Next on Test: Game Update 59!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player


    It's very nice that you make the game more welcoming to new players on a new platform and thatthe post-levl 30 gameplay got easier progression with the loot system moved to smaller tiers. That means that instead of leaving the game in 2 months some of the players will just take 3 months to leave the game.

    - No really important problems were addressed.
    - Open world still has dead zones.
    - WM and AM are still disfunctional.
    - Electricity DPS is still pathetic.
    - Rage power regen is still not working properly.

    Sure, that might not be noticed immediately...if Xbox players don't get crossplay yet. Good work on this update, devs. For real. But you are still half-way done and really important matters are still in need of your attention.

    ps: Mepps, I have Legendary subscription, so I'm pretty sure you can care about my opinion.
  2. boibrion New Player

    please please PLEASE extend the seasonal :D:D:D
  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    This is why hardly anyone on my friend list is playing dcuo. They pause the balance for another system. Replays and respec tokens is killing the game
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  4. TestReporter Loyal Player

    This isn't something they can fix just pressing a button, we'll be getting a lot of updates this year, and i think most of the powers will get a small review when the balance is done.
  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I hope so, my friend.
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  6. Vyltran Loyal Player

    This shouldn't be considered as a Game Update... "Game Update" should be considered when DBC are planning to increase any server adjustment that will make this game smoother for people on PC or new graphics technology or something big that makes game performace go beast mode!. This is just a full list of hotfixes, looking forward to them.
  7. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    I hope this new game update will bring the old players back !!! Its so sad to see lots of my friends quit playing Dc Universe.
  8. Pults Loyal Player

    Not until they reach T5 which will take roughly a week.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If someone who never heard of dcuo read this post, they wouldn't know that the game is 5 years old. You talking like the game and the problems are new
  10. Real2TM Well-Known Player

    So does this make the gear Unattuned as well? Or will I have to choose between a tank head piece and troll waist when I'm a healer? Still think it's great to be able to choose the loot but I would LOOOOOOVE to finish that Aerial Defender style that I have 1 piece of as a healer.
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    From what I've tested the gear remains the same we just have a choice now. It's great for doing Paradox because if you do the EO feat you get 5 loot choices.
    • Like x 2
  12. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    shhhs freakin great you ruined the surprise... :mad:...:p
  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

  14. KingWes2o New Player

    What happen to archiving our plans in r&d.
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  15. DarthJafo Committed Player

    When will Xbox version be on test? :)

    Kidding of course.

    happy about the loot changes, always wondered it wasn't a global thing. Maybe it will help complete hard to find styles
  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Is exceptional recovery kits a loot choice? Or have they been tromped from the game?
  17. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i imagine that they will be a random drop like the op items and nerkon chest and other items.
  18. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Someone wanted to know this
    1. Will the gear from the old content be unattuned?
    2. And will you be able to pick exceptional recovery kits or is that treated like tokens/prestige/compounds/extra marks
  19. SkullGang Devoted Player

    1. From what I've seen no. The gear drops are the same as before.
    2. With recovery kits I'm not too sure because I always thought those were added as an extra to your primary drops.
  20. Oleandis Well-Known Player

    They pushed back the Weapon update until after all of the powers have been balanced... Mepps posted about it on a different thread. Which is the way it should have been since the beginning so Nature/Elec DPS can actually do something in a raid.