Members should receive 1 stabilizer per run

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No one is really Nay saying the 'spirit' of the request...just the particulars. We'd all like more for our sub...we'd all like free stuff, who doesn't? What the 'nay' sayers are saying is that if you are going to start giving 3x the amount of Stabilizers out it will cut into DBGs bottom line. You can be sure that such an impact will result in something else set to replace it. DBG is a business trying to make money, Stabilizer sales are a part (I'd guess a big part at the velocity some open TCs) of that income. They aren't just going to chop off a 3rd of those sales without having an idea how to replace the income.

    Just like the Oreo cookie sale at the store is designed to get you to enter the store so you will buy the other 10 things you were shopping for that are at full price, more free TCs will likely come with a catch, be it some new thing to spend money on, even further reduced drop rates, or an increase in membership fees. Some people are fine with the devil they know vs the much worse devil that might be lurking around the corner.

    Or did you think that the store just wanted you to have cheap Oreos because they know you like Oreos so much?
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  2. ALB Dedicated Player

    Stuff in real life actually cost resources to make. Stabilizers doesn't take actual resources. People who spend money on TCs will still spend money. Plenty of games make money just of subs. DCUO can too. People are actually finding ways to argue against perks for themselves
  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No, people are trying to avoid the Monkey Paws effect. As Reinheld astutely points out, this proposal cuts into their bottom line....that has to be made up somewhere. That's just common sense business. We're not defending it, only explaining what some people refuse to acknowledge will happen. Nothing is free....there is always a price.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    The time it takes them to make what goes into the stabilizers isn't free. Nor is the pay of whoever is working on it. Or multiple whoever's. No one can say what their profit margins are but them. Maybe they're as greedy as some players say they are. Maybe 80% of the employees drive to work in rusted out Tercels. We do not know.

    Some players believe that the game makes enough profits to buy the devs their own yachts while some probably picture them in a bathtub playing with a rubber Superducky. Whatever the case, all we can do is ask and see what happens. No need to fight amongst ourselves over difference of opinion.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Well then, why not 10 a day? or just make TCs free to open for members? Those would be way better perks than 1 a day. I'd guarantee you'd pick up a lot of subs with that change too. You'd lose a LOT of stabilizer sales, but hey...I'm fine with that free stuff mo better! Most people I know in game (now granted I don't know everyone) will spend 20-40 bucks in stabilizers every few months...max. You'd get 2x that much (90 in 3 months) for free. The only way you'd need to continue spending much money on TCs is if the drop rates were pushed even further downward....that's the problem.

    And technically stabilizers are worthless, it's the TCs that you open with them that are the 'product' and those to take money to make. I'm sure the devs enjoy being paid for designing and implementing them and their managers or project leads that oversee the development probably like to pay their bills as much as the guy at the Oreo factory. And whether or not other games make money off sub only, also makes no difference. Unless you have not been watching over the last 4-5 years, the trend in THIS game has been to micro transactions being the primary source of income....not subs. Free stabilizers cut directly into that. They already DID make money solely off subs or 1 time DLC purchases, for the first few years of the FTP model....they obviously make more money with the new direction, otherwise TCs and Artis would have fizzled out after a few years vs ramping up as they have.

    For the record, I do think members should get more. 1 every 2 days or maybe putting frags in Prom boxes or give us 4 or 5 in our monthly grant, but to think it won't come with strings attached is probably short sighted.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hey...picture Mepps in a bathtub on your own time. Don't plant that image in my head.
    Ugh....too late
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  7. Dwild Well-Known Player

    Question though...if members get a stabilizer a day and are locked out of the Stab event...what do the alts get? They would have to just put 1 stabilizer per account, which is ok...but frankly stabilizers are an incentive to subscribe now. DBG isn't all that likely to give more the saying goes, "You may not always get what you pay for, but you will always pay for what you get."
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Stabilizers are already account bound. What would be the difference? The Nth metal?
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  9. myandria Item Storage

    OH MY!

