[PS3] LF Elite Villain League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Fleur De Lis, May 16, 2013.

  1. Fleur De Lis New Player

    Hello. I recently started playing. I do only have a few days under my belt, but I plan on sticking around for awhile as well. When I get into something, I like to REALLY get into it, so I want to make sure I can learn from the best. I also want to make sure I'm in a league capable of collecting the best and rarest items in the game. I have a mic, and a keyboard, but I am also married with a child so they come first. I would need a league that can be patient with me since I can't use these to communicate as quickly. And a league willing to teach me better ways to play and collect the items I need. I understand this is a tall order considering I just started, but I don't want to stray down the wrong path because I took advice from someone that doesn't have the best information either. I appreciate anyone willing to help me, and thank you in advance for considering me. ~Fleur De Lis, Raven Mocker, Soup Bandit
  2. Fleur De Lis New Player

    I almost forgot! I have a flying, bow wielding, fire villain now, but I'm going to be creating a new villain and it will be a fire tank. Thanks