NOW AVAILABLE: The Stats Revamp!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. NightSpells New Player

    Heard their were going to be some changes to the revamp . Any word on when ? Or possibly just remove the revamp altogether . Before the boat sinks .
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  2. Vanessa33335 Level 30

    I hate those kind of players too, troller that won't debuff and healer that won't heal. Specially a healer...healers job is to keep the team alive and nothing else, that's my main role. A troller that won't debuff is kinda 'useless' now that the mana buff sux and isn't as good as it used to be.

    I was about to buy some episodes to reach a high CR like 150-180 plus Atomic and Water but highest char stuck on something like CR 112...don't even remember lol :D
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Your examples for Nature are not 1 shots. Please learn the definition of 1 shot and please learn how Nature works.
  4. mrx Level 30

    After the revamp the unbalance is higher as ever, the most Powers be AM based. The loadouts where stupid (look at earth) with spamming 1 skill ever and ever...
    Full SP is for nothing...i can with 240 SP all i need
    • Like x 3
  5. SneakyRe3orn New Player

    Yo Mepps. Revamp is beast. Love it. Finally sp matters!!! But still there are player who JUST want high cr people. Players with 200+ cr with below 100 sp. Lol. Oh yeah, earth. Lol. Spam spam spam. Please Mepps, fix it. Gadget repair bot! Nature, wolf form. The funny thing is, players who use that crap, think that they are above everyone. Truth is, they suck. Spam spam spam. "Beasts" . Still, I do love revamp. Thanks Mepps
  6. Jexana EU New Player

    Heja! Fix Legends PvP also, everyone is using Catwoman and its OP. no other Iconic matters anymore.
    • Like x 1
  7. Balistical lce Well-Known Player

    Same with Ice... 1 2 3 Arctic Gust was not a one shot...
  8. recoil Committed Player

    i will say this though if you really want to gain some skill try playing as a healer. 1. low offensive and defensive stats and 2. you have to dodge ALOT.
  9. LHS New Player

    Hi Everybody,
    So many pertinent reviews, and so many complains that came with only few arguments.
    Game revamp is really good, way more balanced and yes ... there can still be enhancement as in every games.
    But DCUO is not broken now (except if one considers that every players wearing the same clothing is a good thing)

    Notable enhancement:

    _ DpS superpower based: the powers differential has been screwed significantly.
    No more 200-300% gap between them on equal gears and builds.
    Seemingly, Top tier DpS powers are not the same anymore, but certainly not at the point of having huge gap between all of them.
    If there is still 100% damage gap between 2 DpS on equal Lv (cr-sp), it is mostly due to tactical choices about loadouts, momentum and enemies.
    On that, Devs really did a super job on making each power ability viable or not depending on situations, giving more varieties and tactical approaches on the battlefield (Special BRAVO on Superchargers, Movements, and Iconic)
    I read and hear that Sorcery and Mental are weak now, but so far I only met players that still need to make the best use of it. Sorcery and Mental DpS are not weak if used wisely :)

    _ Support roles: nothing to say so far. Troll Tanks and Healers are more autonomous now, enabling also Tanking Dps and so on.
    Some new abilities mechanics are really enjoyable ((BRAVO on Mental and Electro)

    Improval needed maybe:

    _ DpS: while some powers seem to need more tactical consideration (Ice, Mental, Quantum, Electro e.g) , others offer easy use with significant results without many real drawbacks whatever the situations and conditions are (Nature beasts form*, Earth** e.g).
    *FREE boosted supercharger forms for Nature VS 15 seconds supercharger forms for Mental/Ice or even VS Nature human form, I believe there can be a rescale here.
    **Earth Jackhammer that continuously deals decent damage because no momentum between clips is a good idea and it has to remain as is to make Earth unique. But it could have a more significant drawback (as is, only interruption is the conditional drawback) so as to just allows other Earth abilities to have space/breath' in the loadouts.

