Platform Discrimination - Love for Xbox, Lag for everyone else.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NanananananananaBatman, Feb 11, 2021.

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  1. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    Paying customer is a paying customer. So I'm getting punished for doing research and deciding on a good populated server before signing up?

    Downtime is downtime, glitches are glitches and lag is lag. Whether you are playing on a PS4, PC, XBOX or Switch it is going to happen. That is the only consistent thing about this game. The inconsistent thing is the compensation for said issues which needs to change yesterday.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    So, if any system that has encounters a glitch, all unaffected systems should also be granted rewards if PC/PS encountered that particular problem?

    Or should nobody get anything?
  3. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    Sigh. No. Glitches should be dealt with on a case by case manner with the appropriate compensation going to the affected individuals. There is no argument there.

    The issue here is that there have been multiple issues with server downtime, lags and glitches on the PS4/PC side and the most we have gotten is a couple extra days.

    Again if this is not clear, NO ONE is saying that everyone should get compensated when only one system is affected. We are simply saying that this is the first such instance of them doing so and it's a sleight to us when we have had just as many issues.

    So no I'm not saying that we should get something if just the XBOX side is affected but we should be getting something when we ARE affected and that isn't happening in any acceptable manner.

    It's not a zero-sum game and it's not all or nothing. People need to stop acting like we are asking for the world. We are simply asking for the time and the money we put into the game to be respected! Respect my time and money and I will respect yours.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Then be glad you've gotten a few days added to your subscription because Daybreak already covered their own *** with the EULA you signed, they don't have to give you ANYTHING. But they do sometimes, be happy for that. If Xbox got something for the downtime they've experienced, be happy for them. Don't stick your hand out and ask "wheres mine?"
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  5. PHNTM Well-Known Player

    So quite a lot of ignorance portrayed throughout this thread. People shouting random numbers like 25m for 100 replays (on Xbox, that's around 500k) and then the entitlement that because Xbox is a smaller player base, they shouldn't receive anything (the vibe OP has given with multiple posts mentioning it being the smaller player base and why focus on them).

    There could be numerous reasons and numerous metrics to determine why a decision was made. Could be that Xbox yields a higher spending per player average or giving out the rewards is to help retain the 'smaller' player base or it could quite simply be a new direction they are taking with the new owners (all 3 are my opinion and mere suggestions).

    So if PS/PC do have an issue that means most of the player-base cannot run anything for 2 days, they may compensate going forward and it should become a common trend, especially as most other MMO's do it all the time.

    I mean if we are complaining about other platforms getting more benefits over others, let's make the monthly subscription fee for console the same as PC and throw in lifetime memberships for console players.... Oh wait..
  6. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I love how we didnt get a comment on this thread
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  7. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    What is your position at Daybreak? Because you sure as hell must be working for them. No one is sticking out their hands and asking "Where's mine?". I dump hundreds of dollars into this game just so I could get something for free? You are hilarious.

    You don't understand principles and Good Customer Service. If a company messes something up in the real world whether they have a "Cover your *** EULA" or not they typically try to make right by the customer, knowing that good customer service and customer satisfaction leads to customer retention.

    Customers like feeling valued. Daybreak does not make me feel valued. When I log in after every patch and hotfix and they still haven't fixed the Light Streams that I paid for, I feel devalued. When I can't log in for a elongated period of time or the game kicks me out of an instance or I can't finish a bugged instance, I feel like my time is devalued.

    Value your customers and you wouldn't have topics like this.
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  8. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    Not sure who this is directed to but I never said a thing about XBOX users not deserving compensation. Not a thing. I simply said that if they are going to do it for one console, they need to be doing it for all consoles.

    You also highlighted another huge problem. Lack of transparency. It doesn't take much for someone to pop on and explain the reasons why they decided to go with compensating XBOX users, whether this will be a regular thing or if we can expect it in the future. Sure, it won't satisfy everyone with a gripe but at least we would be able to get some perspective to maybe give us a deeper understanding of how they addressed it.

