Up-Votes Needed New Episode Mission Gone

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Sugar_Spice_X, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. Sugar_Spice_X New Player

    I had just completed and exited the JLD:Cursed raid after playing with a League-mate to complete the mission, but when I entered Cursed Gotham City the mission had disappeared from my journal and I am unable to speak to Mary (which my League-mate had confirmed the next step was). I have since restarted, changed phases and changed locations, yet both the mission and Mary's quest marker are still absent.

    I am stuck and unsure what to do.
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  2. Unknown1 Active Player

    You have to do everything in order. First do open world mission. Then talk to Circe. Then solo the alert Then raid. If any step is out of order you can't get your back piece. The other issue would be your CR you have to be 402 to get the piece. I hope this helps.