    _DpS weapon: Are more viable now since there is no more AM burst damage, but seems still a bit under superpower based.
    Also, hard to figure a real difference between, for example, a HandBlaster Quantum and a Handblaster Sorcery. Weapons are full part of the game and deserves more spotlights, especially because it is proposed as one of the 3 possible trees.
    A real interaction/synergy between a weapon and its power could make it more appealing.

    _ Support Roles: Troll roles are still good when it comes to the 3 functions aka controls, debuffs and revitalization (still miss more powers synergy)
    But the current game overall mechanics still/often imply having 1 solo troll in raid leaving less rooms for the 3 functions at once (especially with type of DpS Superpower that continuously spams, not to mention Tank that also spam dmg unrestlessly).
    Of course, it is all about the way a group is formed, but so far, except the "Guy-That-Is-Mainy-Here-To-Refill-Blue-Gauje", Troll role still needs a spot that gives to its full abilities any justice.

    _ Mods (white):
    Now that AM burst damage has gone, Critical Mods are less "sexy" mainly because they are aligned with powers that grant Weapon buffs effects. Of course, it still works with superpowers damage but the 2% crit chances given (lv.III mods) can be totally overshadowed simply because it requires like 0,5-0,7 seconds out of 12sec effect to activate it.
    Rescaling them to 2%(lv.II) - 4%(lv.III) can make them more viable or, could let them as is but with also a bonus 2% on crit damage.
    Some mods seem redundant now. For example, before revamp, differences between Power Efficiency VS Reserve Tank were clearly visible depending on roles and builds but now it sounds less pertinent. If 1 character has a base 20 000 max power and uses Reserve Tank, its bonus equal +1000 power. If the same character uses Power Efficiency, the economy is 1000 power also. But I might be a noob there and maybe have not found the best use of it yet :)

    _ Feats I: hey ! where are feats for Weapons ? :)

    _ Feats II: hey again ! where are feats for Weapons styles ? :D

    _ Feats III: some feats only give a title. some of those are not easy to get and require amount of time spent. Why not adding SP onward to them

    Will be back later after other tests
    kindly regards,
    LHS - a nerd -
  10. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I don't think Time Bomb was a 1 shot either.
  11. OG PrimalWave New Player

    Noticed a update when trying to log in what's this for?
  12. piohh Well-Known Player

  13. Trixxxter New Player

    Anyone having problems downloading update , won't download says problems with the server
  14. SneakyRe3orn New Player

    Having same problem here mate.
  15. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

    I'm already tired of this revamp

    I would like to know who had this idea.

    OMG my troll role wath you guys did with that realy

    I would like to ask those who complain about being batteries if they like it more now

    I answer

    they dont play as troll thats the true

    powers are not in any way balanced

    at this point we all know that this revamp was a huge mistake

    I would like to know what awaits us

    return to AM & WM? or stay like we are now

    i realy want to know

    P.S. Red Line for me
    • Like x 2
  16. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Do you know how much money trolls make per raid now? People are willing to pay up to $1 mil for trolls.
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  17. recoil Committed Player

    good thing i'm a troll XD.
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  18. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Can I haz blak ora?
  19. NightshroudFujiwara New Player

    Anyone else think the PVP side of the game is being worked on? Every time they announce a new change it gets everyone checking their watches everyday doing artificial count downs to a possibly delayed update. If one part of the game gets mocked and ridiculed it is PVP - so maybe the next phase of the revamp (they said it was going to be multiple updates to change the game rather than one big update) is to revamp PVP.

    If the PVP was changed, how would it play in an ideal world? There are many threads talking about healing and shields in PVP but how do they fix that without messing with PVE? Is it possible to develop a totally separate combat/power interaction for the 2 sides of the game?

    There are also threads about LPVE - what I don't understand is how LPVE even got affected by the revamp? Maybe the issues were there all along but AMs etc made them unnoticeable?
  20. recoil Committed Player

    if i ever get an aura from a promethium box again i'll send it your way. just add Hornethehunter to your friends list ingame so i'll know where to send it.