Now that gear repair is gone, can/will dying be used as a game mechanic?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KidKretz, Dec 1, 2023.

  1. KidKretz Committed Player

    Imagine fighting a boss and whatever the scenario, use your imagination, a group member instantly dies and its up to the team to revive them as part of the ingame scenario.

    i can imagine it being a sniper offscreen like deadshot or someone.

    or we all drank something like in the met gala and one of the drinks was poisoned and the big baddie reveals it to us during the fight and that person instantly dies in need of a revive.

    anywho, im no writer, just an imaginator. nevertheless, force death on a player? will it happen? can it happen? is it possible? do you want it?

    the closest version we have that i can think of is teleporting someone away from the main group or trapping them in a block until players break them out.
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  2. Grip Committed Player

    Mhm. The S. Gotham sentencing is the earliest related thing I can recall. *shrug* Why not? :)
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  3. BlackGryphon Well-Known Player

    Don't give them any ideas. ;)
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t if I like this idea. It’s already difficult enough just to get revived, and even when you are being revived there are some boss mechanics that impede the person reviving you from succeeding. I have gotten KO’d and a player was almost done reviving me, then the Boss does something that prevents the player from finishing and I am left returning to the respawn point out side of the dungeon :(
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  5. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    We already have had similar mechanics in previous episodes. See jailing in Paradox wave, Gorgon turning players into stone who can't be bothered to face away from Gorgon when it skulls, see random mind control mechanics in previous episodes(which I personally hated and was used ad nauseam)...etc.

    Big no for me.
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  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Honestly makes me think there should be a limited time "shield" applied while doing so, because picking up players shouldn't be such a struggle.
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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    This is why content should be run with healers and trolls.. that provide group shields to make this not a struggle
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  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Well you know if you stop damaging for a second you’ll go from number 1 on the damage score card to last place.
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Well not every alert needs troll or healer. I always heal personally so I always have shields up, but what if you're in a duo and your partner went down? Unless you have a shield up in your loadout, your friend will be out and you either wipe or finish on your own if you can. Also recent alert can be ran without a healer on normal, usually people pick a tank anyway if they can. I don't think you really need roles though.

    Also I am more thinking of a situation where the shield isn't up(cooldown\Supercharge is out) and a player needs to be picked up. Or heck, the healer needs to be picked up. I don't think a temp shield will hurt anything just for the few seconds of picking up, then you are back to taking hits as usual. Also I noticed in most of my EU runs that there are almost never any trolls. :(
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    How about a mechanic to collectively work together toward allowing a fallen comrade to re-enter the fight? Or something for said player to do outside of the arena in order to "earn" re-entering (instead of standing around)?
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  11. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    That's not a good idea. Randomly killing players without a way to avoid it would just cause frustration and give an impression of the game being unfair. If a scripted KO/revive is needed for story reasons, or as a mechanic - that's what NPCs are for.

    In Unholy Matrimony raid there's a Martyrdom mechanic - a player can sacrifice themself and get KOed in order to eliminate a bunch of adds during one of the boss fights. There are even feats for doing it a number of times. The difference is - players choose whether to do it or when, which allows them to feel like they have agency and control.
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  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Oh the horror.
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  13. Dene Devoted Player

    Darkseid's War Factory had a similiar thing too.. pass the the "100% you wil die" beam's path to someone else (most chose Superman.. poor guy lol) or you are down.. in fact, iirc, theres a feat to have it kill every team member at least once etc
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yeah...Darkseid War Factory has something like that.

    The feat is to get kill 8 times (in elite), dont really have to be 1 death each member, because now we have more rallies.
    Back when it was first released, having lower oportunities to be rallied, the strategy for the feat was that each member would take the beam once.
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  15. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Lol, yeah, then watch LFG fill up with "Need all roles with 200 Lazarus art."
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  16. KidKretz Committed Player

    i have also been an advocate for reviving needing a rework.

    i think we need the ability to revive twice as long. its no fun finally reaching a player with our slow movement speed due to combat and have it time out as we show up :(

    i also think we need it to hard lock us in place if we choose to revive, so like you said, the person reviving doesnt get knocked around and stopped reviving. if we choose to revive, we accept the dmg coming our way, but keep us in place reviving!

    if they dont hard lock us, then we need to change the time it takes to revive and it should NOT start over if we are knocked away. it should start where it left off.

    i personally want to get rid of normal mode mechanics and make everything event mode mechanics, where ppl can come and join the fights even after being knocked out. save all that hard stuff for elite and elite+ :)

    i play event sometimes even though i am qualified to do normal, just to feel strong again like before the clamp :)

    i think making normal into event mode will help solve a lot of the still lingering stat clamp debate.

    but getting back on topic, i dont want to see it used in every episode, but i think a fun story mode where someone randomly gets ko'd, and wondering who it is going to be, would be fun for a once and done :)
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  17. KidKretz Committed Player

    i love this!
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  18. Hraesvelg Always Right

    The latter might not be so bad. Imagine running with people and they're like "Nah, you aren't worth going out of our way to do something extra". No way that'll cause hurt feelings/fights/yelling...
  19. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    I hope not, because dying still sucks, Lazarus is still OP and broken, and this community is sure to become toxic and not do whatever mechanic comes or demand you have the previously mentioned art to skip the mechanic.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I believe what we have here is an opportunity for a new healer only ability revive a single ko'd player or perhaps in addition to this ability another for a mass revive of multiple ko'd players at one time. A mass revive would have to have a long cool down period or perhaps a one time use only for this ability.

    This would make healers even more desired in raids, especially elite, and it would solve the issue of a failed pick up. I have never really understood the logic of a ko'd player who was failed to revive, to be made to either remain in place inactive or respawn back to the safe zone and not allowed back into combat.
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