage ... I'm always honest and generally just being honest an letting them know you are busy they under stand if they don't meh...

    I don't feel the need to cut my self off From contact ... I'll alway respond if I see the tell sometimes im afk and don't see it .. That being said ill quickly put someone on ignore if they blindly send me a ninja invite ... There are only a few people in game I allow a ninja invite from ...I think it's rude to just ninja invite with out a tell ... As I said yes I'll allow some but not others an yes it's favoritism ... Anyway there are ways to get around bein bothered however I agree it should be a flip of a switch to be on with out being seen if someone wants that
  16. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    It's an mmo. Alone time is what comic books are for.
  17. Invalid Opinion New Player

    this is my default tab :cool:
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  18. Opamp Committed Player

    *throws attention at you*

    You're so popular.

    In all seriousness - what's the problem? You don't have to reply to every message in the chat box.....
  19. Tank 4 life New Player

    I want a way to hide from people without them knowing I'm ignoring them. Lol