Premium and Cash Cap - please read before you judge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flavian, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. FameYack Committed Player

    Increase your CR,
    Enjoy the game
  2. FameYack Committed Player

    Here, Carry over 30K Cash always with you, need preparations but is worth it,

    And BUY SMART:

    Please give your thanks to Octantis and sillhouette

    And next time one mentioned wanting a CAP increase be nice and share this tips with them
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  3. Octantis New Player

    Aww schucks.
  4. Bokugo New Player

    Just because YOU see no value in those "benefits" doesn't mean they have no value.
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  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    So you all were psychic back then? Did you know that armories were going to be added? Did you know league halls were going to be added? Lair amenities on the marketplace? (My point is nobody can see the future.)

    Seems to me times have changed and SoE is putting more emphasis on selling micro-transactions these days, that to me makes me hopeful that anything that has been requested repeatedly may someday be made available for a price. I would like for the current cap to become a soft cap, I would like a hard cap that is higher than the current cap. I beleive that the cap can be raised without devaluing subscriptions.

    I believe players should be happy to spend money on this game, it should be a choice not an obligation. I'm not stupid I know they need money to keep the game running, that's why I believe that the expansion of the marketplace is a good thing, a good sign of things to come.

    Do I feel entitled to a cash cap increase just because I currently own access to every DLC? Of course not, but I do think it would be nice if I could purchase one anyways. To be able to buy just a little bit of convenience as opposed to alot of convenience in regards to this, and for that little bit of convenience to feel worth the price.

    Define "Long term" for me... Because as it is I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around why Premium players can't also be long term players...

    And lastly, forming balanced groups huh? What is the secrete to doing that in a timely manner in the currently DPS saturated landscape...?
  6. Spacedude2 New Player

    I skimmed through this and saw the overseas point. When you work overseas, you get paid more. Always. Impossible to pay for a legendary? What country you live in? Seriously, I served overseas and money was always more.
  7. Falco Committed Player

    Remember when the devs already fixed the issue by putting unlimited escrow in the market place?
    Your whole thread is a moot point. There are plenty of resources for premiums who are just too lazy or too cheap to use them.
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  8. Minnion Devoted Player

    Remember how the unlimited escrow on the marketplace costs more per month than legendary? Yeah... That's why I will never buy an unlimited escrow token.
  9. Falco Committed Player

    So buy legendary, which is what the devs want.
    Why is it so hard to understand? lmao
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  10. MetalMario Loyal Player

    There will never be a cheaper way to get the main legendary perk than going legendary. The devs would be shooting themselves in the foot.
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  11. Sbel Devoted Player

    ....99% sure he meant 'people who are native to countries with lower salaries/cost of living' ie furriners.
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  12. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I was just giving my reason for subscribing.... I'd bet my salary that says I'm not the only one subscribing for that exact reason as well though.
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  13. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because that's not what I want. Why is that so hard to understand?
    If and when I want all the perks of legendary then I will buy legendary, on my terms not theirs. I should not feel pressured into buying something that I don't want right now. Not by SoE, and especially not by certain members of the community, so back off on the "Sub up or shut up" arguments, they do not make me want to sub up and certainly won't make me shut up.

    Now, all that is being asked for is a higher cash cap to reward non-subscribers for their continued support of DCUO and by extension SoE. Not an unlimited cash cap. We can already buy overpriced unlimited escrow a week at a time without subbing.

    What is being requested is a looser restriction to be made available. Now will raising the cap diminish the value of unlimited escrow? Perhaps, but it really doesn't matter since that value has been growing at a steady rate with each new tier of gear anyways. So the cap should continue to work as intended even if unlimited escrow takes a slight dip in value.(The value of unlimited escrow will recover anyways given that new tiers will continue to come out and I doubt SoE would make a habit of raising the cash cap nearly as often as they do repair costs...)

    My point? The value of legendary has been growing faster than the value of Premium. Even if a cash cap increase does slightly devalue unlimited escrow I doubt it will wipe out the amount it has grown in value since there was a cash cap.(The truth is unlimited escrow will continue to grow in value, and has grown in value since the cash cap was introduced. Decreasing its value by a small amount is a mot point, and I'd wager that as long as there is a cash cap that cap will continue to work as intended even if it is raised.)

