Old & Boring Content Still Old & Boring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sgt. Rock, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Just for you and your Leaguemates, the Devs should add a brand new "S00P3R L337 HAX0RS 0NLY lol!" version of the old content, wherein ALL the enemies for the ENTIRE RAID, including ALL the bosses all gang up on you and your Leaguemates en masse, beat you all into bloody pulps in 1.69 seconds flat, then mercilessly mock your characters and stomp their unconscious bodies into the ground while you all respawn! Then rinse and repeat!!! :p
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Whether or not something is challenging does kinda relate to how easy or hard the content seems to an individual. Doesn't have much of anything to do with someone considering it to be old, rehashed or boring because an old piece of content that you haven't played in a while might still provide a challenge depending on how well you remember it.

    As for the rest, there were more than a few of those folks who beat all the content years ago and did the grind into oblivion who said they wouldn't run the older content NOT because they had already done it but because they weren't getting Marks for it anymore, or because there was nothing new in it for them.

    Wish granted. But that wish being granted meant that there WOULD be an exchange for getting that wish. They've never been shy about saying they didn't want to grant full rewards for trivialized content. So something was bound to change when they opened up all the older content for Marks.
  3. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Wow you have made a lot of assumptions about me, my league, our play & our intentions, all wrong btw. Your post does say a lot about you,

    Also it’s not only me & my league hating the update, Looking at this forum alone & in game chat there are a lot of existing players who have left, are leaving / have disabled their dcuo subs due to the latest update.

    You do you & have fun in the old content, it was fun for me too the first 500 times I ran them. So yeah me & a lot of existing / exiting players have absolutely No Desire to re run old rehashed content clamp or no clamp.
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  4. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Your not alone. In game there the hate for stat clamping is constant and online from here to YouTube to Discord the hate is massive and only picking up steam. This weekend it will most likely intensify as more people will pop on to enjoy content that used to take seven minutes taking nearly an hour because all your hard earned stats are gone and your stuck with low CR people refusing to learn or follow directions no matter how polite you are with them.

    I got raged at for refusing to die with the same group for the tenth time (literally the tenth) at one of the bosses. "Just die and lets do it again," "BOOT THIS GUY!", "Just die already!!!!!!!!!!!," etc. etc. etc. they rage posted. The toxicity was insane as was the time it took. Years of maxing out everything just to have it ripped away sucked and now we have a whole new problem with being stuck with the players that refuse to get better, because we are depowered down so much we either cant beat the content single handed like we earned or the boss fight takes forever soloing because the rest the team keeps dying.
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  5. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    The money you spent on Replays to rush content is a you problem, you didnt have to, you choose to do so, so take your $$$ out of the list because if you played the game normally, you would have spent the same amount as any other normal player.
  6. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    You prefer new boring content? lol

    It's not a slap to my face. I find it rather refreshing.
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  7. MojoDuul Active Player

    I have always found pve in general to be more boring and repetitive. What i find fun about pve is the powers and roles. I have to play as a tank or healer otherwise i get bored. dps is the most boring role for me because you just sit back a pewpew everything. I use to be a pvp only player until that went south and then i basically stopped playing the game only to sign on now and then to see if they fixed pvp. every now and then i come back and run some raids and alerts but only because i enjoy the powers themselves on the actual raids. all the raids and alerts are the same to me. I never come across any pve content where i said to myself "wow this is fun!" instead i find a power i like and say "this power is fun". pvp was way more entertaining when it was good but that is long gone and will never come back.
  8. El El Committed Player

    These people don't get it,they wil find out soon.
    I did like 5 Q's to test the system.
    What i was afraid for happened.
    All 5 Q's fos 2 timer was bewteen 45 to 80 min,
    All q groups could not beat the last boss fos 2 reg.
    We talking about a raid that is 10 years old .
    Faster q dont mean anything if the group don't understand mechanics or not able to beat it.

    They 80 min in a raid because some of them don't wanna listen to instructions how to do mechanics.Again 5 Q's and there are people explaining the mechanics but people don't want to listen.

