Orbital in pvp isPossible?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by T-dog, Feb 6, 2022.

  1. T-dog New Player

    it hppn to me is that cheating if used in a arena match?
  2. AllanPage Committed Player

    Home turf was removed from arena long ago. Probably some kind of glitch if player is able to use it. You should specify the arena map where it happened.
  3. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

  4. T-dog New Player

    in shadowlands pvp bye a gadgets player Eye of Erik orbital same as i us in pve, at first it was simple then he ko me insanly within 2sec no bomb spam just me feeling like that was easy then pow no, wonder pvp not popping players pop each others bubbles, skill based should be forced some ppl have alot of skill then they quit game dcuo funn game so make a server for hackers like test server and make a anti hack that banns u for glithching or hacking not all devs should operate just Mepps and trusted team or like some games find or anti hack engine like other mmo pvp type game