Parademon inspired gear - HoP1 teaser!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, May 28, 2014.

  1. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    Can't stomach New 52......Period ! I'm patiently waiting for the Bobby Ewing, wake-up from the bad dream moment.;)
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  2. Sodam Yat Dedicated Player

    Ive never actually met someone who needed something explained in every possible iteration before they'd believe it, so thank you, this has been quite the experience :)

    Anyway im done going off topic, this is supposed to be about DLC11 not what DLC12 may or may not be despite confirmation from someone who makes the game confirming it. The rationality behind them releasing wotl1 -> af1 -> hop1 and then to mix up the rotation one third of the way through 3 Trilogies is beyond me. Maybe you saw Back to the Future 3 first, then 1, then 2, but i watched it as a Trilogy so to me WoTL being DLCS 9-12-15, AF being DLCs 10-13-16 and HoP being DLCs 11-14-17 just makes ridiculously perfect timeframe sense. Never mind the fact that it Varies the DLCs so that ppl who may not be interested in Lantern/Amazonian/NewGods lore wont get stuck with 2 in a row.

    Anyway, back on topic, DLC11 and the cool new Parademon gear-
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  3. Archangel Rafael New Player

    ??? [IMG] Deep Six
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  4. The Johnny army New Player

    Yeah, can't resist, my bad.

    What I see here is a serious lack of writing capability or a clear attempt of saving one's own skin. If you wanted to ask when they would roll back to them, the proper question would have been "Did he say when they're rolling back into them?" I'll understand if you tell me you're not a native English speaker, but you, sir, cannot bash reading skills when you lack writing skills...

    The first time I addressed you, I was not trying to get into this debate, "will there be extra DLCs between the trilogy or not?". I merely saw you asking something (that you CLEARLY messed up, either way), and then implying the person answering you was adding info, and I was just trying to clear that bit up.

    Still, here's what's going on, you say in a post that they will not give all 3 trilogies in succession, that it is "logical" that we're going to get single DLCs between each part and add that we will get no new power with PS3 still living. Spytle comes in and says most of what you said was wrong, talks about the trilogies and the fact that there will be new power(s) with the PS3.

    So if we know they will return to the trilogies (you said it yourself above), if Spytle says you're wrong in a couple of assumptions and clearly says they will roll back to them, the vulcan logic itself is that DLC12 will have the second part of one of the trilogies. Maybe not WotL 2, but we'll see.

    Final note: logic is sometimes flawed, obviously, and I am waiting for a confirmation to see what DLC12 will be. But it would be logical to just accept someone else's opinion and move on, without feeling the need to shake heads and bashing reading skills when one (you) seem to lack writing skills. That is my truly final statement on the mater.

    Take care.
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  5. Archangel Rafael New Player

    we all are, man. we all are.
  6. Stardazer Committed Player

    If the devs leaked even the tiniest bit of details about the powers and DLCs planned everyday, there would be TONS of activity on the forum and in-game. I love how new things brings everyone together like a family. :)
  7. Kid Sorbet New Player

    I like some aspects, but oh man the poor Titans. Mangled.
  8. Archangel Rafael New Player

    In the final analysis, it's all 100% mangled. how can you mangle the Titans without mangling the JLA and Batman? How can you mangle WW without affecting the JLA as a whole?

    The best jokes in comics are the ones that are only funny because you know the characters so well. Decades of building and developing complex personalities is what drives the stories. The garbage52 (it aint new anymore) did nothing besides throw 50+ years of character development in the trash. The got some schmuck with an "S" on his chest but he sure aint Superman.
  9. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Like a dysfunctional family?(the Johnny army and helvetica)
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  10. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    You are being far to kind. The first 5 books after the relaunch were bearable, after that I killed my orders. At this point, I'm filling in my collection. Just and FYI, I stop at Flashpoint......
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  11. Kid Sorbet New Player

    I agree that it's mostly pretty bad but I did like how Forever Evil wrapped up and Earth 2 is pretty great each month. Enjoying Batgirl and to a lesser degree Batwoman too. Still, I'm hoping that there'll be another Crisis that brings back the pre-Nu52 continuity.
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  12. The Johnny army New Player

    Sorry about all that off-topic, I'm done with that argument now :)
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  13. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    So far, I gather that mother boxes won't be a mechanic at all, the forever people won't be present, and the deep six will. There's some kind of water thing going on... There's some kind of artifact weapon mechanic in HoP1. I'm assuming the artifact weapons have something to do with the OC Nexus "artifacts". At least one of those nexus artifacts was in fact a weapon. The Poseidon trident or what ever it's called. So.... The next few DLC's will make it possible to create aquamannish characters.... complete with tridenty stuff. Since the amazon fury trilogy will take us to "great depths", we might get some Atlantis content... and we will fight the deep six in maybe two DLC's because they are new gods related as well as aquaman related.

    Spytle loves aquaman, too. XD
  14. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    maybe I missed the announcement but I thought the ps3 was being covered in defiantly
  15. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Spytle said that yesterday.
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  16. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I have no doubt that there will be.

    This is all a Coca-Cola classic scheme. Comic sensationalism on a massive scale. It's the 90s iMage fiasco all over again.Comic fanboys will buy anything with a single-digit issue number no matter what it is. So they will get to go through that twice again. Once with the 52 launch and again with the real-DC relaunch.

    Its just how comics work. No one important ever stays dead. They always bring back the "real one". The idea that we're now stuck with the crap52 for the rest of eternity is like believing that Jean-Paul Valley was going to be Batman for the next 50 years. Only the rubes are buying that malarkey.
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  17. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    If the New 52 were a typeface it would be Comic Sans.
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  18. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Actually, I was just using the terms in the post I was responding to to debunk the erroneous claims the person was making. Had I chosen my own words to start, I would not have put it precisely that way, as we have no plans to "retire" the ps3. It still represents a large portion of our player base. Please, don't be alarmed. It is out intention to support the PS3 version of DCUO for years to come.
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  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    At first I thought I hated the new 52 because I was getting older but then I started reading Forever Evil and I just realized it was just bad all around.
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  20. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    LOL.....the New 52 is trash......
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