    If members could run the stabilizer event with AND get the 1 stabilizer a day, that would be 9 stabilizers a week for just one character. Add alts and player with 10 characters (for example) could stockpile 21 stabilizers a week (2 per day per character + the one gift stabilizer) and never, ever have to buy stabilizers again as long as they continued their membership. Now, if the stabilizers were not sold in the marketplace and that income not needed for this game, then giving members more access to stabilizers would make sense. However, this is not the case and 21 stabilizers a week would definitely cut into the profit margins, as 21 free stabilizers is the cost of 20 stabilizer pack plus one single stabilizer in the marketplace. How would the devs make up that loss?

    "Devil's Advocate Hat: ACTIVATE!"

    There would be no reason to have alts run the stabilizer event, as the 7 stabilizers a week would equal to 7 free time capsules a week. Allowing member's alts to run the stabilizer event (2 extra stabilizers a week) as well as the 1 free stabilizer a day for members is double dipping, and that is a no no; it must be one or the other, not both.

    "Devil's Advocate Hat: DEACTIVATE!"
  10. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    Oatmeal raisin cookies please!
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  11. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

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  12. Brit Loyal Player

    I think the more prevailing thought isn't about getting something for free. It's about paying money, and receiving something sufficient enough that it feels worth the money paid.

    Technically McDonalds can say "Your value meal is worth $5 because you get all this stuff as a bundle. A $1 burger, a $1 fries, a $1 drink, but then you also get this paper bag, this pile of napkins, these packets of ketchup and salt, this disposable straw, and this paper receipt, and all of those items total up to an additional $2, so you're getting your money's worth."

    Except many customers would disagree. No matter how much those napkins cost McDonalds, the customer never, ever would have gone to the restaurant and paid one cent for Napkins. That was not what they were interested in. Including it in the bundle does not mean that it actually holds value in the eyes of the customer.

    The DCUO Legendary bundle includes many things that many customers do not recognize as having value. "Hey, you get 16 character slots... but the game is super unfriendly towards alts, so you will not actually be able to play 16 characters. Hey, you get daily vault trips... but you already have all of those styles, the attunable gear is a downgrade, it includes only a single Mark of Victory instead of an actual gear relevant mark, and the headache of deleting all of those no-trade no-sell drops makes it more annoying than it's worth. Hey, you get to unlimited access to old episodes... except it's been Open Episodes for like a year, so everybody is getting those for free. Why am I being charged for something that everybody else gets for free?"

    So much of the Legendary Bundle feels like Napkins, to the point where many subscribers feel like they can accomplish more by spending the same $15 a la carte. Sure, you'll get less total stuff, but you'll get more of what you actually want and use.

    Recieving additional Stabilizers isn't about asking for something for free. It's about asking for the Subscription to hold enough value that it's worth the money.

    Since the FTP model was introduced, I have always spoken out about how inappropriate it is that we can pay hundreds of dollars in subscription to rent DLC, while Premium players pay a small one-time fee and get to keep them forever.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Good analogy. So under the happy meal, where the hard goods are those $1 items, (don't forget the toy), $5 for the box is kind of bad as almost 50% of the payment is for the 'fluff'. Let's look at legendary.
    We get $5 worth DBC/Loyalty, we get about $5 worth of Replays and we get 4 extra stabilizers a month (Member vs Premium), assuming you ran all 30 days. So that's $14 out of the $15.99 or whatever (I never pay monthly). So the Fluff just has to make up for about $2 worth, about 15% of the total value....I'd guess we get $2 worth of return on the fluff items like prom boxes, extra vault runs (both give source), and cash access. I get more really as I normally buy the year membership which is roughly $10 a my happy meal costs about the same as the $3 worth of burger/fry/drink....the toy and napkins are a bonus.

