Ps4 Bad Tuesdays

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raikken, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Raikken New Player

    So far almost every Tuesday its been hard for ps4 users to play dcuo, I thought it was because it was a maintenance going on, but apparently thats not the case. So I have to ask is every Tuesday gonna be a bad tuesday for us ps4 users. I mean why does the game work perfectly fine for ps3 users but for ps4 it seems were getting the new bugs. I thought with the new console everything would be better but it seems its only gotten worse. I'll admit the bugs arent as bad, but when are they gonna stop?
  2. Couzintony New Player

    Cuz a new system always has bugs... N random weird things wrong with them...
    Reasons why I'm waiting to get my ps4...
  3. American Nomad New Player

    Have a PS4 since launch, haven't had any problems on tuesdays or any other day, toher than the delay for the virtual keyboard to pop up sometimes.
  4. Ramonater New Player

    LOL its DCUO bro, what do you expect?

    thats the reason i havent gotten my PS4 yet, im waiting for another 3-4 months due to all the issues i keep hearing about. I had my PS4 pre ordered and then to EB that ill just pick up sometime in march or so because of all this. By the way DC and god of war are the only games i play on PS, all my other games are on Xbox
  5. American Nomad New Player

    "All the issues you keep hearing about"? Like what???
  6. Zeikial Committed Player

    working as intended
  7. RSL New Player

    i'll take the ps4 bugs [except the new "can't connect" ones which come from the PSN not DCUO, mind you] over the glitchy, laggy, random ps4 experience any day. and remember ps3 players still constantly disconnect, at least in the open world operations [like flies while ps4 players seem to weather that pretty well]. so it's not all bad.
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