Name Validation And Cross Play

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 27, 2015.

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  1. GabiOpal New Player

    With new games coming out now folks are high end here and bored. Maybe we should get some of us diehard DCUO players together and hang out/level up etc... I know Life and other situations has taken me away from the game for several months but I am just itchin to get back in... since there isnt any word on matching up PS and PC Im just gonna stay FTP for awhile I like both and I have kool toons on both but my highest is only level 22, thats on the PS3 She is Magdelana
    then My PC toon is 16 (I think) Her name is Tarkaro So if ya want Look me up and we can hang out, even just for Voice chat while we grind, it's still better than grinding solo in silence...OH an BTW Origins I have Not forgotten you Hemmy, If your still out there somewhere PLEASE give me a shout. course that goes for anyone out there, names are in this post, so friend me/email me or post here and lets put some FUN back into DCUO gaming.
    Well I'm off to go re-learn how to play my toon on the PS3!
  2. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    i would think the same way lair battles... a random pick between the players for who would host the instance
  3. Nucleus DC Well-Known Player

    lol silly community
  4. Fission Active Player

    Is this still happening? Because I have an old eupc account that's just sat there gathering dust. And I'd love to be able to merge it with my PS account at some point. I realise that it won't be happening anytime soon, but I'd like to at least know it's not been completely scrapped.
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    That's not what this is. You wont be able to merge the two accounts together, and you won't be able to transfer a PC account to PS or vice versa. It's just PC and PS playing together.
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  6. Fission Active Player

    That sucks. Ah well. Is it still happening tho ugh, the cross play I mean?
  7. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    That's the first step they were at when announced. At no point there has been a statement yet that they will never allow cross platform use of accounts, which is something that people keep asking for ever since crossplay was announced. With no longer being part of Sony, they were prolly forced to make an accounting system of their own for the PS version. That's basically two steps away from using that PSN account (in a copied version, not in its form of being part of the PSN) to login at PC. Merging accounts is tow or three further steps from there.

    However, without the resources, there isn't even crossplay coming. And servers with less and less population hardly ever created those resources. As I stated elsewhere: this game needs funding for a complete year (or maybe even longer) without new powersets and new content, focused on fxing what we have and adding functionality that is needed for further improvement (like the new UI or crossplay) and improving its structure. Just with the current short attention span audience that gamers nowaday represent, such an announcement would instantly drive the 20k-burn-through-content-crowd away, stun all sales on replay badges and lead to a lot of cancelled subscriptions, killing the effort in its very beginnings. So, currently the game is facing a downward spiral....
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  8. Veritech Loyal Player

  9. Pults Loyal Player

    We should have yearly name purges.
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    There's a statement.
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  11. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Must have missed that one. Ok, then this won't be coming. Thx for the hint.
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    No problem. I mean, look they have said in the past that they can do some stuff and they can't do other stuff and then gone back on it, so maybe in the future is will be possible to merge two accounts that belong to the same person or transfer characters from one account to another, I just wanted to point out that they had said originally that it won't be possible. That was almost a year ago though, and things can change.
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    After trying to play final fantasy on the ps3 with my friends on pc. I can tell you this won't work. I understand the game is dying on pc. I hear pc test is heading that way. Why do we as the ps players get dumped on? We never had a ps test server. There are plenty of videos showing pc players using macros. Business wise this might make sense, but I think you should have waited until ps3 was phased out.
  14. II Care Free II New Player

    My Legendary Is Bugging My Membership expire but itz not due until 11/21/15 plz fix this mepps
  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I'm getting funny issues with this too.
  16. AZI New Player

  17. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    I'm not reading 41 pages to know if anyone asked what I want to know, cuz ya know ... 41 pages is quite a lot.

    Let me see if I understood.
    PC + PS will play together.

    I don't know if I missread something but here goes my question. Is it USPC + USPS alone or are we gonna get USPC + EUPC + USPS + EUPS ?
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  18. Owl Devoted Player

    Players within a region would be able to queue into content with each other.
    US players with other US players. EU players with other EU players.
    USPS & USPC share name validation. EUPS & EUPC share name validation.
  19. PhantomBulletPT Well-Known Player

    Is this based on the server where I'm playing ?
    I play on the USPC and I don't wanna be queued up with anyone from the european side.
  20. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Based on the server your toon is, as you can have toons on both reginal servers per platform with the same account. If your toon is on USPC, you will be queued up with players from USPC and USPS. If during downtime of USPC you switch to EUPC (top right corner in launchpad for PC), you will of course get queued up with people from EUPC and EUPS. Dat simple.

    (and of course: as of now, may change, but that's not an easy one to change as devs would require another name wipe in preparation.)
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