Livestream Recap: Booster Bundle Auras and Bonus Ancient Coin Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, Dec 12, 2016.

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  1. Dexella Communications Manager

    If you tuned in on Monday, December 12, 2016, you already have an idea of the exciting upcoming events and additions to DCUO to wrap up the holiday season. If you missed the stream… well, if we were feeling villainous, we’d say too bad. But we’re in a giving mood this time of year, so here’s the replay:

    Want a quick read-through of what was discussed? Here’s the list:



    The best way to stock up on key Marketplace consumables is back, with the all-new Killer Frost’s Cold Shoulder Aura and SEVEN new best-of Booster Bundle Aura variants. Here’s the full list:

    • Killer Frost’s Cold Shoulder Aura
    • Green Solar Aura
    • Prismatic Solar Aura
    • Pink Radiant Aura
    • White Smoke Aura
    • Dark Blue Nimbus Aura
    • Light Green Plasmic Aura
    • Blue Vapor Aura


    What’s this? It says “Do Not Open Until December 15th.” Well, we better just leave that there for now… but come back soon and see what we’ve unlocked in the Marketplace…



    Get into the holiday spirit this weekend with bonus Ancient Coins in Episode 27: Amazon Fury Part III! There’s never been a better time to sink your teeth into the new Episode. This weekend, you’ll earn 50% more Ancient Coins as you complete content! The event kicks off on Friday, December 16, 2016 and will run through the weekend, wrapping up on Sunday, December 18, 2016.

    Reminder: Episode 27 is not included in Open Episodes. It is immediately available to Members, or you can purchase is in the Marketplace!
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  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    SUPER GREAT!!!!!!
  3. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Any word on the holiday gift for legendary members we've gotten every year ?
  4. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i hope u wont be disappointed about the sales on upcoming Booster Bundle, u know the rare aura is a power specific one, not everyone will want to have it plus looks more like wings which sucks on superspeed and acrobatic movements,add to that that ppl may be still mad about the amazon time capsules ...

    I still believe in Booster Bundle its just this one is very specific.
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  5. TuniKs Level 30

    so we getting 1.5 coins of 1 coin reward?
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  6. EconoKnight XIII Legion

  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    This is great. I really like the common variants, so this bundle is a winner!
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i wonder how the 50% increase on acient coins will work out , i get it for raids its 15 instead of 10 but how do u get 1.5 solo or 4.5 coins for alert ? new tech ?
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  9. Ichiro Loyal Player

    so how does 50% more coins work on content that only drops 1 coin? does it round up or do we get 1 1/2 coins?
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  10. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I think you underestimate how many players have Ice mains and alts, and how much it will go for in the broker. Also, form what I've seen the majority of the player use flight as a movement.
  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    thats exactly why it came as an ice style
  12. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Does the bb come out when the holiday sale starts?
  13. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And OF COURSE the only one I would want is the rarest, which means that no matter how many Boo$ter Bundle$ I buy, I'll never get one! :mad:

    So, yeah... thanks for that! :p
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  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    So the coin thing, we get 1.5 coins from the duo or solo? Or 4.5 coins from the alert? And if we end up with say 110.5 coins that is gonna be super annoying to never be able to get rid of that half coin. I know the announcement says 50% more coins but there are no details. I will never understand why the details are left out or not explained so people can understand whats exactly happening. Please post the details of this when u can, thanks :)
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  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I'd like to add my voice to those questioning what effect (if any) the 'Extra Coins Promotion' will have on those quests/instances that grant only one coin.

    Thanks for any insight!
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  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Very nice, very nice indeed
  17. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Well at least I'll be farming the raids, maybe even try Elite, but gotta wait for the MP sales before getting a BB. I wish we had a "Omnipotent Collections" weekend also, without using trading or buying (mostly buying) it's hard getting the pieces.
  18. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    I can see it now...
    "Cold shoulder aura in broker now 175mil cheapest!"
  19. Helderman Dedicated Player

    I really hope these auras are tradable, because I'm not going to waste my money in an item I can't even transfer to my alts. This would be worse than RNG.
  20. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I doubt they will change the BB formula, they should all be tradeable and thus will give some folks more ways to earn money (although I doubt any of them will be "cheap" on the broker for the first two weeks.
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