    TLDR; I have yet to be convinced that the cash cap will stop working as intended if it's ever raised. Mostly because I'm pretty sure the value of Unlimited escrow(The perk people argue would be devalued by an increased cash cap) will not be devalued by more than it's value has grown since FTP became a thing.(Not to mention there is no reason to believe that the perks value would ever stop growing as time goes by and new content is released.)
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    It was purely coincidence that you were the first person I saw in this thread, I swear! I'm not stalking you! :D

    I can sympathise with your point but I still believe a Premium player who has paid to access content which exclusively drops specific plans should be able to build those plans unassisted. Likewise, I believe they shouldn't struggle to repair gear because the cost of repairs keeps scaling as each new tier arrives.

    I think the cash cap increase is dead in the water. I don't think it'll ever happen. It should, because it won't affect anything about the game. I've said in the past, when is a pay wall not a pay wall? when there's a free work around to it. Therefore it won't cause any disruption to sales of whatever because the current system already null and voids the pay wall. It's just a nasty after taste from the past where game companies adopted free to play with the intention of screwing it's players. Sure it's not the intention of the devs, I'm certain, but it's how it makes you feel as a player who has been loyal to the game for so many years.

    As the cash cap increase is a dead issue, I think we should look towards better solutions and I think the most logical and reasonable one is allowing Premiums to farm tier-relevant vendor components from all the content they run. That was FESTER666 and Torikumu get the convenience of hobbling over to the R&D vendor and picking up the Soder Cola Enhancers/Catalysts/Equipment Interfaces at our leisure with our infinte supply of in game funds. But the guy who's been playing since November 2011 as a Premium player and stuck with this game through everything has a chance to do everything on his own but via a less convenient than merely walking to a vendor and buying the items.

    Your thoughts on tier-relevant R&D vendor components?

    Just a note on the side, if new additions to the R&D loot table would not lower the rate at which a Recovery Kit or Focusing Element drops. Neither one is guaranteed to drop 100% of the time. There's chance at getting no R&D component, therefore the percentile chance of getting nothing would absorb the new additions to the table and not affect any of the current R&D drop rates.
  15. Falco Committed Player

    Stay premium with options to buy unlimited escrow.
    Go Legendary and get all the money you want.
    Or qq in the forums, which hasn't helped yet and likely won't.

    Free to play your way.
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  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    If they lock the plans so only those who own the DLC can research then I would agree 100%.

    Gear repair costs rising and R&D components I think can both be solved the same way for premiums. Now that were seeing items bought with multiple currencies (SoP, MoF, cash) I think they could implement that more and make it so repairs are $2,000 and X amount of MoT if you're a premium player...

    I think the best solution for repairs is simply make repair funds come out of escrow, but they WANT there to be friction there, it's intended and working as intended.... So I just don't know if we'll ever see it. If they wanted to make EI's and things like that drop I would be fine with it, that in itself doesn't make it too easy to make mods on your own and I would keep my sub for sure since it's still easier for me to just buy them at the vendor.....

    I saw that the new boost 3 mods look like they're under the same battery charge as boost 2. What will you say if they decided to add a fifth battery level for the boost 3 mods and to charge that battery was more than 2,000? Would that be an issue even though it's coming in this game update? Maybe they just didn't want to mess with it until the new UI is done?

    Just saying that the friction is there for a reason and I'm sure we'll see more items added to the game that use this friction to try to get people to either subscribe or use escrow boosts.....

    Forgive typos, I'm on my phone typing this out. LOL
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  17. Minnion Devoted Player

    Who said I was rage quitting over this?
    I'm not rage quitting over this, I'm merely supporting the request and trying to have a reasonable discussion of why I think the granting of this request would not hurt Legendary sales the way others seem to think it will.
    1.I trust that the Dev team and their bosses won't do something that they know will hurt their bottom line.(And have not yet been convinced that raising the cap would hurt their bottom line.)
    2.Even if this suggestion does cause some to drop sub I doubt this will cause any real damage.
    • To regain most of the perks of legendary would requires significantly more investment than the cost of several months of sub.
    • There would still be a cash cap, provided that it isn't raised too much should still provide enough inconvenience to work as intended.
    • With the increased cash cap still working as intended odds are in theory that the droped subs will spend just as much, if not more for a couple of months than they would have on a sub, and then? They sub up again because unlimited escrow is still more conveniant than capped escrow.(And always will be.)
    • The convenience of unlimited escrow has increased and will continue to increase, due to more expensive interfaces coming out, and especally because repair costs continue grow.
    • The value of unlimited escrow can afford to be diminished slightly, as it's value has clearly grown and will continue to grow
    3.Raising the cash cap is just one suggestion to deal with the reality of repair costs becoming increasingly inconvenient due to the unchanging cash cap. One popular argument is "It's working as intended, why change?"
    My counter argument is something of an Ironic echo... "If it's working as intended why should it continue to become more inconvenient?"

