QoL Updates for Legends PVE

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. BlackGuns New Player

    Though LPVE may never receive another major update, what're some QoL improvements they could implement to make the next 10x LPVE week more enjoyable?

    Here would be my QoL suggestions along with some suggestions to make LPVE more accessible and possibly enjoyable:

    1. Give a stronger Soder that heals for more than 20%. Many Legends don't have a way to heal.

    2. Possibly give a Utility belt with permanent consumables. Like a personal dampening shield that refreshes, a buff trinket, maybe even supply drop and henchmen. Many Legends don't have shields so it can be quite difficult in missions where you have to interact with things while getting hit.

    3. Scale the Legends to the top stats of a zone, feels like they're scaled to the bottom for most missions currently unless you run the "meta" Legends. So maybe some Legends just need balanced. This will make it go by faster and the Legends will actually feel stronger making the game play more iconic

    4. Allow us to manage inventory. Even if just after the mission is over its no fun having items floating you'll never be able to get.

    5. Keep all Legends PVE missions available at all times. There's so many Legends and so many more they could add, but currently only 1 or 2 missions are available at a time currently.

    6. Possibly add "Omnibus Legends" or similar to the Superman Event, have a "Featured LPVE" that changes each day or week that counts as 2x for counters or gives 2x marks.

    7. Add more Legends alerts. There's so many more alerts in the game now that could be added if they scale the Legends right and add some QoL improvements.

    What do others think? Are these too many changes? Does anyone even care about LPVE? Thanks for reading
  2. BlackGuns New Player

    8. When queuing for the Legends alert, pop up with the character select. Currently you have to go the the Legends tab which only has the Legends PVP instances to select your Legend, then go back to the Events tab to queue for the Legends PVE Alert.
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  3. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    1. No
    2. No
    3. Good, but wont happen. No more balance patches will ever come to this game probably, especially in legends. The only "balance patches" that will come is in the form of allies and artifact much to everyone's anger and resentment
    4. Do this before a mission, its not hard,
    5. I like this. Keep all the content up at the same time. As for adding more, no. It wont happen.
    6. No
    7. No wont happen and its not "QoL" its more content.
    8. Would be better, yes.

    Overall, anything that needs doing is another legends week for a whole month. 1-2 a year is not it for people who dont have much time on the game for feats that required so much grind in dead content.
  4. GhostsAndMagic Dedicated Player

    They need to remove the daily loot locks
  5. BUDOKAI101 Committed Player

    The only thing they'll ever do with Legends PVE is monetize it as a pay to win feature just like they are doing with pve mode. Believe me when I say pvp and lpve will eventually get it's own pay to win systems to account for stats revamp clamp. buy your stats back over a 10 year period. This was the whole strategy for stats revamp
  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Allowing Artifacts and Ally passives could help with many issues players have. We got these items already after all, so why not let us use them in those instances?
    If its somehow tied to legends pvp this is not a good change of course but if its independent, I dont see a reason why this shouldnt work and shouldnt be done.

    The Instances should not be adjusted so the increase in strength is noticeable and rewarding while also not giving the impression of trying to increase revenue with this change.
  7. Eve YouTuber

    I think they should balance enemies health vs our damage. I love LPVE alot, but I grew tired of feeling like I hit like a pillow at times.
    Unless It's for a feat, I will always take Wonder Woman to help with damage because she's pretty strong but it doesn't make sense to me that the alert need to go for so long because of how low the damage is. Idm the soda thing cause it doesn't effect my gameplay as much as the low damage.

    Idm monetizing Legends by adding new ones to the market place, and free maps to all. There are plenty of maps from alerts they could use for that. They don't need a whole revamp for that, just really make it more playable. It kind of feels like running omnibus with a legend character loadout and you cannot change out of it to do better damage.

    Better rewards and loot table too, and as other mentioned make it so It's not loot locked. It should be treated like Omnibus at this point, and I think It will be fair.
  8. BlackGuns New Player

    Legends are purchasable in the Marketplace/Loyalty Vendor, however you can only actually use them in 2 LPVE instances per day before being loot locked during the weekend or only 1 per day after the weekend. If they didn't get lootlocked or if we had access to all instances then maybe they'd feel worth buying.

    I think a big thing with the Legends is they don't feel Legendary at all. They feel so weak especially compared to our main toons that have artifacts, allies, even augments, as well as trinkets. As others above suggested, giving us access to some of these and balancing our stats to the enemies would greatly benefit the LPVE gameplay. Perhaps stat "balancing" would require too much dev time and testing though so maybe a simple change like this could be a good first step:

    Suggestion 9. Unlock all Weapon Mastery stats for each toon's weapon. The "Legends" often run out of power so you have to use the weapons to compensate (which I find very fun and where I learned most of the weapon combos so many years ago). If we has the Weapon Mastery skills then the Legends would actually feel like Masters and it'd enhance the gameplay.
  9. BlackGuns New Player

    Note that Legends are also "earnable" in game* though many need membership to purchase. To get the Marks of Legend though, you need to run LPVE, LPVP, or PVP. Only LPVE gets lootlocked and is very limited to 1 or 2 instances per day, while LPVP is likely more balanced than PVP, it's still very rare to pop. So the actual earning of Marks of Legend is quite slow aside from when it's 10x Legends week (which doesn't happen near often enough), so giving access to all maps all the time and/or removing the lootlock from LPVE would help shed some light on Legends especially if they added a special Omni to autofill LPVE instances, like a "Legends Alert Omni" that could have it's own Omni box as well!

    A note of caution tho with removing the lootlock is the possibility of people just spamming the fastest mission to farm Marks. Which maybe is okay, but that means some of the maps may never get touched, like Bludhaven which is most annoying without a shield.

    Also, with how slow the grind is for Marks of Legend for new toons/people, thank you to whoever implemented the "Promo Legends"!