Mister Mxyzptlk Returns with the St. Patrick's Day Event!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    So wait... There is no chance of getting all the feats unless you spend replay badges???

    Lol, that really sucks, I wish this was like the valentines day event where we just got our feat points and didn't have to grind with the same boring daily missions. Really takes the fun of of holiday events guys!
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Grinding takes the fun out of holiday events? And tell me where exactly is the fun in getting the event feats handed to you like you mentioned about the Valentine's ones? There is a reason why you can't get all the feats during the event without using Replay Badges if this is your first time doing it and that is because this is the third year it has run. Something new is added each year so the vets have something to do but of course they have to keep all the original stuff there too. If you had done it every year then you would have no issues getting all the feats without using Replay Badges.
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  3. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    you don't have to use replay badges for it. on your main just use the clovers to get all of the brews and celtic outfit. use alts to get the base items(they're tradeably). or just buy the base items. maybe find some nice friendly league mates/friends help you with obtaining the base items.
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  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    So everyone should be a veteran? Hang on, let me start up my time machine to go play this game in its unstable release. /sarcasm

    The post below yours was helpful. That is what I have been doing, and I have only been playing for 11 months. All but two feats are done; the style feat and the 10 dailies feat are remaining with only 4 style pieces left to get for the style feat.
  5. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Yes, grinding takes the fun out of holiday events... Tell me what exactly is fun by doing the same "Explore" mission and picking up 33 gold coins every day with no variation to the mission. This is winter season where there was actually a group alert, this is the same dull, boring, repetitive mission every single day. The majority of us play theses events for feats and devs know that, that's why they make you spend replays to get all the feats done. Valentines event, was the best event ever.
    And you must agree with me on some level or you would have more than 125 skill points
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  6. ssJoniFoXss Committed Player

    u just get DC and now i cant log in (ps4)
    there is a good reason why?
  7. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Wrong place for this. ^^

    Events are boring, repetitive, and for a lot of us, a waste of good replay badges. When we do get them we complain about them, when we don't get them, we complain that the developers are just lazy for not putting them in. Go check the message boards for holiday event, if you need proof of the former, this one for the latter. We even complain about the Valentine's one because we don't have to do the repetition and the feats are handed to us.

    How can anyone (the developers) expect to please everyone in this game?
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  8. somerandombats New Player

    best event ever
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  9. Shadorū New Player

    The devs made some really great items this year, I especially like the soder helmet and leather jacket. The base items are really nice too!
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  10. Thebrickman New Player

    Last year i missed the event,and now i just needed hands piece from the "Celtic" style. Finally got it though =P
  11. NoKnock New Player

    The rainbows are there, I got one yesterday. I think the bar stool thing sheds some light on a bigger problem for base items, that is chairs and tables rarely match up unless they are part of a set and one unit, it's not just a pub bar thing. I have found that long granite tables look fairly decent with pub booths though.

    I like being able to buy room dividers, that's a nice fix to the "oh your base is a death trap because there are no walls or railings from one floor to the next". You can only use construction plastic barricades and team lockers so many times. LOL!

    The bomber jacket would be nice, the problem I have is that the obvious leg item would then be jeans. I have a toon who's name is literally Celtic Crossman, he's been around long before I know this holiday event existed. He puts on a bomber jacket, looks good, puts on jeans, the stupid things look like they where painted on. I don't remember his exact body type he's broad shouldered and I think med. height. If I wanted pants that required pliers to pull up the zipper I would have just gotten slimlines. Then there's the other extreme I have a toon that's the smallest male toon you can have and jeans on him have like a 2 foot crotch, it's like he made in his pants.
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I never said everyone should be a veteran, I simply explained why it's not possible to obtain all the feats without Replay Badges if this is your first time doing it (if we pretend for a moment that you can't use alts to get stuff like the base items and brews/buy the base items off the broker).

    I never said it was fun but all the events get boring eventually, regardless of whether or not they have an alert-type thing attached like the Christmas one did. I'm not a dev so I can't say why there is no instance for us to do, but I would surmise that it's probably because the St. Patrick's Day event and the Spring seasonal are so very close together. Of course that is only what I think. When you say the Valentines event was the best ever do you actually mean the event that ran the first year of the game or do you mean having all the stuff handed to you? I mean don't get me wrong it's nice to be able to get those feats and styles etc. but I did play the actual event the first year and I enjoyed it, so I would have no issues having to put in the work for the feats.

    Not sure what you mean by the last line about me agreeing with you on some level or I would have more than 125 SP (I actually have 138 now, I just haven't updated the sig for a while). Are you implying that my SP are "low" because I don't put work into getting more or something? If that's the case then yes, I don't put much work into it anymore because to be honest that extra 6 power I get from earning a single skill point at this stage doesn't really mean much to me. The 138 I have at the moment are more than enough for me to do my job.
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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Fixed that for you. ;)
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  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Ah yes, thank you!
  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Time flies, doesn't it? :)
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It sure does. I still remember getting up early to go down to GameStop to collect my PS3 copy of DCUO on the day it released and then panicking when September came because I had to move from Ireland to London for university and couldn't bring my PS3. Luckily I discovered the joys of DCUO on the PC and I never looked back :D

    Maybe this game is unhealthy for me.
  17. Starry Hope New Player

    LMAO! I LOL'd so hard at the end part LMAO
  18. Azrael New Player

    it says it ends on the 17th so is today the last day or is 17th-tomorrow the last day?
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It says it runs from March 4th until March 17th, so that means that it will still run tomorrow and then be removed (probably) during the regular restart at 4am on March 18th.
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  20. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    The event has already ended in the future; we're just living in the past.