    So the request to add 18 stabilizers (we get 12 a month today....30 if we got 1 per day...again assuming daily runs) would add $18 value to the already $14 worth in our happy meal already, meaning you'd get $32 hard goods for your $15.99 purchase and that's before 'coupons' like buying a 6 or 12 months sub. Now I'm no McUniversity graduate, but I'd guess if happy meals came with 4 hamburgers, 4 fries and 2 cokes + the toy for $5, Ronald would be living at the flop house.

    Again, no one is saying we can't(and shouldn't) get a bit more. With open eps basically negating one of the 'spiffs' we've been sold, it would be nice if something took it's place. Could the membership have maybe $18-$20 worth of hard goods? Sure, then the fluff items would be fine on top of that. But giving out $32 worth of items (that would otherwise mean loss of sales) for $15.99 (or $10 for some) is just a bad business decision. 2.5 as many stabilizers is not 'a bit''s 'a lot'.
  14. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

  15. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    That would be a nice incentive to for subs, if not 1 a day maybe 2 a week would be great
  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    U cant add alts because alts cant run the stabilizer instance if any 1 toon on the acct already has unless they replay it. Your math is based on multiple toons running it thats flawwed sorry
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    We already get just short of 3 a week (6x7=42 42/15=2.8 per week). 2 would be a drop from current, although if given in whole chucks via grant it would mean you don't need to run every day to maximize the benefit...however (and we don't see them often) a grant would mean we would not get to take advantage of the 5x fragments weeks.
  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I've been meaning to post here for a while. Looking at an the information in the probability thread of my signature, one stabilizer a day (as a reward from the stabilizer event if it continues to be a thing, not in addition to it) still wouldn't guarantee you to finish a time capsule before the next one drops without buying stabilizers or trading/using the broker. An unweighted distribution of collection pieces (meaning all pieces have the same chance to drop) would on average need 150 TC opens to get all 36 collection pieces as drops (so 150 days of free stabilizers under the op's suggestion), and we usually get a new TC every 2-3 months (60-90 days). The actual collection pieces have different drop chances though, and you may very well need to open more than 150 TCs for the average drop of the rarest collection.

    So this would really come down to economics and player behavior. Giving away more for free likely reduces the income from those currently spending lots of money (though they could continue to spend the same and just have more to trade or sell on the broker), but it also puts the "end" closer to reach for many players that may be enticed to spend to finish off the TC. So they would likely weigh the potential lost revenue from one group of players against the potential gain from another.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See, I'm assuming the same thing. Anyone who thinks they can finish any ONE of the collections off of 30 (even 90) stabilizers is either delusional or crazy lucky. Finish all 3? Not possible. So to me, I see people buying less Stablizers across the board. Gamblers who normally buy 100's would still probably buy the same amount, but people who only occasionally buy some will likely fall off completely or drop their occasional purchase to 'rare' purchase of a 20 pack. Whereas today when they get their 12 per month and buying a 20 pack increases their stabilizer count by 2.5 or shaves a month and 3 weeks off the wait time for 20 'free' ones, buying an additional 20 on top of the 30 they get for free doesn't increase their odds as much and only cuts the wait time for free ones to 3 weeks. I have bought and would buy a stabilizer pack only if I had some loyalties lying around OR they had the 40 for $25 bucks pack. I can tell you if my 'free' stabilizers went up by nearly 3x I'd probably never buy another one. And I'd like to believe I'm one of the ones in the majority and the 200+ TC openers are the odd ducks.

    I do think you'd see more subs though....however, as each sub kind of 'loses' $10 in revenue already with replays and Loyalty/DBC grants, I'd doubt it would pay off with enough subs to cover the lost stab sales.

    BTW...I'd guess this equation has already been discussed...and that's why we get 6 fragments vs 10 or 12 or a full stabilizer.

    Worst case, we get the 30 per month, but the drop rates are dropped lower to compensate and still drive sales....Ick.
  20. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    To all this, it would be worth adding that, with an increase in the number of free stabilizers, each subscriber will also have an increase in the number of quarks, nth metal, marks (all this, although not in large quantities, is guaranteed in every TC) .....
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