Please improve LFG algorithms

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kilbane, Apr 25, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    For what it is worth, I kind of hate queues because of this issue. Players get frustrated by *the game* not providing them who they need to win the content...because the system is finding you a player. It's not the game letting you down - it's the player - and you're getting basically whoever is next in line.

    Sure, set your settings right to at least get people who selected the role you need when queuing, but queuing itself IMO just sets up all these inverted expectations. Especially since we have dual classes.

    IMO, an assisted LFG function where a player owns and assembles a group - usually by talking to each other - puts the responsibility for winning on the group, on the players, and on the group leader - not on the game for not finding a player to your standards - and works tremendously more effectively.

    In DCUO, I highly recommend using the LFG channel and talking to each other to get good groups vs. queueing. Queuing is easier and means nobody ever has to interact, but for that ease you get what you get.
    • Like x 9
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    To be clear, it will do that if you turn this option OFF, not ON as shown.

    Turning it on means your group *won't* be restricted to only-roles, but will instead get random roles. It works the opposite of what you show and say.
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  3. Ghost27Xog Well-Known Player

    Just to clarify.. LFG is used with the chat board = Looking for game or group.. So you can shout for the proper role you need.
    I think your talking about reopen instance which is..random.
    So just use the chat board to find what you need.= LFG
  4. August Moon Well-Known Player

    I ...honestly cant fathom how many people demand a solution to a nonexistent problem . if you want to get into an instance premake the group , there's an entire global chat tab dedicated for exactly that . if you send tells and people dont like your resume then make the group yourself . so many people demand a wrecking crew to bust down a wall they can easily walk around .

    Ontop of that no amount of algorithm will fix the issue of people double queuing as both roles and refusing to or not being able to play their support role. you can fix ,fix ,fix but youll still have those people popping in your blind que group.
    • Like x 2
  5. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    Please read the text above the image. I said specifically "Allow Role-Optional Alerts => Off."
    The image is just an example of where to find the option.