Up-Votes Needed O and X should not be ignore and accept

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by gamma9, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. gamma9 Level 30

    On PS can pressing O and X (normal movement and cog interface inputs) be changed to more purposeful inputs such as L1L2 for ignore/deny And R1R2 for accept /begin

    Denying group invites by (mistake) and accepting invites not wanted (mistakenly) can easily be remedied with this simple DOABLE change
  2. Zamara Dedicated Player

    The triggers have more uses in the game than those buttons though, you need them to navigate menus, cast your powers, roll, zoom, target enemies, use your armories.
    Meanwhile X is used to jump, click items and that's it.
    Circle is just there to cancel or back out of menus and interact with items.
  3. vRad Level 30

    While not a bug, I do think that it's way too easy to accidentally accept group and league invites or cancel out of queues. The shadow invites are the most frustrating to me; you can be minding your own business, organizing your inventory, when a prompt pops up just as you're moving something to your bank and suddenly you're whisked into an instance. It's totally a first world problem/annoyance but it would be cool if those particular prompts could be revised.