new player lvl 30 pve ps3us looking for league

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Nedezade, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Nedezade New Player

    Hello everyone I am a new player but I do have a lvk 30 lighr character and I'm kinda lost now haha wouldn't mind a league that is willing to work with me who I can also support and have fun with. I do have a mic bur not a keyboard
    If anyone is willing I'm kind friendly and always to learn and follow direcrions and would be honor to join your league
  2. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Hero or Villain?
  3. Nedezade New Player

    Oh yeah my name is fearing bullet btw guess I should have said that lol
  4. Nedezade New Player

    Villian i just started a hero too tho lvl 15
  5. CJHouston New Player

    Hey bud, I am CJHouston and I am the owner of and I would like to welcome you to join us. If you like more information you can ask me and I will respond ASAP. Right now we have a league set up for Villains and will open one for Heroes too. We have all created new toons to level with each other. We are very helpful and leave no one behind.
  6. Nedezade New Player

    That's looks very promising is rhat hero or villian and is it pvp or pve like the teams section of your forums too and it seems well organized haba a little over my head bit nothing I won't take the time to understand.
  7. CJHouston New Player

    PvE and we have a Villain league right now. Going to create a Hero league real soon, probably tomorrow.
  8. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    Can look into Kokonut Pie league on the forums or just message me if interested. We do both pve and pvp. Our members range from t2-t5 and we run all raids and alerts. We are outgoing and will help with gear and questions you may have.
  9. Nedezade New Player

    Well I don't even know what t2-5 means I'm sorry
  10. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    means we run all raids :)
  11. Nedezade New Player

    Oh okay cool I look into it aas well thanks
  12. Nedezade New Player

    I don't have the combat rating :-(
  13. Anti Pumpkin Well-Known Player

    not a problem ... we will get u there