Members Play Episode 22's New Kryptonian Storyline Now! Plus, Game Update 57.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Krushasmiff New Player

    Splinter Cell, Yesterday at 5:58 AM #77
    Level 30
    Splinter Cell said: ↑
    “Stuff happens. Deal with it. Unless you know anything about server maintenance, networking, etc. you can keep your "I'm a paying customer" rants to yourself. :rolleyes: We're all in the same boat when the servers go offline, either through hiccups or "hackers" who just DDoS (which isn't really hacking, just stupid stuff), and a lot of us can make our our peace with things being offline for a few hours or even a day. Usually if it's a day, or two, it means a DDoS, and we're usually compensated for that downtime. So chill out, pretty please with a cherry on top. :p

    Ur always gonna find players defending a broken game. Those r the players who r free to play or they just started playing less then a year ago. But most of the time dcuo employees make accounts n pretend to b players n defend the mess ups

    That's all I'm saying. When I decided to subscribe there was no note saying "BTW our games servers go down quite's just part of the business." No business will last that way. If I'm paying, I expect to be able to play, period. Server issues 3 times in a week is a bit much but if this is the norm then maybe my expectations are too high.
  2. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    cant wait
  3. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    so exciting ...are you guys excite d too?
  4. RageLoloer Level 30

  5. RageLoloer Level 30

    I keep lagging
  6. RageLoloer Level 30

    It keeps freezing and crashing