Fixed No marks from the 2nd difficulty of braniac..

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Revelatiøn, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. Revelatiøn Active Player


    There is a concern about the rewards of the elite raid with braniac .. 1st difficulty, no problem on the other hand 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th, no marks received! l losing the marks 4 times is frustrating when we repeat the raids

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  2. PrincessAqua New Player

    Yep i ran it 6 times n only time i got coins was standard. This is such a waste of replays n time. Bc when i put a ticket in they said sty but they couldnt give me the coin i deserve.
  3. Dark Nyghtwyng Level 30

    Last night my league spammed the new elite raid for marks and renown. We reset the raid everytime. Unfortunately we did not gain any currency. Some of us would get 1 or two of the Wayne Casino coins but not the usual amount for a raid or most of us didn't even get any at all the entire time. My character never got any marks for any of the 6 runs we did. Also, my account crashes if I check renown. If I am not getting currency, I am afraid I might not be getting renown.
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  4. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I have experienced getting only 2 renown vs the full 3. Although I was fortunate enough to only have that happen once, the amount of people reporting the issue should be of concern as I have heard others claim the same issue.

    I did not notice this issue nor the issue with the renown table causing disconnects in the latest hotfix. However, hopefully it will be addressed soon.
  5. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    How do you you set the level of difficulty? Never heard of this feature.
  6. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    In the elite version there is a console to the right of the corridor you spawn in, directly across from the console you have to turn to open the hallway door to start the raid. Each raid member has to have completed the standard setting before the next one is available. Just walk up and turn the cog before the door opens and you'll see if its available for your group. If the whole group is new, you can reque and replay badge and go up a level after beating the standard difficulty.

    Complaints of it barely increasing in difficulty are kind of right but it does increase some as you go. I'll assume it will get buffed up but it can be somewhat challenging for a bit till everyone gets familiar.

    (It's a new feature btw so not everyone knows it exists yet)
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This was resolved last Saturday.
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