    I haven't seen so many frustrated people in one day because their not able to beat it.

    People wil stop Q because they at mercy of incompetent players.

    As for me and the majority of the players wil run solos for their source marks,there is no point running old raids.
    90% of us already done this 10 years ago,but stat clampers fail to recognize this.

    I think stat clampers wil cry soon that they are not able to finish raids.I think the rest of the update is decent its just the stat clamp part that is not so good.

    I feel bad for stat clampers because majority wil stick with end game content and for source marks they wil do solos.

    Think about it do you know how many source marks we can get in 80 min solos vs 80 min frustrated raid runs with incompetent randoms.

    (not all randoms are incompetent btw,there are some good players but its not enough to carry Q raids anymore because we need the full group to be competent now)
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  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Maybe there will be fine tuning of stuff coming soon and Jack will explain the perspective we should be having for the foreseeable future.

  10. Darkred Dragon New Player

    You are right they got lazy, recycle old EP,s . no imagination now this poor Excuse for new content/ they started jumping players 100,150,180,210,280,310 instead of letting work for it, now we got to pay for their stupidity. I put the work in, if I want blow through, i can , if I want a challenge I can take off gear and lower my level myself
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Not if 2 CR 270+ decided to queue into your raid.
  12. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Do you immediately leave the pug group content if a player in the group is not in a league?
    I'm leaning towards doing this. Yet it's more often, ok, i see 3 dps and I'm a troll, this will not reach the end. /exit.
    DPSuniverse still exists and the pugs are less likely vets.

    The new On Duty, if you que after having done an instance in that grouping, can it put you into that same instance when you are loot locked? On it's face and bad presentation, I refuse to use the new On Duty menu. I go custom/OG/Pick my instances to que for individually.
  13. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Nailed it.
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  14. Darkred Dragon New Player

    I put in the time ( yrs of 80min runs ) to get stronger so I do them faster (15min) now you want me to go back to 80 min runs with a ? on weather it get done. They jump players from new to 100 then 160 and so on and now you have a bunch under strength players running around, now you go clamp not only the Solo raids and Alerts ( which I don't mind so much- still 50\50 on it ) you Clamp the Episodes Open World level too. well that takes away any incentive on leveling up your strength , you might as well stop buying replay tokens or any thing that helps you get stronger because it will not matter, I mean after all your clamp. HENCE THE COMPLAINING ( 5yrs buying Replay Tokens and others things to get stronger, only now to told it was a waste would leave a bad taste in your mouth. So do you mind! If we vent
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  15. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Great points and you are right. I'm not sure why it's so hard for some to get why we all are upset they force stat clamped us and why we are upset about all the many issues it has caused.
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  16. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Sure taking off gear is easy. Convincing seven others to do it? Not so much.
  17. L T Devoted Player

    I'm sorry I find the whining in these threads to be just ridiculous.

    How can you be bored of content that you haven't played in at least 7 years?

    I'm finding FOS2 reg to be the best non-elite raid in about 3 years.

    If all your groups are failing at a raid, not to be pointed, but you need to look inward. There's a common link in that chain.
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  18. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Lol. I dony know about you but most groups are forming in lfg. I have seen a handful of times the at level player who doesn't know how to play mechanics just get booted from the instance. Its not my job or anyone else's job in the instance to teach a player how to play. For all of you forum posters you can take your 200 sp and teach players if you want. Truth is its probably bad advice anyways. Js
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  19. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Sorry you assume incorrectly, for YEARS I spent my Replay Badges on buying FEATS for my ALTS, not unlocking any instances.
    You see once you get a feat on any toon you can the use Replay Badges to purchase the same feat(s) on all of you other toons/alts which are on the same account..

    Why do people foolishly assume to know how & why others play?

    oMnIBuS is a Fail

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  20. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Devs have stated new content is coming this fall, meanwhile create some alts and try out the new update as a fresh starter.