Fixed My map is not showing group members in Flashpoint

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Gabriel Shear, Apr 16, 2021.

  1. Gabriel Shear New Player

    It's showing in mini-map but not in large map. Also, where was there a feature for phase shifter, if so, what is it and where is it? Thanks
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  2. Berza Committed Player

    Same here, and in all maps. Group members don't show in the map.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The new phase UI is disabled while they work on a bug.
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  4. Daisy77 New Player

    1. When I'm in new Flashpoint Gotham, I cannot mark my friend as waypoint (they don't appear on map, only on mini map)
    2. Also in Flashpoint Gotham, the earned items (Nith etc. - I don't know, my game is german) glitch over the texts what you need to do next on the right bottom of the screen (instead of top)
    Playstation 4 Edition
  5. Anak Panah Well-Known Player


    since the update all maps are bugged.

    The group members (blue dots) do not show on the maps anymore. You can only see where people are on the mini-map, which is not always sufficient.

  6. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    For the last few weeks or so, not exactly sure but maybe since the new episode, no other members of my group in any flashpoint instance (haven’t checked others) have appeared on the instance map. I used to see a legend of colored squares with character names and the squares on the map indicating their location. This was useful to identify people not returning after being knocked out, or lost people, etc. This is true for both characters I play regularly. I still see local people on the corner UI map. Yesterday I asked anyone else had the issue and one said no. Perhaps this is only a PS4 problem. Do others have this problem?
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