Newbie Looking For League! (PS/US/Hero)

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by KingCrimsonK, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. KingCrimsonK New Player

    Hello! I'm Crimson!

    I'm a newer player looking for a League to learn more about this MMO and experience what leagues and raids are like!

    I'm a Lightning Speedster named Helix Star at Level 30 CR 80-or so! I may not be The Flash, but I'm a fast learner and a great team player! I have experience in raid-like situations in other games such as Destiny and RuneScape. I'm a good problem solver and listener whenever it comes to problems and Solutions.

    I've played this game here and there but never to the extent I'm at currently and I'm really looking forward to trying new things and climb the power ladder through teamwork, and I'm looking forward to making Comrades who enjoy Superheroes and RPGs!

    Thank you for reading even if you don't reply! I hope everyone has a great day.
  2. KingCrimsonK New Player

    Hey I'm 21, Hero named Helix Star, and... Do you mean like Country? It'd U.S
  3. Dutchess Active Player

    hey luv im Goddess a leader of a active 18 and older kool friendly ghero league if your interested in join ing add me as a friend "Goddess PinQ" my league is big on helping each other and we run league raids, feats and bounties together!!!
  4. Cariah New Player

    I am 48 Cariah/ returning Rage DPS and Tank/ US server, may I apply too?
  5. Dutchess Active Player

    sure u can