Marvel v DC?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by The Lone Stranger, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

  2. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

  3. Gobbler New Player

    Probably because fox has more money then warner brothers
  4. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    That was so good we needed another, I'm not sure who this chick is but I like her! Although it looks like someone ripped off my toon and made her hair green instead of blue.......hmmmm
    [IMG][IMG] Oh well woman with muscles look so good green I guess I'll let them slide.[IMG]
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  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

  6. Mistress of Magic Well-Known Player

    I don't read comics, but I'll throw this out there:

    DC has some cool superheroes (from what I've seen in the JLU) but their back stories in the comics are "meh" (or there are like 10 back stories for ONE character). I like the movie versions of Batman and the latest Superman character :)

    edit: I guess part of what I mean is..DC has ICONIC characters - I mean Batman? Superman? WW? They're what laymen like me think of when we think of superheroes. :p
  7. Dametria Loyal Player

    Keeping with Mont & Mint's green lovelies theme...

    Also...Amazon' two personal favorites :p
  8. Zuse Loyal Player

    WW needs to put on some meat on that pic
  9. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

  10. Mont New Player

    OR maybe just maybe it is the other way u did the shhulkie with blue hair?
    i did it myself, but then i noticed to many beautiful greens around, deleted n went origanal lol
  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    what ever game has create your own hero and has the better character creation!
  12. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    While I am a She Hulk fan, Mint isn't a Shulkie clone, I just didn't want a white chick, I tried many colors of skin and green just looked the best. Red is pretty cool too, my vil girlie is dark red, blues and purples just don't look right for some reason tho. I may be a racist,none of my toons are white.:p
  13. Mont New Player

    i find black skin, red eyes n hood of anykind is cool, just depends on mood, what i create in pre game mode at a whim, generaly changes due to boredom
  14. LL New Player

    As a retailer at the time when they decided to have Peter hitch hiking in Utah, and Ben riely being the real spider man killed my sales. It was so bad....glad the story worked for u though..,:)...I had bills to pay.

    As for the four reboot u forgot about, no what came before did not stick. Cap at that time was gaining readers every month, I was even reading it. They scrapped it all for the artist reboot. My cap sales went to to near zero.

    I only ask about when u read xmen as u flaunted u liked them before they were cool. The only time they were not cool was during the 60s. The series was cancelled,and the back end of issues were reprints.
    If u read them during the 60's u claim what u said other then that, yeah let it go.

    I will give u that there are a lot of bat family books. However they seem to have a separate vibe. X books always seem too force me to read them all to get the full story. I am not talking crossovers.
    Also I have to say maybes they learned how marvel has milked the x name...because back in the day it was 4 bat books, and over 10 x books to get the full story.

    Not even going into the lantern thing. I will say this GL and Flash were my faves growing up. GL as a series always got canceled. Now GL is up where it should of been all along. :)

    Storyline was beyond dumb...but to each their own...long live what if.

    Spider-Man is Peter...that's it on that...

    Again just my two cents :)
  15. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I Was talking about when peter first fought his clone. Long before the name Ben Reilly was even imagined.

    As for what did or didn't stick...

    Didn't Cap fight in WWII, as shown in the old Captain America and Invaders books?
    Didn't he get frozen in ice, and was revived by the Avengers, becoming an Avenger himself?
    My point as in what came before: Everything I read about Cap BEFORE still happened.
    (admittedly Spidey's deal with the devil to make his identity secret again was a bit forced)

    Wasn't a guy named Wally West involved in part of the Blackest Night series?
    So, the stories we read are no longer valid.

    What happened to the time Batman died and everyone learned that he was actually Police Commisoner Bruce Wayne, so they were able to guess who his daughter (Helena Wayne: The Huntress) and his ward (Dick Grayson: Robin) were.
    How many reboots ago was that?

    So, now...
    Heroes have been around about 5 years only...
    Batman went through how many sidekicks?
    He can apparently train a world-class martial artist in less than a year. (I'm talking able to take on multiple black belts at once skill-levels here!)
    How old was Richard Grayson when he Bruce said, "I like the tight buns on that little acrobat! I think I'll invite him to stay at my house!"

    ANY history is gone. Any logic has been lost.
    Batman is NOT human, no matter how he lies.
    There's no way he could impart that kind of skill so quickly without somekind of mutant teaching ability.
  16. LL New Player

    Very true...however do u know their end game?
  17. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    what do you mean, end game?
  18. melvinpox Devoted Player


    I hate mutants.
    I love lanterns.
    I love universe reboots.
    I love Aquaman.
    I hate Deadpool.

    I love pie as well, but that exists in both universes.
  19. ADG New Player

    I would run with DC. I love many of Marvel's story-lines. But DC gives me the clear line of right and wrong, good and evil I like to see. It's more up front.

    Marvel has more realistic moral dilemmas. I think I relate to those in a much more raw sense and want an escape from that. I will always cherish my Marvel Comics, but I have grown more with DC and it's mythology.
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  20. DrewCheech New Player

    No love lost with DC, but I would love to see a Marvel version of this game.
    How epic would the Spider Man 2 engine for web swinging be in DCU as a movement ability?
    Or that one Spider Man game where Venom could jump like super high and far.
    That's just a small example I know, but I think it's cool
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