New weapon instead #StatsMatter

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by VioletSorceress, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Correction: YOU won't get what you want. WE, as a community, have been said that skill should be the predominant factor in pve and pvp. Notice the difference. SKILL. not SKILL POINTS. Say it with me now.
  2. 8balls Well-Known Player

    Weapons are harder to make than powers, so swapping out a new power, would be quite impossible, I do hope they give a new weapon eventually. My vote is for one handed weapon and shield, maybe even stat it out so that it would be more helpful for tanks
  3. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    And StatsMatter will bring back Skill to the game ? Could you be more naive than that?

    "Skill" ship has sailed long time ago along with JC and multi -input gameplay.
  4. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    CR scaling being removed is a step in that direction. I never said that we would be back in Dox era from that change alone.