Livestream New Episode! Tune In For The Reveal Of Episode 19!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. Nightling Active Player

    Will you talk about electric revamp ?:mad:
  2. Veritech Loyal Player

    So twitter has dropped the clue that we'll be heading to Nanda Parbat this ep for the LoA finale (finale because the current duo was labelled as penultimate).
    Safe to assume that will be the alert/elite alert.

    I wonder where the solo will take us? Picking up on the Amazon trilogy perhaps?
  3. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    That would be awesome! And hopefully just as fun and rewarding as Patrol Catastrophe. ;)
  4. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Couple of corrections here:

    Kyle was the main Green Lantern of the DCUO from 1994 until 2005's Rebirth. He was a founding member of the Morrison 'Magnificent Seven' JLA. And Kyle's girlfriend Alex was killed only four issues into Kyle's series and he didn't become Ion until years later (2002ish if memory serves) - and that transformation only lasted for one story arc.

    Now I can't argue that Kyle hasn't been boring under certain writers' tenures as they attempt to make him different from the other Earth Lanterns, but Kyle as also been portrayed quite well over the last 21 years, you just have to find the right writers. IMO, of course.

    (As an aside: if you think Kyle is boring now, you're not reading Omega Men. ;) )
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    Nanda parbat? Interesting! Green Arrow now gains an episode. I like that!
  6. Plasma Man Level 30

    I would like to see Darkseid make an appearance.
  7. Plasma Man Level 30

    In a boss fight that is.
  8. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Good catch with the date, i mixed up kyles time as Ion with Final Night. Unfortunately you also mixed up your comment about "one story arc" as Kyle has been Ion twice, not once. You forgot about Infinite Crisis when Jade died. But the main point still stands and still remains relevant, kyles still boring as hell without being given some form of omnipotent power. Its his crutch and without it he'd be long gone.
  9. DocBarJovi Well-Known Player

    Saysoran, Tallahe, Mehenash Exeter, Romgan Shay, Telos Usr, Simon Baz, Sinestro, Swamp Thing, Hal Jordan, Superman, Green Arrow, Kid Flash, Superboy, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Donna Troy, Ice, Animal Man, Batman, Deadman, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Firestorm, Hawk, Professor Zoom, Captain Boomerang, Osiris, Maxwell Lord, Jade, Abin Sur and Kyle Rayner.

    By my count that's a few more than one, :p

    Here's hoping we see the WLC in game. Oh and an official DC WLC oath would be amazing as well.
  10. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    best livestream ever.


    you guys need a sit com.
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    what i find kind of wild about kyle is that it wasn't until he took over as a green lantern did the concept of "green lantern" actually become successful for dc. who knows. maybe it was getting rid of hal, alan and all the rest made fans wake up. i mean "green lantern" is a long standing iconic comic book character dating back to the roots of super hero comics but over all Green Lantern comics never performed very well for DC. The moment zero hour hit and kyle became green lantern Green Lantern became a top selling comic and it hasn't stopped since.
  12. ChillCat Loyal Player

    So Nanda Parbat for the big mission and a Trigon(ish) solo with the J-Crew. :confused:
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Is the livestream not working for anyone else?
  14. ChillCat Loyal Player


    Livestream is down. Their demo pc is having a temper tantrum. Should be back up soon.
  15. Skelter Helter Well-Known Player

    Computers are hard, man.
  16. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Oh okay. Ty
  17. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    Sweet that means I may get off work before it comes back up woot woot
  18. Gerry Well-Known Player

    well Spytle isn't in the DCUO Office anymore, He's actively part of Daybreak now.
  19. Korlick Loyal Player

    Nanda Parbat looks pretty nice. Its a huge map. Cant wait to see the new OP item style.

    I dont like the solo being Sons of Trigon again.
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  20. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Or the league of Assassin who are Batman villains...