Love Conquers All: The 2016 Valentine's Day Event!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. Alberto7730 New Player

    Hay alguna manera de matar a míster frio siendo nivel 12?
  2. Alitain1 Well-Known Player

    So am I the only one who spent a lot of time getting platinum on the Valentine's race only to realize the emblem was a rose that was previously received(where, I can't remember been too long)? Haha, man I felt foolish yesterday. Spent so much time on that bloody race trying to beat the platinum time. I did, got like 1:53 something so just barely(the time was 1:55). And then go to base, check my mail and...already have the Rose emblem, sheesh! Silly me, should've just gone online and checked what the Romance Emblem entailed before wasting the time.

    Anyway, event is going along fine. My main only needs three style pieces which is good, not sure if I'll bother on all my other toons though since I've only just gotten back to playing some after awhile off. I might use my toons to buy up the base pieces for the feat, we'll see. Especially if they do eventually get it so styles are unlocked across all toons. I will say I had a tough time with the boss battle yesterday on my two characters I did it with. Both cases I ended up in an all dps group and died a couple times before succeeding. Not horrible, just a bit time consuming. The goons are definitely annoying, and I feel like I spend most of the battle being tossed around or having to break out of stuns which is annoying. But oh well.
  3. GryphonScream New Player

    it"s not hard to get a platinum medal on that easy little race!
  4. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Any word on when this is over?
  5. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    not sure, anyone know??
  6. Ghoul Well-Known Player

    when is the next new episode comes out?
  7. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Umm... It says it right there in the picture of Mepps' first post back on Page 1 of this thread... :rolleyes:
  8. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Not everyone is good at races. For example while I usually platinum it everytime my brother can barely manage a bronze or silver.

    The races are all about memorization and this one includes balloons that either give you a boost or slow you down.
  9. Ghoul Well-Known Player

  10. Alberto7730 New Player

    Gracias a todos por vuestra rápida respuesta
  11. GryphonScream New Player

    I suck at races, but I found that that's the easiest race in game for me. Hence my comment.