    With that I suggest the following: Put a cap on repair costs. Don't drive away the customers that don't want to sub by hassling them for more money just because they are willing to pay for the next tier of content. The Marketplace is your friend, make your money with cool new costume pieces and lair items and bigger wallets and more inventory space... The cash cap? It should be treated like inventory slots in my opinion.
  18. Hero of Justice New Player

    The cash cap is a big part of the reason that a lot of people subscribe to the game. There are a lot of other features (and growing) for members, but few are so difficult for non-members to live without as the cash cap, if any.

    I don't sub for the cash cap alone (and it's not one of my top couple of factors), but I can say for sure that it's a heck of a lot better. The two-day extension on member accounts just recently threw my account out of whack for a day, which knocked me down to Premium for that day. The biggest thing I noticed in that day (besides the reduced character slots) was the inconvenience of suddenly only having $2000 dollars available. I'm sure the devs have noticed that, too. Raise the cash cap and you start removing the inconvenience that is a large part of the reason many go member, and that's just bad business.

    We want the game to continue, we need it to make money, and keeping members is obviously a big part of that. I have no problems with the cash cap as it is now, there are ways to get around it (they require significant effort, yes, but that's as it should be) and it ensures the membership of a lot of folks.
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  19. Avatar Raziel New Player

    I am subscribing for the exact same reasons

    I flat don't believe that anyone cannot afford to pay for a sub. If you can afford a computer that will run it, an internet connection that will handle it, you can afford the $15/mo.

    If you can afford to spend 20? 30? 40? 50? hours per month playing the game you could afford to take 1-3 hrs off and work a bit more to afford a sub.

    The mere fact that a person has both time and resources to play the game, to me that proves that they could afford a subscription if they wanted to. All this stuff about getting by as a premium member is nonsense to me.

    Some guy said "college student" - lolz c'mon. You have a room and a computer and internet. You have some way to pay for college. Some way to support yourself.

    How is it possible that these people can afford everything else in their life? Can afford everything in the world besides a subscription? Can even afford to spend hours upon hours playing a video game rather than working, but the one thing they just don't have money for is the $15/mo subscription. Im not buying it.
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  20. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Jesus, Paragraphs in a FESTER post? You're normally lucky to get a few lines, never mind paragraphs! ;)

    I appreciate that it's supposed to be a friction, but it's not a friction. A friction is supposed to make a player go "damn, I really should buy (Product X) so that it isn't so God damn boring doing (Task Y) to obtain (Item Z)". But you can't deny that this supposed friction fails as a friction because it's so easy to work around.

    I dare say it's LESS of a friction if you're standing next to someone who has the stuff you need and they're your friend/don't mind. If they initiate the trade, it's literally a 2 button press away from owning the stuff which is supposed to be a friction and enticing people to spend money to make it more convenient.

    Compare that to approaching a vendor, pressing the Interact button, finding the item you want and pressing the Purchase button. That's at least 3 steps which is 1 more than "Accept Trade invite" > "Accept trade".

    Now, I'd be completely on your side if all these things weren't available to non-members whatsoever, including trading. Then it'd be an issue. But that isn't the case. If they're not willing to budge on the cash cap, at the very least, vendor components SHOULD drop in content.

    As for repairs, I agree. It should come out of the escrow automatically if a Cash limit increase isn't going to happen. Nobody is subbing to repair and there are still plenty of inconveniences that remain in place such as being unable to list that rare drop on Broker for multiple millions of dollars, buying that expensive base item for a feat or quick access to farmed items such as exobits.

    Premiums will always ask for soders if they aren't already prepared. It's a bad inconvenience. When you compare it to a good inconvenience like Planetside 2's low Cert earning rate, which can be improved by buying an XP Booster. You should always want to spend money on a game and never do so because you feel you have to. That's what makes a good free to play game.
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