    Anything is better than this.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The monthly subscription fee is the same across the platforms. Lifetime Membership is not available on PSN because of the limitation of the PSN wallet (I don't play on X-Box anymore so I have no idea if the limits are similar, and don't play switch either).
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I get that you want a universal response to stuff like this, but remember its a deal with Xbox/Sony/Nintendo. Whatever deal they may have with Xbox/Sony/Nintendo will obviously not be transparent not to divulge company practices.
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  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Dont generally care one way or the other. I will disagree with your logic tho.
    Your saying in essence, ps and pc are driving the game and playing an spending etc so they dont deserve anything when interupted while xbone has a low population so they somehow deserve the free stuff that is unearned due to the same interruption.
    Im gonna need a much more logical argument to sway me. Lack of interest shouldnt be rewarded and the game being interupted is the catalyst for the reward. Population size is not (or shouod not be) a factor. If they were interupted an got compensated then so shouod Ps/pc. We get interupted just the same and prob more so due to more lag causing more DC’s an shutdowns
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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    No amount of lag could make the Xbox more unplayable than Nintendo Switch is. If you don't believe me, ask the other guy who also plays on the Switch. Both of us agree.
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Are you sure that the other is not a reflection? ... sorry for the joke;) (by the way, every joke has some truth ... or some joke ;) )
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  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I was going to have my niece and nephews grab this game on switch but didn't know if y'all could handle doubling your population in one afternoon
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  15. Ebon Pegasus Master of the Speed Source

    No, you don't get it. At all.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its been lagging and crashing since 2011 and we weren't reimbursed for every single time for every crash, latency problem, or world restarts DCUO has encountered. If we got something nice, cool! If nothing, well we will grovel and complain, but within a day or 2, get over it.

    Because you now have to ask the question? What if Xbox players get a "Memory Leak" like PS3 got several years ago? Any Daybreak grants Xbox players 100 replay badges? You going post on the forum asking why every single PC/PS player wasn't also getting 100 Replay badges granted to them too despite not suffering the same problem at the time? Look at Switchs and Xbox population, grant them a few free thing to give incentive to stick it out despite the issue while they are addressing it. If they lose players on Xbox/Switch that'll only exacerbates the problem of the low population. PS/PC is nowhere near such threat. Considering the stuff they gave away is to a small minority of the community, likely to give the players the incentive to stick around you think Daybreak is just going to handout SC to you when youre already in the ecosystem? You know what the vast majority of PC/PS players going to do, if they didn't get what Xbox got? Nothing.... They will still be here and still be heavily invested in the game, giving those players a reward is simply undercutting their own profit.

    But personally i dont care. Cool Xbox, got alil spliff for their trouble. Got bigger fish to fry.
  17. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Unless the other platforms were suffering from the same issues as Xbox was (increased number of crashes, a black screen/the world not rendering when logging in) and to the same extent as Xbox players were experiencing, there really isn't anything that needs to be done to compensate those other platforms.

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't recall experiencing either of those problems after GU 110 while playing on PC and I don't recall seeing any complaints about that happening for PS or Switch players.

    Heroes didn't get a bonus box due to some content in Metal Part 2 not being available for them, that was villain only. There is precedent for and nothing wrong with rewards targeted at certain players (either large scale like platforms or smaller scale like factions) to compensate players for something they may have missed out on due to problems outside their control.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Your argument is self defeating, you're saying on one hand the EULA allows DI to provide no compensation, strictly speaking that is correct, but that also means they did not have to provide the XBOX players with anything at all either, despite you seemingly on the other hand insinuating their compensation was entirely justifiable, you're playing with a double edged sword.

    Devs provide compensations not because they have to (unless the EULA provides for it) but because it improves customer engagement when things go wrong, that's the reason why XBOX players got what they got.

    It is a small community and they're likely appealing to players they don't want to leave. This does however leave other players on other systems feeling a little let down by that fact, the potential of which was likely not overlooked by DI when they chose to do what they did for XBOX.

    What DI have done though however, if anything, is set themselves up for future disappointment based on set precedent, the next time there's a down period there will be demands for similar compensation packages and probably the players on those systems would be just in their demands because Daybreak have virtually said here that's what a 2 day downtime is roughly worth, give or take some event specific variables.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Probably simply the difference between what DBG caused and what other companies caused.

    I'm with you though, it's curious to know why they decided to give for 2 days this kind of compensation.

    Also, other games would give stuff like this for this kind of problem. It'd be nice if DBG took this approach.
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  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    A good mom knows to make sure your little brother has something new to play with while you're opening your birthday presents.
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